Elite Bloodfalcons

Unit History
Long ago when Dur-Demarion was ruled by the Duke of Darkpine, a group of soldiers sworn to defend the throne began to breed a new kind of warrior. A warrior far more skilled in the art of war than any other man in the realm of Dur-Demarion. Just as this new breed of soldier began to make its claim to glory, a great war came and the throne fell. These Warriors lay dormant for years. Waiting until the time was right to rise from the ashes of the Great War.
After many years, the surviving brothers stood again and began to rebuild their kind from the likes of men with the potential to dominate the fields in any and all kingdoms that dared to let them. With the new beginning the names of Ivan Darkspear, Lord Onyx, Rand'althor and Rache' Kallmirsson of the Renshai rose as quickly as did the legend of their prowess in battle. Now there are over thirty of these mighty warriors in the realms of the world, where as in the beginning there were only four of these ......ELITE BLOODFALCONS. Now as the evolution continues there are rumors of experiments being performed on and with these Elite fighters, see the The Galin Project and coming soon the The Usal Project previously known as the Nemesis Project.
The EBF is also part of the larger unit known as the Triad, along with Brotherhood of the Falcon and Dark Angels combining the units into the Triad brings together the most talented fighters and party animals in the sport of foam fighting under one name.
... and Achilles is a Hufflepuff...

Full Members of the Unit
This list is in order of test date, per the Official EBF list.
- Ivan
- Randal'Thor
- Onyx
- Rache
- Rizzen
- Shroom
- Badger
- Uli
- Bageal
- Flame
- Blackhawk
- Shrew
- Granifar
- Turgun
- Dirk
- Galin
- Daryth
- Donal
- Bran
- Usal Khan
- Winfang
- Gabriel
- Skeetnik
- Nolze
- Cedric
- Locutus (Current National Warlord)
- Kaegen
- Spazz
- Rudzok
- Pyre
- Morbian
- Elwrath
- Vokor
- Magnus
- Tenchi
- Pickles
Quel'ThalasVaradin- Scios (Current Master of the List)
- Shy
Collister- Chimera
- Sybion
- Zeldrine
- Adarian
- Beck
- Shiro of EBF
- Turkeyfeathers
- Kobe
- Hobbit
- Achilles
- Braxuss
- Frith
- Talon (Current Master of Arms)
- Argoth
- Grimace
- Robin
- Izzy
- Sethra
- Blair
The EBF have a number of fighters pledging to the Unit, called ABF. ABF stands for Almost Bloodfalcons. The numbers and membership of the ABF is also fluctuating.
Current ABF
- Lance
- T-bird
- Grimmwolf
- Ink
- Vash
- Coach
- Rhuarc
- Shenron
- Batman
- Picklez
- Black
- Steele
- Nos
- Nautilus
- Xaros
- Juggernaut
- Morpheus
- RedCrow
This list in as close to the order in which the members were made Honorary EBF members. Some dates are missing so it cannot be perfect.
- Kyrian Hawksword
- Shadow
- Noonan
- Owen
- Lyric
- Wick
- Belladonna
- Orion
- Carr
- Dopp
- Snotbelly
- Nanga
- Ike
- Necronos
- Talanesea
- Whargoul
- Shaelyn
- Paksha
- Baloo
- Itan
- Dash
- Antoinette
- Kegg
For More Information
Direct all inquiries to Lord Onyx at onyxebf@gmail.com
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