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Hobgoblin shaman.jpgElemental Heptagon.jpgSkull-insect.jpgNight mare fen.jpg


Hobgoblyns are created from the spirits of fallen heroes. Typically they are spirits of the strongest of monsters who have earned the favor and respect of the Gods in their lifetime; but in the end died valiantly in battle and failed in a solemn oath. Because of this they are not able to join their fallen brothers in the afterlife but are given a second chance through powerful magicks.

These spirits are reborn from one of the most sacred and powerful of all Goblyn rituals. The Goblyn High Priestess combines her mystical energy with that of the land's dominant Shaman to call the heroes' fallen spirits to her womb where they combine and are reborn into the world as a much more powerful creature, having the best traits of the spirits' original forms.

Because of this Hobgoblyns come in all shapes and sizes. A Hobgoblyn can be born of any combination of the monster races: Bugbear, Lizardmen, Kobold, Goblin, Skaven, Trolls, Gnolls, Orcs, etc. Because they cannot know for sure who they were in their past lives, they grow up with respect for all of the monster races and educate themselves on the histories, cultures, and Gods of them all.

When a Hobgoblyn is born, the first couple years of their life they are raised by the Priestess and/or the Shaman. Growing up around the wielders of majik makes them more likely to recognize other majik users and they become much more resistant to the their effects. It is said that no Hobgoblyn has ever fallen to the effects of majik in battle. This is a short stage in their life, aside from learning about majik and culture from their guardians they also learn how to read, write, track, navigate, gather, and hunt. When they are able kill their first game, they are able to start their next phase of life as children of war.

The Hobgoblyn is then raised by the army of the land. They often become adept at many weapons, reflecting their past lives abilities. It is not uncommon for a Hobgoblyn to suffer from nightmares, flashes of images from lives past.


The versatility of Hobgoblynz makes them an invaluable asset to the Horde Armies. They can be deployed as shock troops, skirmishers, as part of a shield wall, as archers, etc. Their goals are the army's goals. As grunts, they fight with fierce dedication to their leaders. As leaders, they command with undying loyalty to their men.

Stagbeetle emblem.jpeg

The Guide to Hobben Locution

Abhorrent Wisdoms: The combined and incorporated knowledges of both the Hobben Dalamus and the Hobben Engram.

Alchemy in the Hollow: The process that occurs in the hollow by which the hob enters elemental maturity. There are Seven stages.

1: Minerals from the earth mix with Zynicynth and the layers inside the cavity and the Sacred Heptagons of the Ground are formed.

2: The Kussts of the hob stir and fight to fasten and so secrete sacred Dragryyum that permeates the hollow. This is also the cause of an audible thrumming.

3: The sacred Dragryyum penetrates and is filtered by the Engram where it is then drained into the Dalamus. During this part of the process the Engrams unseen light is turned excandescent and absorbed into the Hob.

4: The Dalamus is filled and then extends into the ground where an amalgam is formed to make the hobs first tool (see "Korpser").

5: The Speaking Beetle calls out and beacons the Attratus for its final act.

6: Kussts cease the thrumming as they become aware that the Hobs mind becomes infused with Tak'levash and know that the Fastening is soon to come.

7: The summoned Attratus dances for the last time above the transformative earthen folds. It then picks through the layers into the cavity and make an opening for the hob. Then dies upon the opening and by doing so finishes the processes of the Transmutation.

Angles of the Dalamus: The footwork, patterns, positions of combat outlined and as part of the Abhorrent wisdoms.

Artifacts of the Fastening (The Three):

Attratus: A bird of carrion that plays a significant part through many cycles of a Hobs life. They can be any variety of large to medium carnivorous bird such as the buzzard, vulture, roc, condor, crow or swoop. The type of bird involved will determine effects and attributes that it will impart upon the hob such as the style of death dance the hob will use and color of shoulder bristles after mantling occurs.

Bhannt: An enslaved soul of a Hob. This title is usually made as a pact with the hob for protection or for supplication. This is a form of a much older rite of soul-husbandry whereby a soul was trapped by the Hob by tricking an ensouled creature to utter the "S" sound in their name and so sealed a curse to bind their soul to the Hob until favour was given. The soul may then be set free or (more likely) used as fuel and burned in the Hobben Crucible called The Koracle.


The Bone Needle:

Circles of the Dalamus:

The Cloud: The three hundred and forty three insects that make up a swarm that are hosted within a hollow within the Hob. The Cloud is what they are called as the fly through the air in a group.

