Aggressive Campaign

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(Take Horde Seriousely)
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*7) We step in for mercy shepherd killing
*7) We step in for mercy shepherd killing
*8) Green is a bootiful color, not so much purple though
*8) Green is a bootiful color, not so much purple though
*9) We kill other armies, allowing a balance of Hordish power to rest finally to the land
*9) We kill other armies, allowing a balance of Hordish power to rest *finally to the land
*10) We burn Trees, especially ancient ones that "has been there for generations, and my father used to blah, blah, blah..." FREE OF CHARGE
*10) We burn Trees, especially ancient ones that "has been there for generations, and my father used to blah, blah, blah..." FREE OF CHARGE
*11) We might cook you a feast at [[Beltaine]]
*11) We might cook you a feast at [[Beltaine]]
Line 83: Line 83:
*71) Innuendo is a registered trademark of Horde Services Inc.
*71) Innuendo is a registered trademark of Horde Services Inc.
*72) We'll take 'em, we'll break 'em and we'll laugh while we do it...'em
*72) We'll take 'em, we'll break 'em and we'll laugh while we do it...'em
*72) [[Slap you]]. ''(See 67)''
*72) [[Slap You]]. ''(See 67)''
*73) Dey hav Plans C and D
*73) Dey hav Plans C and D
*74). Sometimes, when tings be bad, da Horde busts out the Gonads AND strife! (Copyrighted by da HOrde 2006)
*74). Sometimes, when tings be bad, da Horde busts out the Gonads AND strife! (Copyrighted by da HOrde 2006)
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*464) mmm...those nice soft.
*464) mmm...those nice soft.
*465) and the horde dosnt get things like scurvy
*465) and the horde dosnt get things like scurvy
*466) Da Horde give good rides from de airport to strange pinky women ([[Izareth|Izzy]] be da bestest monster next to [[Ju'Dekei!]])  [edit for clarification: The Horde will give rides from the airport to an event even if you are a Strange pinky woman]
*466) Da Horde give good rides from de airport to strange pinky women ([[Izareth|Izzy]] be da bestest monster next to [[Ju'Dekei]]!)  [edit for clarification: The Horde will give rides from the airport to an event even if you are a Strange pinky woman]
*467) DonUt finds our unfinished Documentary and posts it for all to see
*468) We got us a map
*49) It's all covered in locks
*470) It's got booty inside
*471) We does what we wants
*472) Horde is FREE!!!!
*473) Horde does charge, but just the unworthy
*474) We have a 500 question math word-problem/essay test to prove worthyness
*475) No one in Horde has taken dee test, but [[Gorlock]] did eat a copy
*476) Horde has future math teachers
*477) You don't have a future
*478) You'd be that weird English teacher nobody likes.
*479)but you don't have a future.
*480) horde be that awesome physics or chem techer that blows shit up
*481) horde invented physics AND chemistry
*482) mostly cus Horde was borde
*483) somedays Horde be poet and not know it.
*484) America! Fuck Yeah!
*485) We invented eyepatches. The sad part is we did because [[Izareth]] needed one.
*486) We realised Izzy needed an eye patch after we saw he could do when looking at something with both eyes.
*487) You don't want Izzy to look at you with both eyes.
*488) Thank HOrde and God, In THAT order, for eye patches.
*489) We look after our own
*490) We own you
*491) We don't consider you "our own"
*492) Are we gonna' stop when this list hits 500?
*493) No
*494) Horde is very persistant.
*495) You admire that
*496) Horde isn't always one off - we're just always one ahead.
*497) Horde understands and has harnessed the power of the elephant. But we only use it for good.
*498) By good, I mean good by Horde definition. Not good by pinkey definition.
*499) Pinkey's is evil. If you is not Horde, den you must be evil.
*500) Half way to 1000. [[Enoch|Enoch's]] getting scared - are you?
*501) Horde never gets scared.
*502) We ate fear.
*503) Horde services Inc. inveted fear.
*504) Horde uses it to keep pinkies in line.
*505) We built [[Bo]] out of determination and insanity.
*506) We had our reasons to do it.
*507) There are multiple reasons to appreciate us, who would you rather read about?
*508) Mustakrakish once gave Ghyll a high five.
*509) We would've been the unit of choice for Peter Lorre.
*510) [[Shrat]], many reasons in himself...
*511) Once we decided to have fun, and it was the first time fun was ever had, documented, and remembered.
*512) We love the Militia, but they are insecure Homosexuals so they only return the love behind closed doors.
*513) We know some half-Owlbears.
*514) We have an overt fondness for beatles
*516) Our mothers love us
*517) Your mothers love us
*518) Were more equal
*519) We invented equality so we could break the curve
*520) We invented the curve so we could spoil it
*521) We like Cake, BRING US CAKE!!!!
*522) We didn't invent Cake, it was a gift given to [[Shrat]] by his loyal subjects to quell his Malignant rage
*523) [[Shrat]] has a band thats better than yours.
*524) [[Shrat]] can balance a spear on his nose.
*525) Horde Games, that should be at least 6 or 7 reasons.
*526) Have you seen [[ForkBeard]]? He called us "da coolest"
*527) We do musical numbers from West Side Story and The Music Man
*528) We have a local tag-team in one of those podunk wrestling leagues called 'Stitchem and Doodle'. Their big schtick is to compare people to yappy dogs
*529) We didn't invent wrestling, but we did create 'The Iron Shiek'
*530) Horde cake=
*531)Our cake is better than your unit's cake.
*532) Horde has [[Koom]].
*533) He be a crazy BAMF with a bag of rocks.
*534) Horde give people upset stomachs
*535) Horde invented Pepto but make it icky pink to repel..well..pinkies...
