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Those that are between life and death. these are creatures that for one reason or another have become walking corpses. While many are mindless ravenous flesh eaters some are fully conscious and aware of their former lives. For a millennia it was believed that not all races can become certain types of undead for reasons of reincarnation, regeneration, or divine intervention ect. However as time passes and expansion into the necromyc studies of undeath now and terrifying forms of undead have risen from the Void and seek to bring about a new undead uprising that may finally bring these once immune creatures into the endless ranked of the dead.
Those that are between life and death. these are creatures that for one reason or another have become walking corpses. While many are mindless ravenous flesh eaters some are fully conscious and aware of their former lives. Not all races can become certain types of undead for reasons of reincarnation, regeneration, divine intervention ect. However there are exceptions to certain rules in special cases (some races can only be a certain type of undead). Undead types are primarily based on how they were turned or resurrected.
'''Physical Traits:'''
While some physical traits are exclusive to specific types, undead do share a certain amount of qualities:
* All undead humans have grayed skin, or a paler version of their base color for non-humans. '''THIS SHOULD COVER ALL VISIBLE AREAS OF SKIN'''
=Undead History:=
* All undead have darkened eye sockets, giving the impression of being sickly sunken in. this should be in a bruised purple, although black mixes best for pale non-human colors.
* All have varying degrees of decay, ranging from freshly dead to being covered head to toe in flesh wounds and stitches.
* All undead are primarily garbed in tones of; Black, Greys, greens, purples and muted Reds.
'''Note: your garb's decay/tattered appearence should match your levels of Decay. Example: A vampire would have little to no decay on their garb at all.'''
*Coming soon*
'''Personality Traits'''
* All undead allignment ranges from true neutral-chaotic evil, as most good alligned mortals will kill them on sight.
* Resentment toward the living, often thinking of them as objectively inferior and below them on the food chain.
* known for being short tempered often flying into a rage, and berserking on battlefield devouring all in their path.
* Given that most undead are forced to walk the earth until they are murdered, many undead have a very bleek outlook on existence. because of this most undead are incredibly nihilistic, and have often been known to show absolutely no remorse when taking a lives.
* Undead are incredibly sadistic, and have a very morbid sense of humor.
=The Undead Pantheon=
The following are a list of dieties and guardians within the realms of the Void
=Common Undead=
==The Main Gods==
'''Draugr''' - created when humanoid creatures are lost at sea in regions haunted by evil spirits or necromantic effects. The corpses of these drowned sailors cling fiercely to undeath, attacking any living creatures that intrude upon them. Their attacks smear rancid flesh, rotting seaweed, and swaths of vermin on whatever they hit. In the case of draugr who manifest when an entire ship sinks, these undead usually stay with the wreck of their ship. Some draugr may be found under the control of aquatic necromancers, while others may wander the seas as undead pirates aboard ghost ships. Most Draugr are cures with undeath, and can only return to their mortal state if their curse is lifted. In some cases this curse has kept many unlucky sailor close to death, although whether or not this should be considered a good is up for debate. while actually dying is not a requirement to becoming a Draugr, they can still die post undeath if their body is completely destroyed.
'''Draugr Physical Traits'''
*[[Hod|The Void]] - The voice of empty silence itself. The unholy spirit for which our very power flows. For we are the extensions of it's will. While many believe the entities of death and Hod are themselves sperate from the Void this is infact a fallacy. For these three entities act as mind body and spirit of the Void, and only through their unified strength were they able to bring us into being. But make no mistake, the intention of the Void is to eventually return back into itself as the soul entity in existence. So while these extensions of it's will may seem as though they are of separate minds and intentions, they're actually mere parts of a greater whole who's ultimate goal remains to fold onward upon itself as a dying star would and consume all remaining light.
*Draugr are garbed as Vikings Fishermen and Naval Sailors. however their Garb is tattered and bloodied with bits of (fake)seaweed dangling off of it
