Wolfpack opener 2009
February 14th 2009 (Valentines day Battle)
It was a cold day, but inside 6 hours of fighting was wrott! Fighting was from noon until 6:00pm, with very few breaks. Reports of an estimated 400 people were in attendance.
People attended
Madog, Winfang, V-Hil, Bull, Orso, Kegg,Slagar, Dameon, Drago Darkheart, Ty, Demox, B.A.M., Melannen, Tulio, Brooder, Vo'Kor, Waffle, Frozgaar
Picture Galleries
- http://s9.photobucket.com/albums/a95/leebarnes/Foam%20Fighting/Wolfpack%20Opener%202009/
- http://pantagraph.com/shared-content/gallery/?galleryid=4&gallery_page=0&album_page=0&albumid=925&mediaid=21649
- http://s602.photobucket.com/albums/tt101/AvaniPentwyvern/Wolfpack%20Opener%202009/