Corpser (Khorpser): What a hob calls their weapon.

Cunannant: Magickal stitching found on every seam of the hobben Tsarak-yyll (clothing). The act of sewing is ritual and never ceases during the Hobs active lifecycles.

Curseblessing: The state of attaining both the beastly attributes and adornments associated with the animal of the first hunt and the eternal huntlusting that is with them thereafter.

Dalamus: A hobben artifact that resembles a cup or a vessel that is decorated with many intersecting circles and angles. It contains Hobben fighting knowledge and is bound to the hob during the process of Alchemy in the hollow. In addition to binding to the hob, the Dalamus will also be manifested to become the Hobs first instrument and weapon after Molting.

Dig in deep: The art of ambulant meditation. Usually referring to the act therein where a Hob will penetrate the ground with a toe or a weapon to bind the hob with the Hobben Heptagon of the Ground and to echo the movements of the needle great pendulum.

Dire: To be inflicted with self malice and cursed. A warped and unnaturally strengthened animal that has been changed by an event or curse.

'Dragryym' the prime element (ill-mercury): The one element that all Hobs share. It is secreted by the Kussts in their adult form and is the in the crucible of the Hollow

Elemental Maturity:

Engram: A hobben artifact that is used as a lid to cover the Dalamus and occults the unseen light. It has within it tactical knowledge and instructions from the deity that had a hand in the Hobs creation.

Fastening: The act of copulation for both the Hob and its Kussts. The Hob may either actively seek out to fasten or be driven unconsciously to do so.

Kusst fastening behaviors start before molting and is the cause of Tak'levash within the hob. This process is also where two of three artifacts of the fastening are made. This happens during the sixth cycle

The First Stitch:

The First Hunt:

Foxfire: also sometimes called "fairy fire", is the bioluminescence created by some species of fungi present in decaying wood.

Ghoor-Shu (The Speaking Beetle) (The Guardian Beetle): The voice of the Hob. This being knows the thoughts and intentions of its host and can be sent at will to communicate for and in the Hobs stead. It inhabits the Hobs form in the hollow of its throat from the first cycles. The beetle also acts as guardian and keeper of the Kussts and help guide and protect them while they are cohabitants.

Heptagons of the Ground: Sigils representing the 7 parts of the mantle and essences of this plane that make up the Hobs body. They are the sigils used during the art of "Digging In" and are the first of seven channeling points on a Hobs form. They have seven ponts and lines that intersect in patterns of magicks. The sigils can be seen as the Hobs shadow. There are two Heptagons; the Elemental and the Mineral.

The Hobben Engram: The Engram as an artifact that is held and assimilated during the Alchemy in the Hollow. It binds with the Hobben Dalamus and becomes the Abhorrent Wisdoms that bind to the instinct of the Hob.

The Hobben Dalamus: The Dalamus as an artifact is changed to be The Hobben Dalamus during the Alchemy in the Hollow where the hob incorporates martial knowledge within its body, and into its instincts and reflexes. This gives the hob several lifetimes of fighting knowledge which is unlocked during the sixth lifecycle.

The Hobben Lifecycle: A vex of tantric prose outlining the seven cycles and the changes therein of the life of a Hob. Each cycle has a specific modus and each has a specific length of time. For instance- The First Cycle lasts for 7 hours. The second cycle; 2 cycles of the moon. The third cycle; 14 cycles of the moon. The fourth cycle starts at 100 cycles of the moon. The fifth cycle starts after two planetary cycles (years). The sixth cycle starts at 13.4 planetary cycles. And the final cycle of the Hob will end after 94 planetary cycles.

The Hollow: The cavity made by the hob as instructed by the whisper on the mountain. It is where the sacred Alchemy takes place at the end of the Fifth Lifecycle. This chamber echoes the hollows in the Hob during its formation after the first stitch and the spaces inhabited by the Ghoor-Shu and the Kussts within the Hobben form.

Kabhal: The hunt of a Hob. The incant is screamed to show the Hobs intention to engage in a hunt.

Kort'ybhannt: A being (usually hobben) that has been called to be a neophyte to the Eridution of the Hollow. There can be seven total neophytes per worthy Hob "Kort'" that has moved into and is within the 7th cycle. These students are sent down the paths of the ordeal to secure a title appropriate to their the judgement of their Kort'tsepharrah. These initiants are usually instructed also to act as surrogate for their Kort' to do material biddings during this relationship.

