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V-Hil @ Oktoberfest'05
V-Hil: Founder and Warlord of the Uruk-Hai

Sir V'Hil of Numenor, Warlord of the Uruk-Hai
Rank: Warlord
Breed: Gauntlet
Tribe: Orthanc
Position: Unit Commander

V-Hil, of the Gauntlet Breed of Orc, is the Founder and Warlord of the Fighting Uruk-Hai. Through his actions and contributions to the game on and off of the field, he has become the first heroically knighted knight of the order of the Knights of Numenor.

Vision: Imagine a large group of people standing on one end of the battlefield. They number just over one hundred. They are all dressed in similar styled armor, mostly in greens and browns. For every ten green armored soldiers, there is one who wears a mohawk of green and black and a green and back banner. For every twenty, there is one who bears black armor and a black and white mohawk with a similarly colored banner.

Of these twenty, they are all similarly equipped. Most carry a strapped 28x40 strapped shield and a sword. Beside them is another group, except they carry various round and teardrop shaped shields. There is another group of twenty carrying great swords, spears, glaives and other large weapons as well as bow and arrow. Another group carries punch shields, various close combat weapons and wears a variant of the standard armor.

All of these soldiers listen to their respective leaders commands. Should a soldier die in combat, there is another to take his/her place. Should a leader die, there is another to take his place. These soldiers fear nothing, for they know they will fight again in the afterlife (or in fifteen minutes) and that the weapons that strike them do no permanent damage for they are foam. The soldiers’ discipline allows their leaders to develop a pre-battle plan and change the plan as the battle rages.

And who makes these plans…?

The man who dons the Warlord’s Armor. He wears red armor with a skull helmet. On this helmet is a red and black Mohawk. On his back he wears a red and black banner. He is surrounded by green armored and black armored soldiers who advise, relay commands and protect the Warlord. From his position (unfortunately in the rear), he can command the entire army with a series of shouts, which are echoed as they trickle down the chain of command.

This is the vision of V’Hil, Warlord of the Uruk-Hai. He hopes to attain this vision, this dream, in the next five years. If this sounds like something you would like to be a part, please contact your local recruiter.

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