*536) *burp* mmmm...pinkies...
*537) [[Skeet]] Seal of Approval
*538) We don't need the [[Skeet]] seal of approval, the proof is he joined the [[EBF]].
*539) We were at Rhun Closer, and we owned everyone's soul through [[Ju'Dekei|Ju'Dekei's]] magic soul stealing CAmErora device
*540) If you want your soul back, it's just three easy installments of $19.95
*541) Trust me, it's not worth it
*542) All returned souls have a 93.2% chance of having been through [[Juicer|Juicer's]] digestive tract
*543) seriously. you don't want it back.
*544) 538 is true - [[The Mick]] was there.  Here is proof in the form of [[The Mick|The Mick's]] stolen soul:
*545) Horde talks without killing you,...sometimes
*546) But Horde talks with killing you more often!
*547) Horde makes more sense than Aizen!
*548) Watermelons! They're not in Horde, but it's a Horde term!
*549) Horde invented the exclamation point because we needed a way to express "We sez dis and den yoo bleedin". !
*550) !
*551) Oh noes! Mah Soul.
*552) Yup, he was a goblin all along
*553) It is easy being green.
*554) Or maybe it isnt, we might be tricking you.
*555) <gallery>
*556) Yes, she's a headhunter.
*557) No, she won't hunt yours.
*558) The previous statements have not been evaluated or supported by the Headhunters Enclave Inc.
*559) We give you proof that we totally nasty
*560) You still totally loves us
*561) Horde is good like that
*562) We know what Ender would do
*563) We love you 'just the way you are', which is stupid
*564) We have Santa, and if we don't get the crowns to your many kingdoms, we won't let him out for X-mas
*565) A long time ago we killed all of Santa's elves and replaced them with Goblyns, that is when toys became cheaply and shoddily made but infinitly cooler
*566) The Goblyns put Div and Ertyk in charge of the toy production
*567) hence the awesomely dangerous toys
*568) horde eats all of the cookies and pours the milk under the tree to spoil
*569) hence the nasty smell latter
*570) see #561
*571) horde makes the baby jesus cry
*572) see #570
*573) horde told him not to cry, and turned him into a killing machine
*574) Horde only needed only one wise man
*575) That wise man, was actually a goblyn
*576) Frank Zappa is in Horde
*577) You can tell because of that song "Goblyn Girl"
*578) In Her Goblin suit, she looks so cute
*579) This was probably already covered
*580) This pinky is too lazy to bother checking
*581) Paksha said were cool.
*582) Paksha is cool
*583) You can figure this one out come on.
*584) Horde can "remove" people who can't figure it out
*585) Horde actually stole christmas then blamed it on the grinch
*586) that pansy aint good enough for the horde.
*588) No Crhistmas music
*589) Horde wrote all Holiday songs, except for "The little Drummer Boy"
*590) Santa is in the Horde, and is slowly taking over X-Mas for us
*591) Jesus (from the Horde) uses deductive logic; the most flawed of logics, also the most fun
*592) 9 out of 10 Doctors use Horde every morning for shiny coats and gleaming white teeth
*593) It's true we get 'used' all the time, but at least we don't let that 10th Doctor do it. Have you seen that guy?
*594) I feel used, and that's okay!
*595) poop!
*596) we are in a video game come on!
*597) almost have 600 reasons
*598) We got purple things, with cool hats.
*599) Horde can dance....better than you
*600) Horde ignores 598 post and anything else said by [[Dagganoth]].
*601) 600 baby!
*602) Horde eats babies
*603) with catsup
*605) Dagga who?
*606) Noth, he's tryin' Cause of HoRde
*607) DoNUt's imminent return
*608) Horde collaborated with the Zucker brothers, the result? Airplane!
*609) Another group collaborated with them, the result? First Knight. (enough said)
*610) I went into my attic and found an aluminum teapot, and I didn't write about it!
*611) Horde drinks tea, with their little finger extended, and there's nothing you can do about it
*612) You will try to do something about it
*613) You will fail
*614) Horde requires gift receipts for above mentioned imminent returns.
*615) and long lines
*616) and a large ex-con named Butch
*617) Bring the lube.
*618) HoRdE(TM) neither condones nor condemns the use of lube in aforementioned situations concerning our employee Butch. Either way, its hilarious.
*619)Further proof Santa is Horde: He leaves coal for bad children, but delivers <gallery>
</gallery> to bad knights.
*620) Just when you thought the thread was going away, the Year of Mayhem begins!
*621) Elf Pie
*622) Who could ask for anything more?
*623) You want more
*624) We might give you more, but it'lll be more than you need.
*625) we have a Hordebrella
*626) The Horde made Grey Poupon
*627) Then they made it orange colored
*628) I have heard whispers a secret Horde ingrediant for grey poupon is elves..
*629)Horde has no elves
*630)Only Horde can make elves taste good
*631) see this is bunny <br>
(\_/) <br>
(O.o) <br>
(> <) <br>
and bunny must be horde because he like all of us failed at our new years resolution
and bunny is on conquest to rule the world for horde.
*632) bunny is our secret to koom's red rock
*633) the bunny is near unstoppable... possibly unstoppable
*634) They have a web site. (
*635) They also have [[The Many Life Teachings of Keggleskin|Keggleskin]].
*636) The Australia is dedicated to the Horde
*637) All nations gained independence with their help.
*638) dey lets [[Graavish]] in
*639) No mortal banning can hold the might of Horde.
*640) elves and babies taste good with ketchup.
*641) Built HoRdE tough.
*642) Horde have hobgoblyns fighting with dem.
*643) Horde knows were you sleep.
*644) Don't bother moving.
*645) Horde will find you.
*646) horde + beltain = nuff said
*647) Horde don't need no bumps.
*648) But we do it anyway.
*649) I take Horde Very Seriously, In bed.
*650) Horde invented the long list.
*651) Not only did we invent the long list, but we re-invented it.
*652) Horde also invented the short and more standard sized lists that you've all come to know and love.
*653) Horde invented the bullet point...modeled afte rpinkie blood drips on paper.
*654) Horde yells "FOR THE HORDE!!" before every meal....even while at TGI Fridays.
*655) Horde invented EVERYTHING
*656) Hodre didn't invent cake, but holds the patent.
*657) When we're in bed wit' [[Sgt Kiff]] or any of the Militia, we're giving lovers.
*658) When we done wit dem we be giving lovers to sarlacc pits.
*659) We have a Sarlacc pit down in Gorewood.
*660) We goin down dere dis weekend to feed it.
*661) We beat it when it be bad.
*662) Horde teaches [[Gorewood]]
*663) im part of [[Gorewood]]
*664) its now called the Lowlands
*665) but de horde calls it whats dey wants!
*666) <-----  :shock: :devil:
*667) [[Kiff]] will be livin' in the panhandle!
*668) Horde be willing to give it all, provided it belongs to somebody else
*669) Horde are the strictest critic of the arts and sciences
*670) Your arts and sciences are poop
*671) horde is growing
*672) its expanding into the west
*673) and its coming for for you!
*674) Horde invented Stickers!
*675) Horde invent many things we won't tell you about. We could, but we won't.
*676) [[Troll]] is jealous that he doesn't hold the cake patent.
*677) I heard that Horde holds the patent for patents.
*678) I heard the horde lost the patent though
*679) The patent was burned in a goblins attempt at trying to own all things.
*680) [[Izareth]] owns all things?
*681) Yes, [[Izareth|Izzy]] owns all things, he just lets you think he doesn't.
*682) Horde does whatever they want... no really...
*683) Horde Lose?.....Nah...
*684) Horde invented losing so Pinkies would have something to do after the battle.
*685) Horde PWN all none horde peeps, and elves. . . . PWN THE ELVES
*686) If you dont agree with statment above, you will be hunted down and fed to the captured elves"
*687) COME ON PEOPLE, HORDE F*CKING PWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*688) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*689) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*690) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*691) Everytime you use an exclamation point, the Horde kills a kitten
*692) horde stole the kitten from your sister
*693) HoRdE makes the best kitten pie...EVER
*694) [[Izareth]] owns exclamation points, and kittens. You need to pay royalties for using the words.
*695) $$Kittens!$$ - That just cost pinkies $3.50
*696) $3.50 they dont have.
*697) They dont have $3.50 because we stole it.
*698) Now pinkies are in debt.
*699) Horde pwns pinkies that dont pay there debts .
*700) Horde kicks pinkies off the bandwagon.
*701) Horde president of da 700 club.
*702) [[Izareth]] ate your baby
*703) the Horde makes it home from Bleeding Hollow Before i do ='(
*704) The event was held in Florida
*705) I live in Florida
*706) the Horde was going back to Tennessee
*707) The Horde drives to and from events at 180 mph.
*708) Not only do they drive at dat speed, dey also break Barduk's ignition key wit single blue shot.
*709) Dee Horde drive 600+ miles to train noobs amongst cacti and scorpions. Everyone bleeding, dey train hardcore.
*710) Horde cut down Bleeding Hollow tree by tree, many grievances...
*711) Dee Horde changed the Bleeding Hollow campsite from [[TeeDge|TeeDge's]] Folley to Fort Horde.
*712) Dee Horde have pumas, wolves, and invincible bears.
*713) Dee Horde invented "Bush Hopping."
*714) Next Time, De Horde doan even need to cut down Bleeding Hollow becuz it already bleedin'.
*715) After Camp Bleeding Hollow, "Come to Beltaine!" has officially been shouted from the hilltops.
*716) Everytime an exclamation point is used, [[Griffolion]] gets a mile farther away from Horde
*717) It's the YEAR OF MAYHEM, all bets are off.
*718) Your bets are off, we gotta place new ones
*719) We bet against you
*720) Gorlock Jenkins
*721) You will be all alone to fight the Horde
*722) There will be no one to help you
*723) Even though that's the fuckin' definition of "all alone"
*724) [[Graavish]] is honestly a nice sober guy outside of a Belegarth setting
*725) Melissa- Way too perky waitress and possible member of Cracker Barrell Horde
*726) [[Gorlock]] did crossroads in less than ten minutes
*727) Speaking of 727s - Horde owns most of the major airlines as Goblyns are largely responsible for humans ability to fly.
*728) But I digress - Horde can digress and it is alright.
*729) Back on topic - Horde is the topic and we win!
*730) I mean Horde doesn't get confused like the pinkees do.
*731) As Olwen said - Horde run events stop time.
*732) Can your event stop time?
*733) That's what I thought and once again: HoRdE WiN!
*734) [[Izareth]] invented time, just so he could stop it
*735) Horde not see 735 reasons about Olwen
*736) Oh wait, we did see dem, on a bathroom wall in Lowlands
*737) Horde couldn't believe reasons 15-354, but I guess we have to
*738) Horde follows Bathroom graffiti like Horde gospel
*739) The Horde is the Force, they have a light side and a dark side and their consistent win holds the universe together.
*740) the Horde is beyond time and space
*741) [The incorrect entry] - Even with all that they are small in comparison to my infinite coolness, but then it is unfair to expect purple and green creatures to understand.
*741) [The correct entry] - Humility is our mantra
*742) From henceforth all additions to the list by olwen shall be ignored.
*743) Olwen acts like he/she/it is 14
*744) Olwen is not in horde
*745) Have you seen the list of people not in horde
*746) The list goes Olwin, Savetuba, Olwen.... uhmmm you get the point.
*747) Ouch
*748) [[Jesus]] is strict, but fair.
*749) Horde crushes egos quickly and efficiantly.
*750) Horde allows you to shut the hell up now.
*751) But that's only a warning.
*752) Horde will make you cry worse than Chuck Norris.
*754) Life without [[Beltaine]] Would suck.
*755) No one iz cooler than Izzy and, or [[Bhakdar|Mekoot Bhakdar]].
*756) Horde is too cool to make outdated Chuck Norris jokes.
*757) Slaug invented 757s
*758) Horde eat da furries!
*759) Horde invented da Bandwagon
*760) Horde let people on da Bandwagon
*761) Da Bandwagon has real flames on da sides and is made of black metal, the blackest of all metal
*762) Horde just waiting till da bandwagon reaches top speed
*763) Den we gonna push you off
*764) pushing pinkies off da bandwagon iz best way to make pinkie-cakes
*765) Horde didn't invent anything. dey forced YOU TO DO IT!!
*766) pinkie-cakes is best with a pinch of mustard.
oh, and wit a dash of furrie
*767) They tastes like sushi.
*768) Horde forced da pinkies to make da sushi
*769) At leesd wen dee monsters cownt rong it es wit a purposs.
*770) Pinkees lose! in other words: HoRdE WIn!
*771) Horde Win!!!!!!!
*772) Horde has an alliance with the mooninites.
*773) When we call your name raise your hand and say "Here" which is short for "Here I am...Rock you, like a hurricaine."
*774) You will bow to the Scorpions!
*775) Horde sold the quad laster to the mooninites and in return, we given Jesus.
*776) Somebody set up us the bomb
*777) Look what I just did.
*778) This might have been posted once already, but I'll post twice for clarity: Horde puts the F U in fun!
*779) dee Horde said: A-ten-chun pinkees: All your base are belong to us!
*780) Make your time...
*781) Horde iz mooninites
*782) You want proof?
*783) One of the greatst goblins ever.
*784) Dee government is thinking we is terrorists
*785) <gallery>
*786) I is worth way more then one Quadlaser. The moonanites got screwed.
*787) Do you hear something?
*788)Da Horde naturally blocks out lameness.
*789) Da Horde invented lameness so they could label pinkies with something.
*790) da HoRdE Knows Olwen has Inferiority complex, but thats ok
*791) Da Horde doan' need racial profiling, dey all be bleedin'.
*792) Black, white, hispanic, asian, human, dwarf, elf... they're all the same color when gutted: pink
*793) they all taste the same too.
*794) Horde has the best recipie for pinkie pie
*795) and pinkie stew
*796) like pork.
*797) Horde knows what Willis is talkin about
*798 ) because horde is what Willis is talkin about.
*799) Horde takes things very seriously
*800) Horde knows that life is too short to not take everything with a grave seriousness
*801) Our Seriousness should be evident in our multiple serious reasons to take us seriously
*802) Were you just joking? Huh? Don't make Horde's green Ranger come after you all alone, with no help from anyone!
*803) Horde can be seriously redundant when we want too
*804) If you choose to take Horde seriously, you could win one of these fabulous prizes:
Slug Bait
A kick in the Johnson
A lifetime supply of Horde Crunchies
A lifetime Supply of kicks in the Johnson
My children
Valentine's day crunchies (just kicked in the Johnson flavored)
*805) Horde can now offer you TRIMSPA at very low prices* [limited time only]
*806) Horde has the self-proclaimed best rock fighter in belegarth.
*807) Horde never fail Civics.
*808) Izareth offers the best prizes.
*809) Horde has never been too cool for anything
*810) That would be egotistical.
*811) Our ego is not nearly as large as our wit and intellegance.
*812) We Will
*813) See Fact #812
*814) Rock You
*815) Would you mind taking off your helmet so it will count, pretty please?
*816) if you don't take it off thats ok
*817) you can get hit by the [[Gorlock]] typhoon
*818) is that what you want?
*819) fear the [[Gorlock]] typhoon
*820) I feel great!
*821) Huuh, Yeah!!!
*822) BABIES, yeah.
*823) Horde's camp has babies EVERYWHERE, which makes for good eats
*824) Izzy is a master chef when it comes to cooking babies
*825) you should try the baby chilli
*826) just a few more resons to go and then HorDe will have a thousand
*827) do you have reasons HoRDe Should take you seriously?
*828) no you don't.
*829) three words, catapult propelled troops
*830) Torching Warehouses full of robots since 1998!
*831) We wake up in a bathtub full of ice and say "I don't need kidneys" Then we stand up, track down the nearest amateur surgeon working for the yakuza, tear out his kidney and eat it.
*832) He got Haka, Suckas
*833) When rifiling through stuff in her attic, [[Ju'Dekei]] found the infinity gauntlet. Not needing it, she gave it to godwill.
*834) We have, on occasion, been tapped to train future [[EBF]].
*835) Vengance is mine now that my clarity of thought has returned.
*836) Dragons take one look at Horde and say "How can we compete? We're ficticious, Horde is real, and scary, and sexy, and they have [[Inanna]], and their tent is falling down."
*837) [[Inanna]]
*838 ) Here in dee HoRdE, we're better than you! And we know it.
*839) the Horde recruits people to hold their tent up when it falls down
*840) Horde doesn't need recruits to hold up their tents, [[Gorlock]] just creates a storm and we use the winds as counter force.
*841) In [[Gorlock|Gorlock's]] absence, recruits and allies are happy to help.