Kort'tsepharrah: A worthy Hob that becomes "as the whisper" during the 7th cycle of life. They represent the Prime particle or Nucleus required for the bonding of energy and information from the extra planes.


Kyanite: A powerful Hobben mineral.

The Lucid Path:

The Lurid Path:

Magick: It is said that " A Hob does not magick. A Hob is magick.

Mantling: A process experienced after Molting and starts by the Attratus bound into their shoulders. With this the hob starts to gain the "deadly mass". The manifestation of this process will start to encumber the hob as it progresses through the sixth cycle.

Occulting Light: The pattern given out by the unseen light on the mountain along the Hobs path. It is a pattern light in which the total duration of dark light in each period is clearly longer than the total duration of darkness and in which the intervals of darkness are all of equal duration.

Omicron of Weight: The state of being granted through the sigils of the ground that magickally allow an ease of movement for the hob as it gathers its mass during the sixth cycle. This state is imbued upon the Hob during the Alchemy of the Hollow.

Pantheon: The gods, deities, underworld rulers, and other special entities that relate to the Horde or serve it in some way.

The Path:

Picking Scabs:

Shiveen: The various types of nymph, fairy, sprite, wisp or otherwise diminutive and 'twinkly' creatures that are sought and actively collected by Hobs. After our amusements with them, these are ultimately imprisoned in glass spheres and used to accent garb, staves or illuminate quafts of elixirs like swamp-gas or rotroot beer. A Hob is proud of this collection and keeps them guarded.

Shtulk: The groin of a Hob. The anatomy of this area goes through many changes throughout the Hobs lifecycle. It is the nest and hive of Kussts that inhabit the hollow and line the areas inside the pelvis. Although in later life stages the flesh becomes as a living monster there is the risk of Tak'levash overriding the insects nesting instincts and break out of the cavity. A metal net or chain mail is always worn by a Hob because of this.

Shtulk-cosh: A type of unintentional spirit copulation during the Fastening that can incur mercury poisoning.

Soothsayer (False Prophet):

Tak'levash ("To fasten is to fight."): Hobben killing instincts as given by the Abhorrent Wisdoms and driven by The Kusst storm libidos inside the hob during the sixth cycle.


Terka'd: An expression of kinship from a Hob to another being. Usually another Hob.

That Within (The Mist):

Thread (the Needle and):

Tsarak-yyll: The magickal patchwork of planar material that bind That Within to the Hob. It is created from the ritual of Tsat'tu. It is also comprised of special hunting remains and trophies from battle. Elaborate stitching or Cunannant is evident along every seam of this patchwork.

Tsat'tu (To cull the irreverent): The identification and ensuing act of bringing a false prophet or soothsayer to become reverent before being destroyed and possibly made as part of the Tsarak-yyll. This is one of the devine callings of a Hob.

Tstartists-Ka: Otherworldly totems and beings of the horde.

Tymbals: sound-producing organs and musculature of the Hob.

Unearthly brambles:

The Vexikon: A collection of parables attributable to Hobben lore. It includes works that range from straight forward prose to obscure chant-song all with dark lessons in them. A short list of these are;

•The Parable of Dang (The Fallacy of Courage)

•The Parable of Shadow (The Fallacy of Pain)

•The Vermillion mark

•The Fallacy of the Absolute

•The Fallacy of Hiding

•The Fallacy of Hope

•The Hobben Lifecycle

Chant- Goblyn live by stick and stone.

The Vex of Curses: A series of involuntary movements, sounds, gestures, breath and thought that are as spell-craft that a hob creates. These can resound and effect individuals around the Hob with weak magick resistances or suggestible minds.

The Well of Souls:

The Whisper on the Mountain:

Zynicynth the prime Mineral (nuummite): The one mineral that all Hobs share and is central to the mineral assembly of the Mineral aspect of the Heptagon of the Ground.

The Hobben Dalamus

Being transcribed

The Hobben Lifecycle

The First Hob Lifecycle:

The Ephemeral Night Mare

A monster with favour of the gods falls asleep and has a vision (This is usually a goblyn). They are being dragged down the river of souls. After their desecration at the mouths of Baulk they are not cast back. Instead they find the sickled finger of Sifu herself on the roof of their mouth and are picked out of the river. And then dropped into what feels like a corrupted and unending grave. This is The Well of Souls. The mist therein torments the dreaming monster and from the wound left by Sifu in the roof of their mouth, it enters their body. The pain from this causes the dreamer to scream.

The scream is a name. And it is what makes form from the mist. The form is a Hob whom has now been named and awakened. As does the dreamer.

