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Argent at Spring Wars 2013

Mundane Name: Joshua Dusek

Fighting Name: Argent Drakesoul the Generous

Realm(s): Tir Asleen, Barter Town

Fighting Since: 2008

Unit: House Hellhammer -- Barreler

Weapons of Choice: Sword and Shield, Min Red Sword

Squiring to Sir Dameon

War Council Representative for Tir Asleen

Events Attended:

  • Melcaorme '09, '13
  • Armageddon '09, '13
  • Wolfpack Opener '10, '13
  • Spring Wars '10, '12, '13
  • Oktoberfest '11, '12
  • Field Day '12, '13
  • Rhun in June '12, '13
  • Sand Plains Opener '12
  • Rhun Closah '12
  • Mux Mayhem '13
  • Chaos Wars XVI '13
  • Kill, Grill, and Chill '13

Served a term in Afghanistan and is now back into fighting.

Horde shaman worked their magic and turned him into an ork. Don't ask how because were not sure how it happened either, the spell was supposed to kill him. It believed he was so drunk the spell already thought he was dead. shrug. HORDE WIN!!!

Funny facts

His armor has been to more events than he has. This armor has a thing for members of the Horde, and while he was busy overseas, the pretty piece of (now quite smelly) brig spent its' lonely days in battles with many monsters; including a hat troll, hobgoblyn, an ogre, and atleast four different goblyns. Whether Argent may actually get his armor back is yet to be seen.

Argent's shoulder armor.

He did, comments how it smells bad all the time


Solasmahr Tir was home to the part-time blacksmith, part-time warrior named Argent Drakesoul. Here he lived and worked in relative peace for much of his life. He was part of the local standing army and trained with many others, including his close friend Lupin, in order to protect his loved ones from harms. He lived in Solasmahr Tir for many years, before venturing out into the world to fight a war on a land over the sea. He and Lupin spent nine long months; they fought in a war to defend those that they loved back home, to defend those who could not defend themselves. Argent retuned different then when he left, the world was no longer the same in his eyes. He returned to find his home, the place where he lived and worked, in ruins. He searched for his home, and tried to rebuild, he wanted to find others that he could train with, in order to keep his skill sharp, in the chance that he would be called away to defend his land once more. After much searching, he found the city of Tir Asleen. It was not far, but also not close to his home in Solasmahr Tir. He would travel once every seven days to fight and train with the warriors that called Tir Asleen home.

The land which outsiders call Eriador is where you will find both the hamlet of Solasmahr Tir and the city of Tir Asleen. Eriador is considered the land of monsters, for here you will find few humans. Argent Draksoul is one of the few humans who resided in the land of Eriador. He has made peace with many of the monster beings that also call Eriador home. He is close friends with the one they call Troll, a chaos troll who claims the town of Nan Belegorn home. He is also friendly with a number of other monsters who live around him. He seems unfazed by their chaotic nature.

Growing up, Argent always wanted to be a knight of the land of Eriador. He had dreams of being Sir Argent Drakesoul one day, and he did all he could to achieve that goal. He was first squired to a knight of Eriador, Sir Xipher the Oakheart. This squireship started well for Argent, but after time started to lack proper structure and goals. During his travels to the town of Nan Belegorn he has met the one called Ugar Ahlschwede, another monster, who was, and still is, on the path to knighthood. Argent got to know Ahlschwede and slowly also got to know his knight, Sir Dameon Orcenfol. Both Ahlschwede and Dameon were beings of chaos, members of House Hellhammer and part of a very well known line of knights. After some time Argent was approached by Sir Dameon, who has heard from his squire of the situation Argent was in with his squireship, and asked if he would considered transferring his squireship from Sir Xipher, to Sir Dameon. Argent spent some days thinking on the idea, and then decided that it would be in his best interest to transfer his squireship to Sir Dameon. He felt that it would be more fulfilling and that he would come away from it much better prepared to be a knight, to be Sir Argent Draksoul. Little did he know that soon he would also be one of the beings of chaos. The beings clad in gold, black and burgundy are found across the land of Eriador. House Hellhammer, the house of chaos. Argent has found himself at home amongst the followers of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, and Tzeentch. He was brought into the fold by Troll, and Troll will guide him though the process. His knight, Sir Dameon Orcenfol, and friend Ahlschwede were also members of the house of chaos. He now proudly wears the gold and black of Hell Hammer, and follows the Chaos God Tzeentch. His story is not over, a new chapter is just beginning, and we will see what it brings for Argent Drakesoul.

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