*Draugr wear undead facepaint (with bits of green for mossy look)
*[[Hod|Death]] - They are known by many names throughout the centuries; The Black King, The Grim Reaper, The Ferryman. They are the physical Embodiment of The Void born within the Material Plane. Their creation was brought about by the first great cleansing of the world's primitive life at the hands of the gods. They acts as The Void's hand, ferrying the souls of the living from one plane to the next as they make their inevitable return to the void. They are the Monarch to many extensions of the Void's command, and figurehead to the undead's sacred right to reap the souls of the living.
*[[Hod]] - The God of Undeath, Herald of the Empty Stars and Harbinger to the Shifting of Ages. Hod was born when the Void called out to [[Hobgoblyns|Phobetues]] in hopes of tricking the Nightmare God into entering his domain and leaving behind a piece of himself that the Void could use as a vessel to create an undead army to seek vengeance upon the forces of light. The being created was known as [[Hod]] and The Void would use his powers to raise the Dark Elders to power and bring about an Undead War that would nearly consume all that lived until the beings of the mortal realm pushed us back to '''The Underdark'''.
'''Wights''' - Spirits and bodies of mighty warriors slain in battle and resurrected by a Necromancy. They are barely recognizable to those who knew them in life; their flesh is twisted by the dark magic that created them, their eyes burn blood-red with hatred, and their teeth and nails become beast-like. The main difference between Wights and other Varieties of undead, is that wights are exclusively born through resurrection by some form of necromancy. Wights do not require the original soul to bind to the body, and malevolent and violent spirits are often in their creation. The first wights were created by [[Hod]] intended as grunt soldiers that would serve under [[Death Knight]]s, though most wights in the Modern Era are created by [[Lich]]es and Necromancers.
'''Wight Physical Traits'''
*[[Silverhelms|Malsaubatris]] - After witnessing the destruction of his world, Malsaubatris was left scarred and obsessed with the very nature of death itself. Many sources imply that he even attempted to usurp the Black King during the Great Djinn War, using undead abominations as soldiers against [[Kael Prime|The Pale Demon]] in attempts to keep the increasingly destructive nature of living beings in check. These creatures were born of condemned spirits twisted by the negative energies within the darkest reaches of the Void and resurrected as foot in the battle for the soul of the planet. But when Death was forced to intervene he had chosen to give the Demon the visage of The Pale Reaper, in hopes that balance would be restored to the natural order and together they banished Malsaubatris from the Void. But the spirits he had weaponizes were given a new purpose when Hod found Malsaubatris’ Memento Mori, and he would in turn use these same spirits to forge his own creations known as “Deathrisen”. While he was once known as a usurper in days long past, today in the Age of Strident Shifts he is known as one of the many key figures in Necromyc religions and an allie to Death, Hod and the Void.
*Unaturally blue eyes
*extreme amounts of decay
*unkept jagged teeth and nails
*Since Wightss were champions of the battlefield, and often wore the garb of their people's warriors: Armor, War Paint, heavy weaponry
*[[Hobgoblyns|Phobettus]] - He is the being which Hod had branched from and is thus regarded as a higher being. However he is also notorious among our kind for his abandonment and disregard for the Abhorrent Wisdoms. For this reason Deathrisen both regard him with respect but not much admiration. However they don't have any particular distain for the Hobben diety, as his most recent act has been tasking the Hobs with helping reclaim our lost heritage. He is seen as more of a formerly malevolent but now dormant force of nature than an enemy or ally. Phobetteus is the only member of the Undead Greater Deities who isn't worshiped by the race but is simply acknowledged his existence to have been a universal truth and an inherent source of their eventual conception.
*[[Tieflings|Zerothas]] - He who Rules the 9000 layers of Hexya.