The Second Hob Lifecycle: Undone

The dreaming monster awakens to find the head of a vulture deep inside their mouth. This "Attratus", rips out a needle made of the dreamers jawbone. And that is threaded with its entrails. Out of this wound, the Hobs mist is purged. The vulture always dances through this. And the dreamer never survives.

The mist is as the whisper on the mountain. It has a will and seeks out suitable ground. An open field. In the hollow of twisted trees. In a crease of craggy rocks. Over a current of troubled waters. It is not moved by wind or penetrated by the light. When it finds its womb, it soon communes with its matter.

The First Stitch

The vulture is summoned and when above the mist drops needle and thread. These swing in arcs that harmonize with the vultures eviscerant dance. On the seventh arc it pulls tight. This is known as The undone undone.

This is the first stitch.

The first of thousands.

Gossamer strands become an encapsulating shell and the elements that surround fill it. Almost completely. The Hob cannot speak but is now standing. Its sharp shins drip. Its throat and groin are empty hollows but the hob can finally seethe in the air. The unknown causes hunger. So it devours its own eyes to see the planes beyond. The drumming starts within. Arms that are only moments from solidity claw, clutch and are stretched out. It feeds its toe deep into earth.

And in the moment that the new moon slivers into crescent. An intrepid beetle becomes aware. Tymbals of the Cicadas strike the air.

And mist and earth and stitch and flesh, are all thus enmeshed.

The Third Hob Lifecycle:

The now enmeshed Hob is corrupted matter. Mixed parts of both will and mineral. Now alive but without voice. By earth and by sky.

Picking Scabs

Alone, heavy and now begining to be covered with its first outer layer.

The first of thousands.

The Hob is now stitched to this plane, and its quickly hardening and cracking new skin hold it there. But that within must seethe out. And so this layer is painfully peeled away by the Hob. This process is repeated and goes on for some time. Each shed layer shifts the Hob closer to this world and better prepared for it. Change itself cannot be slain. This is why it is said that a Hob looks to die, every single day. The process finally brings the Hob to seem as flesh, blood and bone. But that within still writhes and desires binding. And seeks it out.

The Gathering Cloud

Meanwhile, in the chosen tree an intrepid and newly awakened beetle removes its binds. It has gone through a similar process as the Hob and flies toward the underground cloud.

Three hundred and forty three Kussts are this cloud. They are leavened and guarded by the beetle and so they let it coax them out of the ground. Then they molt in their own cycle. These "Kussts" are blessed like their guardian but are unaware and are hive-minded. Each one produces glandular mercury that covers all they touch. Their collective voice can shake the very ground. But it is not they that will have its use.

By the beetle the cloud is led to the Hob and is absorbed through the holes left during its manifesting. They become both the sound and the spawn. The Kussts inhabit the pelvic floor and along the pelvic rim. Expressed mercury passes through the hollow until the next cycle, when the flesh there becomes tangible and organ-like.

Growing Tymbals

After delivering the Kussts into the groin of its host, the beetle climbs through a passage and arrives tentatively at the opening at the hollow of the throat. There it quivers and extends a segmented carapace that binds to become the last internal piece of a real and almost complete body. It is the "Ghoor-Shu" The Speaking Beetle.

This cycle ends when first the Hob speaks. This sound carries. Across distance. Through the planet-crusts. And into the planes where grim minds listen. And when;

A deer is startled and becomes imprisoned in unearthly brambles.

A false soothsayer puts on robes and follows a beckoning.

And the great mountain connecting that within, finally breathes.

Hobs may likely live in solitude for awhile to commune. To dig in deep. But that within will eventually struggle out to find and shelter by their monster-kind. By stick and by stone.

The Fourth Hob Lifecycle

Imbuing Spirit

In the places where nature is tamed A soothsayer is called for the first time. They have lied about being called before this. But this call is real. It fills them. And it leads them away from their false altars. Away from the believers that they taint. Wearing robes that portray that they are worthy to weaker minds. But hold nothing in them. They pursue the beckoning. They find way to where the voice called out for them. And it is found at the end of thread and a swinging bone needle. They are made to regret all their misguidances while under the Hobs stitching dance. They will know that they are not aware. And they are slowly consumed as they are taught reverence. The materials once made with deceit are changed by the swinging needle. Each stitch is seven. What is made are simple dressings, but powerful. The garment once mundane is now replete with what the unwise could not imbue. And that within finds peace in every knot. And seeps back inside the new folds.

This is the first work.

