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Real Name: T.J.

Started Fighting: 2005

Realm: The Lowlands

Unit: Pack One "Currently Unnamed"

Fighting Style: Sword and board, or archery.

Favored Weapons: Turbo Club


Events Attended

Winter War 06
Beltaine XII
Camp Bleeding Hollow


Coming soon...

Real Life

TeeDge's real name is TJ; he is twenty-two years old, married, has a son, and another child due in July. He goes to school at Seminole Community College majoring in network security and is an ambulance (M997) driver in the Marine Reserves. When he's not beating people with foam swords he likes to surf.

TJ founded The Lowlands on December 31, 2005 with intentions to expand Belegarth's presence in Florida; however, the realm dissolved in his absence. Now that he is available, he is currently starting from scratch.


IKE of Wolfpack
Izareth of the Horde
Sir Freyson of the Southern Marches

Contact TeeDge

Phone: (407) 416-5842
AIM: BreakRyder
E-mail: BreakRyder@aol.com
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/wilkening

Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman