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Revision as of 15:12, 11 June 2011 by Winter (Talk | contribs)

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Winter at BftR III.
Real Name: Matthew DiSabatino
Realm: Andor
Unit: none
Started Fighting: June 2010
Fighting Styles: Sword and board,Florentine



Winter is a San Diego native who joined Belegarth in June of 2010. He has been sword fighting in different forms, off and on, for well over a decade. Despite living less than a block away from the Andor training field, it took him almost a year to walk down the street and check out the "sword fighting thing" his roommate kept mentioning. After watching one practice, he was hooked, and has come back every week since.

Much to his surprise, at the end of November 2010, Winter was elected Arch-Herald of Andor, taking over when Aizen stepped down to start his own Realm in Chula Vista, California.


In his mundane life, Winter is a Systems Administrator for a local spray lubricant company that almost everyone has heard of. He spends his day telling servers what to do, and his nights learning to program. Some day he hopes to spend his days programming, and his nights learning to program even better. He's married, but doesn't have any children, and his his wife knows to humor him when he gets that slightly manic, excited look in his eyes when he starts a new hobby. His current obsession with foam- and armorsmithing has turned his garage into a chaotic workshop, but has yet to produce more than a few very interesting prototypes.

In addition to hitting people with padded sticks, Winter's other hobbies include:

  • Learning how to hit people with his hands and feet as a student of [Bak Fu Pai Kung Fu].
  • Home Brewing and Distilling (I'll bring some to the next Chaos, I promise).

On the Field

As a new foam fighter, Winter is still really rough around the edges, but learning quickly. In past fighting lives, he fought almost exclusively single sword style (be it shinai, Rapier, or Foil), but has picked Sword and Board as his primary fighting style for Belegarth (although Florentine still has a special place in his heart). Under the tutelage of fighters such as Yuri, Aizen, Fideal, and Outis, Winter is learning to be a fast, strategic, hit-and-run fighter. Drawing on the very close-quarters fighting style of [Bak Fu Pai Kung Fu], Winter's goal is to be an aggressive, in-close, in-your-face fighter.

Someday he'll get around to learning some other styles, particularly Sword and Board ...but that's mostly just because he hates being shot with arrows.

Winter finally got tired of being shot with arrows and injuring his hands while fighting glaives. He now fights Sword and Board almost exclusively.

Events Attended

Anduril's Battle for The Ring III - 2011 Battle of Andor II - 2011

Contact Information

Email: Contact
Realm Website: [] (registered but not built yet!)

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