The first of thousands.

And beginning this work will keep that within bound to the Hob and so the hob to the cycle and so the cycle to the path and so the path to the pendulum.

Unbinding Fear

In the places where nature is wild-

The drum beat is fast and it's sound guides the hunter to the edge of unearthly brambles. They were planted long ago and grew up dispite themselves. A beast is inside them. It struggles and brays and is cinched deep into the patterns of grasping claws. For brambles are wicked to panic, a caltrop of the amygdala and the snare of the unprepared. The Hob is silent and sees what is easy to kill. But, there is no prize without struggle. So progress is made with intended steps to the beast that twists away and so is bound yet tighter. Touched by halcyon and steadfast hobben hands, the drumming inside the beast slows and it feels the thorns around it recede. And the beast is lead out as if the brambles had been cut away. The Hob and the beast look upon and know each other. And consider slaying the other. But they know that this is not the time. For there is no sport without fear. And so both mark the other. And both are deeply changed by it.

This cycle completes as the marks on beast and hunter begin to transform them.

When the seven hundred moons are passed.

And when the huntlusting begins.

And when the mountain exhales and lets out the unseen light.

Fifth Hob Life Cycle: Pathfinding

The First Kabhal

The Hob stalks down the lurid path. The one that is known. Led by keen senses that draw it in. The Hobs given mark is a blessing and curse . It harmonizes with the better parts of nature and has grown inside as an unending desire. Lusting to seek out the beast. To become what hunts. The mark has grown outside as an extension of its body. As a beastly apparatus. As that which is used to ruck or to claw or gore. And with a hobben thought, the speaking beetle crawls from within the hollow. It knows the Hobs intent, Has use of the Hobs voice and with a Hobben gesture, is sent to where the cursed lusting and lurid path will lead them.

The beast drags its flanks through deep wooded furrows. And casts off a rancor of spirit. On ground and grass. In the creeping air. And in the planes that only hobben eyes can see. It is no longer with the better part of nature. It is now natures retched and rabid. It is now Dire. Released from the brambles but still imprisoned inside its instinct. And stares out as if it were shackled to the moon itself. The beetle lands by its beastly ear. And whispers that "it is time". And that "change cannot be slain". The Hobs tymbaled voice strikes the air and the Kabhal is declared. The Dire knows that the hunter comes.

And they meet again. Each at the end of the others eye. And there is where they fight. The Hob dances in a harmonized sequence of arcs. And the Dire's instincts negate its prowess as fear fills the furrows.

This is the first hunt.

The first of thousands.

And at the corpses of those killed will be birds of carrion that will watch the Hobs dance and learn its arcs, and will be changed by it. And though the huntlusting wanes as the beast is slain. There is still an unknown path. The unknown causes hunger. And so the eyes of the beast are taken in. And the earth is seen for the first time. The new-known path is extended out before the Hob as it has always been. And so is dug into with reaching hobben toes and so is seen with new hobben eyes.

The Hollow

The Hob ascends the lucid path. It stretches out as if lined with foxfire. It runs through the wood and through walls that did not exist before the path was lain. And it stretches up a mountain to an indescript patch of ground that emits the unseen light. And the mountain whispers that "it is time". That "change cannot be slain".

And so the Hob digs in and creates a hollow and enters into the cut. And finds inside the three artifacts of The Fastening. The lucid path has led to the vessel of the Dalamus with its intersecting circles and angles. And it is held. And the unseen light has led to the Engram and its occulting waves. And it is held. And it covers the Dalamus as a lid. The sound of the mountain has led the Hob to coil in and to become hollow and as a vessel. The whisper is heard. And it is held. And it covers the Hob as a dream.

The hob quivers and extends itself out. And that within unfurls. And both become the last internal piece of a great arc. And under an indescript patch of ground change is not slain. And there is thrumming on the mountain.

This cycle ends when the thrumming has ceased.

And when the Kussts begin to stir and fight to fasten and to feed.

And when the empty vessels within the hollow are full.

And when a bird of carrion rips through the earthen membrane. And dances. Then drapes its mass and make and mantle over the opening and dies there above it .


Hobgoblyns do not cover their knees or elbows like Goblyns do unless they have a strong compulsion to do so. They can have children with other races, the child is born as the race of the Hobgoblyns mate. A Hobgoblyn is incapable of having a child with another Hobgoblyn, It is not unheard of to have a Hobgoblyn couple raise another child as their own.

Known Hobgoblyns

Drawn Beetle.jpg See Also: Horde

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