Alachi the Staff

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Alachi The Staff

Pronounced A-lah-chee. It is commonly seen being carried by Alachi. Though sometimes it gets stolen by Triv who always brings it back unharmed. Galya on the other hand lost it for the majority of of Oktoberfest 2014. It was discovered in the women's bathroom. That poor staff. Some say he is slowly assuming control of his carrier, and uses him for his own needs.

A long time ago Alachi (A-lah-chee) was a normal young human. He was in school like everyone else. Not terribly popular he spent most of his time alone. The only time people were around him was when they were ridiculing him for some insignificant difference. Day in and day out a combination of loneliness and ridicule created an angry person full of self loathing. He decided that all these people are beneath him and one day he’ll be a great and powerful person. Everyone will love and admire him for his skill in...whatever it is he decides he wants to be good at. One day as he was walking he passed a tree and all the birds flew out in a frenzy. He thought nothing of it. Just some scared birds but as days continued he noticed other things. Such as the rain would seem to stop when he went outside or the wind would always be at his back. He chalked this up to coincidence.

One evening he was forced to go to a social event with everyone from his school. They all decided a fun game would be to pick on Alachi. They found him sitting by himself in a corner waiting until he could go home. The slew insults at him reminding him how no one likes him and never will. He responded with the usual people are all horrible wastes of space so why should he care. He looked at the leader of the group and told him to go kill himself and then he ran. He ran because he didn’t want people to see his tears. He ran out into the forest and sat by a tree. He heard the group looking for him and just wished he could escape this and they wouldn’t be able to find him. Slowly the roots of the tree started to surround him. He felt no fear. He knew he should be very afraid but still he was not. The roots pulled him under ground. A little light popped up so he could see where he was. He was encased in a ball of roots and leaves. The ball was just big enough for him to stretch his legs out in. He sat there silently as he heard footstep above him and felt the ground shaking around him. He felt safe where he was and knew they couldn’t get him there. Their voices started out loud but slowly faded away. As he sat there he thought perhaps he was responsible for the movement of the roots. He concentrated and attempted to move the roots but nothing happened. He thought back to what he was doing when they sprang to life and grasped him. He then thought about how much he hated those people who made him feel worthless. Just then the roots began to move. He willed them to release him above ground and they did just that. He figured out his power of control. It was caused by anger. He decided that he needed to practice his power, and with these people around he would never be able to control it. So he ran.

A few years later Alachi was back studying at a new location. He didn’t tell anyone of the constant battle in his head to not lose control. He knew no one would understand the pain. He still was alone. He had friends but he was still very alone. He put on a face so they would think him normal, but since he knew that any source of rage would allow his power to come out he kept them all at a distance. He just wanted to be normal. He knew no one would love him if they knew what he could do. So day in and day out he floated in the out skirts of the group. They all had best friends in the group but not him he was still alone. One day in the library he was with his friends. They were all talking about something he thought was dumb so he just sat there in silence waiting for the day to end so he could sleep. Just then someone from his past walked in. It was someone from his old school. Alachi didn’t see him walk up. He took one look at Alachi and said “I’m glad you finally got some friends.” If you ask the rest of the group they would say that it was a genuine statement but not to Alachi. It sounded just like it always did. Alachi got mad as mad as he has been since the first day. Alachi turned and looked at him and told him to leave him alone and die. The took back slowly out of the room and left. Alachi’s friends were surprised to see any emotional outburst from him and sat there silently.

Alachi knew what really happened. He used his power to make the person walk away, and he liked it. He liked the control. He liked how no one said anything after words. He liked how afterwards everyone was nice to him. He decided he would carry anger in his heart so he could call upon it whenever he wanted. He used his power to help his friends as well. Making people that are bothering them leave them alone or prevent rain from ever touching their shoulders. Even now that he was using his power keeping it in check was still painful. Slowly he opened up to them about his abilities. At first they were very supportive and wanted him to keep growing but slowly he could see their fear grow. He saw them avoid him and stop inviting places. He felt loneliness catch up to him again. Now he didn’t have the distraction of other people to stop the pain. He started using his power on his friends. Making them hang out with him, and tell him that they love him. It worked for awhile until he received a news that the person who caused his last outburst has died of a brain aneurysm. Alachi knew he was responsible. He went to his old place of study and asked about the person all those years ago he told to kill himself. The boy killed himself that very night. Alachi now knew that he was a danger to his friends, and that they’d be better off without him. So again he ran to where no one would ever know who and what he is.

Alachi found himself in a new land. It was desolate and boring but nothing here could cause him to have an outburst and use his power. For a while it worked. He had more friends who he thought loved him. Apart from the outbursts that he could hold back until he was safely away from anyone he was doing okay. Everything was just okay until he got a letter. It was from an old friend. She told him that she missed him and wished that he didn’t run away. They began writing back and forth. Alachi opened up to her about the full extent of his power and she wasn’t afraid. She actually had the same powers but was always too scared to tell anyone. For the first time he didn’t feel alone. He didn’t have anymore outbursts. He wasn’t angry anymore so he couldn’t use his power but he was okay with it. He had her. She made everything okay. He wasn’t in pain anymore. Everything was great and Alachi felt like he could and was going to solve all the world’s problems. Everything was great until Alachi found out that she lied. She didn’t really have the power. He didn’t get angry but became distraught and inconsolable. As he sat in a ball crying the roots came again and pulled him down. He realized that his power was caused by sadness not anger. He sat there in isolation for days only eating what was provided by the trees he twisted. He decided that it was okay if she lied about having the power because how he felt didn’t change. When he emerged from the cocoon of despair he saw found out she had died of a brain aneurysm. He retreated to his cocoon for 3 months after. Knowing that he destroyed the only shot he ever had at being happy.

When he went back to his friends he saw the same faces he has seen a thousand times before. They slowly started to abandon him one by one. Until he was completely alone again. He wanted to run again but he realized that no matter where he ran he could not escape himself. He knew that no matter where he went he would be alone. He would never be loved and respected. He would never be great. So he ran to the only place he could. He ran to the end of a rope.

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