*842) "833) When rifiling through stuff in her attic, [[Ju'Dekei]] found the infinity gauntlet. Not needing it, she gave it to goodwill."  It's true.  I also had a map to Atlantis and a time machine.  These things are useless when you have Horde super powers though.
*843) Horde super powers.  (It's been mentioned before, but it's worth mentioning again.)
*844) [[Gorlock|Gorlock's]] storms are a super power
*845) don't you wish you had super powers?
*846) to bad. you don't get any!
*847) Britney Spears Spreading Outdoors! (Porn link disabled)
*848) Bots want to join us, even though I'm going to lock them all in a warehouse and burn it down
*849) bots coulld be used as a powerful weapon. but the horde doesn't need to do that
*850) $250 worth of pudding.
*851) And you wonder where Horde got $250 worth of pudding.
*852) Don't you mind.
*853) AW Yeah.
*854) horde can keep a post entertaining after 8 pages. Not even bad larp pics can compete.
*855) bad larp picks < Horde
*856) [[Big Jimmy]] said it best:
[[Big Jimmy]] wrote:
I am simply a pinky who gets slapped to the ground by horde.
*857) goblyn > knight
*858) Because they're willing to admit when a pinky does something better. it's a great distraction technique.
*859) Truth!
*860) just a hundred and forty more to go!
*861) This story:
*862) " What exactly is The Horde you ask? Trust me my friend, you’ve seen it. If you’re a female reader, you’ve probably (unfortunately) had to experience it. The horde is present at almost every Muslim gathering. It could be at a dinner party, a Masjid picnic at the park, a wedding, even at a community iftaar. Astaghfirullah… you would think that in Ramadan of all months, The Horde could at least control itself. But no, The Horde… will… always… BE THERE."
*863) "Suddenly, you notice that the ground beneath your feet starts to rumble and shake. What’s going on, you wonder. North Carolina doesn’t sit on top of any fault lines… You slowly turn around when you hear a dull roar behind you —it kind of sounds like the trumpeting of elephants— only to drop your mouth open in a silent scream. STAMPEDE! Before you can even blink, you’re being shoved and pushed around by The Horde! [...] No human should dare to step in their path unless he/she wants to meet his/her Maker. Unfortunately, YOU did not know this. You were just an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time. And now you must suffer!"
*864) My life for the HORDE!:
*865) the following poem I wrote by doing a google search for "it is the horde" and then making a poem by quoting every search result that came up (in order) on the first page.
It Is The HORDE!
a poem by Google (and [[Magpie]])
Now it is the Horde leader's turn
It is the horde of refugees streaming southward, 30000000 starving, diseased
but then it is the Horde who bitches about it
it is the horde that are the immature ones
acolytes for rotting America from within, it is the horde factor that weighs most heavily
It is the Horde Faction starting
it is the horde you serve
it is the horde of politicians who share values with voters during election time (but not year round)
but it is the horde that is evil because of these symbols
"I have news to tell you.. it is the Horde."
*866) We could rhyme better than [[Magpie]] if we were so inclined
*867) We are not inclined to rhyme better than [[Magpie]]
*868) hopefully horde is smart enough to know that poetry shouldn't rhyme without reason (hahaha), and
*869) [[Dagganoth]] should realize that I did not type any of those words, that was really google's poem.
*870) Horde realizes that poetry doesnt have to rhyme. Although we are capable of such rhyming.
*871) Has it been established that Horde happens when an unstopable forces meets an unmoveable object?
*872) It has now.
*873) Today on Hordewin news at 1, Leprechauns; they seem harmless, but can they hurt you?
*874) what would you do without hordewin news?
*875) Not gotten rid of that easly.
*876) HoRdE has [[Jesus]]
*877) [[Jesus]] is holy
*878) and he fixes your posts
*879) hes cool like that
*880) When mary gave birth to the jesus twins one of them was in an attic for over 1000 years.
*881) guess witch one?
*882) you cant bitch!
*883) bitches love smiley faces
*884) HoRDe got the awsome [[Jesus]]
*885) Horde invented blasphemy.
*886) Horde uses blasphemy as another way to offend the silly pinkies.
*887) Why is your face so red, silly pinkie?
*888) Horde invented 8s as well.
*889) Horde also invented the letter t - although we aren't held to using it like you pinkies are.
*890) Horde speak is so much easier than pinkie language.
*891) Horde is smart enough to know pinkie speech.  Here is a quick lesson:
Hey-yahh.  How es dee kids?
Pleese hold dis lantrin.  Thenk que.
Dose ar nise shoos.
Oh no monster, don't kill me!
*892) Alon cohn hazat meade, pinkies.
*893) Horde is Faster than a speeding bullet.
*894) Horde is more powerful than a locomotive.
*895) Horde can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
*896) And you thought this was over....
*897) Horde finished "This is the song that never ends"
*898) Horde caught, killed, roasted and ate Lambchop because he sang "This is the song that never ends"
*899) Horde turned Lambchop into a guy and then ate him again.
*900) Horde actually managed to make a list of 900 reasons they are better than you.
*901) All of them are true.
*902) All of them are false except that last one.
*904) 904 Reasons that the Horde is awesome!!!  Can it get any better than that?
*905) It just did.
*906) What the Horde does best!! Inflicting PAIN!
*907) Being sexy is often interchangable with inflicting pain.
*908) 92 reasons left to go!
[[Tethrin]] wrote: In America Horde wins, In Soviet Russia, Horde Loses!<br>
[[Elebrim]] wrote: Let's try this again: In America, Horde wins! In Soviet Russia, you win Horde!<br>
[[Sqeegee]]: "And what does he win, Jim?"
"A new HoRdE!!"