'''Mummies''' - Former Nobles Emperors kings and pharaohs who have called upon their god to bind their soul to their body after death. Mummies are often tasked by their god with guarding honored tombs or sacred artifacts, only to be freed by death or failure follow their god's task. Most mummies are powerful clerics nobles and monks deeply devoted to the gods that granted them undeath. Mummies are created through a rather lengthy and gruesome embalming process, during which all of the body's major organs are removed and replaced with dried herbs and flowers. After this process, the flesh is anointed with sacred oils and wrapped in purified linens. The ritual is finished when a servent of their god cast a spell to raise the dead. Although most mummies are created merely as guardians and remain loyal to their charge until their destruction, certain powerful mummies have much more free will. Mummies are one of many type of undead that '''HAS''' to have died in order to become one, as the first steps of their ressurrection can only begin post-death.
'''Mummy Physical Traits:'''
*Bandages covering the body head to toe
*nobel/cleric garb
*skeletal facepain with minor patches of rotten flesh.
==Lesser Gods==
While some of theses God may be considered greater dieties to the Living, the races "born" under the hierarchies of the Dead Realms tend to view them more as servants allies or assistants To the gods within their pantheon due to the nature of their job within the Void.
[[Image:Flesh Golems.jpg|thumb|right|]]
*[[Tieflings|Barbatos]] - Guardian to the gateway between the Material Plane and the first Abyssal sect of the Void. Barbatos was once a Primal Force of justice, Naturally when the Void began expanding outward Barbatos was consumed, this caused him to become a twisted version of himself and mutated by the negative energy of the void, taking the form of a large bat like demon with horns resembling that of a crown. He was from then on the force of judgment in the afterlife, tasked to guard the entrance to the 9000 Layers of Hexa. Because he is still a Primal Force he is too powerful to be fought like Sifu. Instead he sits in front of the entrance judging the souls of those who seek entry. If the Void should deem them worthy they would be granted entry without harm. Those who would not, would be thrown to the same plane of punishment as those who would sell their souls to Demons and Devils, to eventually be recycled into '''Ba'al 'Krynn''' soldiers during the Undead War. Those souls are now building in power awaiting their return to the material plane.
'''Flesh Golem''' - A ghoulish collection of stolen humanoid body parts, stitched together into a single composite form and brought to life. The golem wears whatever clothing its creator desires, usually just a ragged pair of trousers. A flesh golem can speak the language of it's creator, though it is often Monstrous and disjointed. It walks and moves with a stiff-jointed gait, as if not in complete control of its body.
'''Flesh Golem Physical Traits'''
*[[Baulk]] - a goblyn demon who stands over the gateway between the exit to the [[River of Souls]] and the entrance back to the Material Plane. At one point Death had a deep contempt for the [[Goblyn]] race, for they had been given the ability to be reincarnated from the realms of death without consequence and therefore live without fear or respect of it. But this changed after baulk's Betrayal. Now that he exist to weaken on the soul of every Goblyn who passed through these waters. Death allowed Baulk to remain in this realm because he felt his endless torment was a fitting punishment for his attempts at godhood and the Goblyns who had long evaded his grasp.
*Body Stitching from head to toe
*Clothing douced in blood and torn to shreds.
*[[Sifu]] - Guardian to the gateway between the Material Plane and the River of Souls. She has 6 arms and is known for her fighting prowess and undying will. She was cursed to protect the entrance after slaying the previous guard while attempting to venture through the undead realms and into the River of Souls to hunt down and kill Baulk.
=Undead Ranks=
=Undead Titles & Traditions=
Most Undead recognize three titles that go back to the very beginnings of the race.  They are:
*[[Death Knight]]s
'''[[Death Knight]]s''' - (To Be Added)
'''[[Lich King]]s''' - wisemen and sages among the undead. Liches act as witchdoctors and warlocks do with most other monster races, and work to spread ans preserve the sanctity of their culture and history.
=Recognized Units Tribes & Houses=
*[[The Lost]]
*[[The Grey Ghost]]
'''Demi-Lich'''- (To Be Added)
==Other Relevant Pages and Resources==
*[[The Lost Codex]]
*[[Water Goblyns]]
*[[Void Trolls]]
*[[Baulk's Betrayal]]
*[[Gulp Meets Death]]
==Known Undead:==
[[Jak Calavera]]- [[Tiefling]] [[Lich King]]
[[Mazael]]- [[Necromancer]]
[[Blickwolfe]] -  [[Necromancer]]
[[Bilgewater Bones]]- [[Werewolf]] Draugr
[[Joshua Hawkins]]- [[Khajiit]] Draugr
[[Crunch]]- [[Khajiit]] Draugr
[[Davy Jones]]- Draugr
[[Grogdog Gonzo]]- Draugr
[[Titania]]- Minotaur Draugr
[[Patches O'Ghoulihan]]- Wight
Bink of Sword Coast- Wight
[[Lejir Embara]]- Flesh Golem
[[Hrothgar]]- Wraith