"A what?"
"SOOPRIZE HUMIES" *eat and devour all*
*910) HoRdE has head hunters
*911) head hunters are awsome
*912) have you seen [[Gorlock]]?
*913) no you haven't, your still alive
*914) Horde is Sancho. Celts, elves, they are not Sancho. But Horde... Horde is Sancho.
*915) Horde has NINE pages of reasons they rock.
*916) No major repeats in 913 reasons.
*917) It takes a particularly awesome brand of people to make so many reasons and have them stay interesting
*918) Horde is above your silly notions of spelling.
*919) 916 pinkies in the mall
*920) After the Horde, nothings left, not even the mall
*921) 9 pages and horde still not tell about the ambitious campaign.
*922) horde have super secret campaign
*923) [[Izareth]] have a great campaign stagedy
*924) [[Izareth]] will tell about the campaign when it is time
*925) nobody in horde knows what time it is
*926) horde keeps the time
*927) sure they let a little out each day
*928) but never too much
*929) and never too little time, that would suck
*930) horde rejects time all together
*931) 922-930 are written by a pinkee and are evidence that monsters are superior to pinkees.
*932) it doesn't matter If da dirtee pinkee messes up da count
*933) Da HoRdE can fix anything!
*934) like da Post count
*935) horde can claim that pinkies messed up the post count, does not matter cause monsters can't count
*936) monsters keep all the numbers
*937) they let the pinkies use them cause monsters are the coolest
*938) monsters don't unstand their numbers they keep
*939) We can make any pinky think what we want. bad pinkie!!
*940) horde have jedi mind trick mastered.
*941) HoRdE mind trick better than jedi's
*942) HoRdE has amazing powers
*943) and even superhero/ninja/pinkie killers
*944) amazing!
*945) monique,the hooker on a stick is a product of horde engineering.
*946) she is owned by [[Ryno]].
*947) [[Ryno]] gave her face paint and rubens bandana.
*948) then [[Pink]] broke her teeth out.
*949) and [[Zane]] was there.
*950) HoRdE is everywhere. HoRdE was even in my dream last night, marching into battle with crazy drumming and stuff. At least HoRdE got my name right (on second try) in the dream. Sorry, I am not a [[Mughal]], I am [[Magpie]]. They do both start with an "M" at least. Thank you for not killing me in my dream even though I was walking in front of / through your vast HoRdE. Oh, and your drumming was cool.
*951) Horde renamed [[Magpie]], [[Mughal]] useing his own dreams!
*952) Horde is that good, they invade [[Mughal|Mughals]] dreams
*953)Horde got the worm.
*954)Horde was lying in wait for the bird and got it, too.
*955)Horde turned a feather from the bird into a dart.
*956)Horde darted the mouse... and den he bleeding. 
*957)Horde stole the cheese from the mouse.
*958)Horde got the mouse AND the first one.
*959)Horde then got the mouse trap.
*960)Looks like you need a new mouse trap.
According to [[Zzyzx]] [[Muhgal]] of Rhûn wrote:
950) HoRdE is everywhere. HoRdE was even in my dream last night, marching into battle with crazy drumming and stuff. At least HoRdE got my name right (on second try) in the dream. Sorry, I am not a [[Magpie]], I am [[Muhgal]]. They do both start with an "M" at least. Thank you for not killing me in my dream even though I was walking in front of / through your vast HoRdE. Oh, and your drumming was cool.
HoRde let [[Muhgal]] pass thru ranks anytime witout killing him. Yoo welcome to walk through our unit ranks at sum event sumtyme, yoo have owr word.
*962) Monique was loaned to me!
*963) she's going to thaw brawl!
*964) YOU should go to thaw brawl too
*965) HoRdE threads never die!!!
*966) Horde is a direct product of the coolest people that foam fighting ever fielded. Most of which aren't even fighting anymore.
*967) Horde does not endorse number skipping
*968) but horde does endorse skipping pinkies
*969) make that profit yo!
*970) so is my hookah!
*971) horde inspired me to get the said hookah!
*972) this thread is invincible!
*973) like batman invincible.
*974) horde can count all the way to 10 without using it's fingers OR toes.
*975) Horde can get 49 reasons away from 1000 reasonsas to why they are all true
*976) Make that 48
*977) This is just another line of text to help the Horde get to 1000.
*978) horde can count all the way to 10 without using it's fingers OR toes, but a pinkee can't add 973+1.
*979) Horde invented Khazakstan
*980) Borat is Horde
*981) Es Nice!
*982 horde made sexy time up to make pinky have babies... witch makes more food for horde
*983) baby soup is delicious!
*984) you should try it
*985) Vokor is master Chef when it come to cooking babies!
*986) YES!
*987) Not pinkees>pinkees: Isn't that what really matters when it all boils down?
*988) Yes, that is what it all boils down to
*989) 10 to go!
*990)Horde make number system so complicated, Noone knows how to count.
*991) not complicated.
*992) Horde can count, you cant.
*993) Horde can produce a 'Wankle Rotary engine' Thanks to the ingenuity of Spike
*994) Soon Horde will all have wankle rotary engines
*995) Horde will take wankle engines to Spring War, and save money on wankle rotatry gas
*996) Wait till you see Horde at SpringWar, waaaaiiiit fooorrr ittt.....
*997) Horde will win all contests worth winning, Horde contests
*998)  Vanna, who's the next contestant on the next game 'worth winning'
*999) There will be two walls at Spring War a wooden wall, and a wall of impenitratable power, one belonging to CoTh, and one belonging to Horde
*1000) The second wall will belong to the group with 1000 reasons about taking them seriously.
*1001) Horde was responsible for the blatant failure of the "rock" band Creed.
*1002) God loves Horde for reason 1001.
*1003) Horde now has Enoch
*1004) Horde makes the world better.
*1005) Since you life is in the world, horde makes your life better.
*1006) You love things that make your life better.
*1007) [[Slaug]]. That is all.
*1008) Horde: The only unit badass enough to camp in the soggy bottoms two Spring Wars in a row. (and you thought it was stupidity...silly pinkee).
*1009) HorDe have dee best spyz. Dey cood be aneewere - yoo nevur can tel woo reely be hoRde in deeskys!
*1010) Horde has the most effective form of Government, DeFacto
*1011) Horde will accept your governance, for a price
*1012) Horde's price is unspecified and unrestricted amnesty form all rulings by said Government
*1013) Horde is in control of all it needs to be happy
*1014) ten pages and still going!
*1015) We don't permit bouncing of the 7th type.
*1016) There was once a young ball. He bounced 5 meters, then 1.3 meters, and then he bounced 7 meters. Get the picture?
*1017) We operate on the 12th dimension.
*1018) We understand that there are only 11 dimensions.
*1019) Pinkies do not yet know the meaning of suffering.
*1020) We're just kidding, you're wonderful humanoids.
*1021) Our demands are simple.
*1022) Complications may arise.
*1023) We at Horde Inc. cannot be held accountable for death, dismemberment, poisonous gas, thin ice, bad mojo, bad juju, swarms of malaria-infected mosquitos, SARS, skin rash, male pattern baldness, NES games not working properly, backstabs, backwoods lawyers, Koom, picking things up, putting things back down, or Krieger's crazy ass.
*1024) We ARE responsible for Marisa Tomei winning an Oscar. Sorry.
*1025) Horde is powerful indeed.
*1026) My new pants were made by horde.
*1027) Zi'gor said that "wub" was a main ingredient.
*1028) He lied.
*1029) We should be taken seriously, because most of us do get the jokes and don't take things to seriously.
*1030) Those who don't will always get beaten to submission. Da Horde way of ack-la-may-shun.
*1031) Horde is a tax exempt non profit organization
*1032) Except that which they steal from pinkies.
*1033) Beltaine XIII = Awesome
*1034) Nobody feasts like Horde feasts.
*1035) Horde Pwns, nuff said
*1036) They have HD-TV, anywhere they are.
*1037)  We harness the power of Cobra Kai.
*1038) Horde can Count!
*1039) Horde knows when to humbly accept praise from a God, or the minions of said God, or [[Beergarde]]. Thanks Ugangi!
*1040) Horde like pacman
*1041) Horde not need big dot to eat ghosts
*1042) Horde eat all things, even pacman -Wakka wakka wakka-
*1043) Horde) Zombifying threads for self interest since ... a really long time ago.
*1044) Horde will survive the Zombocolypse.
*1045) Hon'r!
*1046) Has Juicer been mentioned yet? Well he should definitely be on here twice.
*1047) We don't need nipples to entertain.
*1048) Just because 6 is better than 5.
*1049) Horde fears not the Apocolyptic effects that most certainly come from resurecting ancient threads.
*1050) Horde fears NOTHING.
*1051) Izareth and God got in a fight the other day... Izzy's still around. Have you seen God lately?
*1052) Horde blasphemes regularly.
*1053) Deities are too afraid of the Horde to do anything about it.
*1053b. Except for the great Marjack.
*1054. Cause the horde is to awesome for this thread to die.
*1055. Horde, we aren't Troll.
*1056) Horde loves Troll!
*1057) ...frequently.
(*) Kazi Enterprises are in no way affiliated with Horde Corp Incorporated
(*) [[Kazi]] Enterprises are in no way affiliated with Horde Corp Incorporated

Latest revision as of 03:07, 29 February 2008

Izareth has launched an Agressive Campaign. It is a booming success


[edit] Take Horde Seriousely

Have you taken us seriously lately?

Some perks to Horde in your neighborhood:

  • 1)Colorful Graffitti
  • 2) No shortage of yelling assinine opinions
  • 3) The distinct lack of resident elves
  • 4) Our hunger for knowledge is unquenchable
  • 5) What do unquenchable mean?
  • 6) We allow present Aristocracy to stay in control (less time of ours wasted on "That my sheep" "no, that my sheep" "WAAH WAAH"
  • 7) We step in for mercy shepherd killing
  • 8) Green is a bootiful color, not so much purple though
  • 9) We kill other armies, allowing a balance of Hordish power to rest *finally to the land
  • 10) We burn Trees, especially ancient ones that "has been there for generations, and my father used to blah, blah, blah..." FREE OF CHARGE
  • 11) We might cook you a feast at Beltaine
  • 12) We might let you eat the feast we cooked for you at Beltaine
  • 13) We made Denara's Halloween costume
  • 14) We decorated Angmarth's office space
  • 15) We invented Foam Fighting(TM)
  • 16) We don't sue you for using our invention
  • 17) Dee teleporting Izzy
  • 18) If you don't accept us into your heart, you are bound to burn forever (or at least as long as you live on fire)
  • 19) We doount spels soe guut
  • 20) I joined the Militia by signing my name on some guy's hide!
  • 21) When we rule, we shall be lenient on you, you have our word
  • 22) We can lie at the drop of a hat!
  • 23) We never drop our hats
  • 24) How many reasons do your group have anyway?
  • 25) We took over Belegarth in a silent coup, and then gave it back, cause we so nice.
  • 26) We all hot and sexay
  • 27) Horde's got Doo-Dads...well not ALL Horde
  • 28) Horde's got hot chicks, sans doo-dads!
  • 29) Horde knows what 'Sans' means
  • 30) you don't know what sans means, do you?