Latest revision as of 18:35, 13 January 2024

Those that are between life and death. these are creatures that for one reason or another have become walking corpses. While many are mindless ravenous flesh eaters some are fully conscious and aware of their former lives. For a millennia it was believed that not all races can become certain types of undead for reasons of reincarnation, regeneration, or divine intervention ect. However as time passes and expansion into the necromyc studies of undeath now and terrifying forms of undead have risen from the Void and seek to bring about a new undead uprising that may finally bring these once immune creatures into the endless ranked of the dead.


[edit] Undead History:

  • Coming soon*

[edit] The Undead Pantheon

The following are a list of dieties and guardians within the realms of the Void

[edit] The Main Gods

  • The Void - The voice of empty silence itself. The unholy spirit for which our very power flows. For we are the extensions of it's will. While many believe the entities of death and Hod are themselves sperate from the Void this is infact a fallacy. For these three entities act as mind body and spirit of the Void, and only through their unified strength were they able to bring us into being. But make no mistake, the intention of the Void is to eventually return back into itself as the soul entity in existence. So while these extensions of it's will may seem as though they are of separate minds and intentions, they're actually mere parts of a greater whole who's ultimate goal remains to fold onward upon itself as a dying star would and consume all remaining light.
  • Death - They are known by many names throughout the centuries; The Black King, The Grim Reaper, The Ferryman. They are the physical Embodiment of The Void born within the Material Plane. Their creation was brought about by the first great cleansing of the world's primitive life at the hands of the gods. They acts as The Void's hand, ferrying the souls of the living from one plane to the next as they make their inevitable return to the void. They are the Monarch to many extensions of the Void's command, and figurehead to the undead's sacred right to reap the souls of the living.
  • Hod - The God of Undeath, Herald of the Empty Stars and Harbinger to the Shifting of Ages. Hod was born when the Void called out to Phobetues in hopes of tricking the Nightmare God into entering his domain and leaving behind a piece of himself that the Void could use as a vessel to create an undead army to seek vengeance upon the forces of light. The being created was known as Hod and The Void would use his powers to raise the Dark Elders to power and bring about an Undead War that would nearly consume all that lived until the beings of the mortal realm pushed us back to The Underdark.
  • Malsaubatris - After witnessing the destruction of his world, Malsaubatris was left scarred and obsessed with the very nature of death itself. Many sources imply that he even attempted to usurp the Black King during the Great Djinn War, using undead abominations as soldiers against The Pale Demon in attempts to keep the increasingly destructive nature of living beings in check. These creatures were born of condemned spirits twisted by the negative energies within the darkest reaches of the Void and resurrected as foot in the battle for the soul of the planet. But when Death was forced to intervene he had chosen to give the Demon the visage of The Pale Reaper, in hopes that balance would be restored to the natural order and together they banished Malsaubatris from the Void. But the spirits he had weaponizes were given a new purpose when Hod found Malsaubatris’ Memento Mori, and he would in turn use these same spirits to forge his own creations known as “Deathrisen”. While he was once known as a usurper in days long past, today in the Age of Strident Shifts he is known as one of the many key figures in Necromyc religions and an allie to Death, Hod and the Void.
  • Phobettus - He is the being which Hod had branched from and is thus regarded as a higher being. However he is also notorious among our kind for his abandonment and disregard for the Abhorrent Wisdoms. For this reason Deathrisen both regard him with respect but not much admiration. However they don't have any particular distain for the Hobben diety, as his most recent act has been tasking the Hobs with helping reclaim our lost heritage. He is seen as more of a formerly malevolent but now dormant force of nature than an enemy or ally. Phobetteus is the only member of the Undead Greater Deities who isn't worshiped by the race but is simply acknowledged his existence to have been a universal truth and an inherent source of their eventual conception.
  • Zerothas - He who Rules the 9000 layers of Hexya.

[edit] Lesser Gods

While some of theses God may be considered greater dieties to the Living, the races "born" under the hierarchies of the Dead Realms tend to view them more as servants allies or assistants To the gods within their pantheon due to the nature of their job within the Void.

  • Barbatos - Guardian to the gateway between the Material Plane and the first Abyssal sect of the Void. Barbatos was once a Primal Force of justice, Naturally when the Void began expanding outward Barbatos was consumed, this caused him to become a twisted version of himself and mutated by the negative energy of the void, taking the form of a large bat like demon with horns resembling that of a crown. He was from then on the force of judgment in the afterlife, tasked to guard the entrance to the 9000 Layers of Hexa. Because he is still a Primal Force he is too powerful to be fought like Sifu. Instead he sits in front of the entrance judging the souls of those who seek entry. If the Void should deem them worthy they would be granted entry without harm. Those who would not, would be thrown to the same plane of punishment as those who would sell their souls to Demons and Devils, to eventually be recycled into Ba'al 'Krynn soldiers during the Undead War. Those souls are now building in power awaiting their return to the material plane.
  • Baulk - a goblyn demon who stands over the gateway between the exit to the River of Souls and the entrance back to the Material Plane. At one point Death had a deep contempt for the Goblyn race, for they had been given the ability to be reincarnated from the realms of death without consequence and therefore live without fear or respect of it. But this changed after baulk's Betrayal. Now that he exist to weaken on the soul of every Goblyn who passed through these waters. Death allowed Baulk to remain in this realm because he felt his endless torment was a fitting punishment for his attempts at godhood and the Goblyns who had long evaded his grasp.
  • Sifu - Guardian to the gateway between the Material Plane and the River of Souls. She has 6 arms and is known for her fighting prowess and undying will. She was cursed to protect the entrance after slaying the previous guard while attempting to venture through the undead realms and into the River of Souls to hunt down and kill Baulk.

[edit] Undead Titles & Traditions

Most Undead recognize three titles that go back to the very beginnings of the race. They are:

[edit] Recognized Units Tribes & Houses

[edit] Other Relevant Pages and Resources

Pages in category "Undead"

The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.

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