  • 31) Horde respects our 'elders' like the EBF
  • 32) Horde don't really respect anybody, it's all lip service yo!!!
  • 33) YAAAAAAAARRRRR!!!!!!!
  • 34) Yoo ken trust dee Horde
  • 35) Whin dee most edukated an fair monster, Izareth, flips da switch goin' savage... EVERYONE BLEEDING!
  • 36) Three dozen, and still going stronger than people who wear sunglasses on the field
  • 37) I wrote The Dark Tower Series under a pseudonym, and I can't even tell you what it's about!
  • 38) Grath Marenghi is my uncle, my ugly uncle.
  • 39) We have awesome huge bases all over the world, just like Cobra! I'm not afraid of calling a tactical retreat like old Cobra Commander!
  • 40) We allow all ages and genders and races to BE DESTROYED IN OUR WAKE!
  • 41) You may go to better events throughout the year than the events we run, but it'll be because we made your event by not being busy.
  • 42) The answer to the Universal question.
  • 43) Jimmy Carter, yeah, he's one of us. Peanut Farmer/ unexpected superhero.
  • 44) Speaking of Superheros we got Ju'Dekei!
  • 45) We eat our veggies, and grow the ones you feed your babies. We never get thanks for it either!
  • 46) I mean... have you seen Nanga?
  • 47) Pick that up
  • 48) Put that down
  • 49) We'll mock you while singing to the tune of london bridge
  • 50) We have Izareth.....being the great monster that he is.
  • 51) It's true - Horde just has more fun.
  • 52) Anyone who listens to them talk for long enough will adopt their speech patterns. Its like crack.
  • 53) NOBODY is as cool as Izzy
  • 54) We bring home the Bacon
  • 55) We bring home the cheese
  • 56) We don't let you have the bacon or cheese, cause we know it's bad for you
  • 57) We eat it all ourselves, and still look supa sexay
  • 58) DoNut? you out there? we waiting...
  • 59) In the general scheme of things, who better? Really better? All the time?
  • 60) We allow people to use our patented inventions free of charge all the time
  • 61) We invented and patented fun
  • 62) We patented and invented ass-kicking
  • 63) Do you like cheese?
  • 64) Tonight is the night...for lovers...goblyn lovers...
  • 65) We ran in the last election and won exactly 28% of the overall votes, not bad for Horde party
  • 66) We fight with foam swords, but do real damage, that's just how we roll
  • 67) We cause inner strife, for ourselves first
  • 68) You also not immune to strife
  • 69) The strife is comin' and I'm not going to make any innuendo
  • 70) Joo ever notice that saying you not make innuendo is making innuendo
  • 71) Innuendo is a registered trademark of Horde Services Inc.
  • 72) We'll take 'em, we'll break 'em and we'll laugh while we do it...'em
  • 72) Slap You. (See 67)
  • 73) Dey hav Plans C and D
  • 74). Sometimes, when tings be bad, da Horde busts out the Gonads AND strife! (Copyrighted by da HOrde 2006)
  • 75) Steve Colbert actually be a goblyn in pinkie clothes.
  • 76)dOnUt be back, trying to avoid being hobogob ice pop.
  • 77)Lacy elbows covers be sexy lingerie.
  • 78) Izzy can easily be imagined as Willy Wonka circa Gene Wilder.
  • 79) They also own chocolate.
  • 80) Lowering taxes and supporting the American family is thier number one priority.
  • 81) They love children.
  • 82) Don't you feel safe?
  • 79)Ayn Rand had a dream she didnt tell anybody about
  • 80)We know the secrets of Matthew Lesko
  • 81)Nitchie died of syphalis, we dont have syphalis
  • 82)Horde is the crumbs of cheese in your peanutbutter.
  • 83) We have in our sole possesion the skull of Charles Darwin which grants us imortality.
  • 84) We also have a thigh bone of health +4
  • 85) Horde don't play d&d
  • 86) 'Cause this is the best of all possible worlds.
  • 87) Didn't your mom tell you to eat all of your children?
  • 88) Was syphalis mentioned?
  • 89) They have hovering hats.
  • 90) They don't like ayn rand either, it's okay.
  • 91) They burned your copy of The Metamorphisis
  • 92) We support a da famalees, beecawze they so filling at meal ya I ment fun at meel time...specially da babies
  • 92) didnt that ayn rand have da sypahlis?
  • 93) Only becuse Spike sent it to her with the time machine he keeps in his pocket.
  • 94) Who knows?
  • 95) Who cares?
  • 96) Why?
  • 97) Why not?
  • 98) It doesn't matter.
  • 99) Everything COULD matter.
  • 101) We don't even NEED a 100
  • 102) Did you see Juicer's avatar? We have Gorlock. Actually, we have Juicer too. Well really, everyone in Horde is supremely awesome.
  • 103) Gorlock caused the Equinox typhoon.
  • 104) Seriously though, we're sorry about that. Not too sorry, but kind of.
  • 105) We* got Death Star
  • 106) We* got Death Star
  • 107) And you know that we* got it (Death Star)
  • 108) Oh Shit! It's DR. JULES!
  • 109) River Water, Bugbear Blood, Skaven Brew, Slaughter Splash, whatever Zzyzx is mixing up, etc...but then again, you probably don't remember how great they are, because they are just that great.
  • 110) we kicked Zartan and the Dreadnaughts out of the Horde for being "light sensitive crybabies"
  • 111) Inanna can speak the binary language of loadlifters, very similar to your moisture vaporators in most respects.
  • 112) There is no 2 in binary code, just one and zero, on and off. Like what you were before you met the Horde, and what you were afterward.
  • 113) We are affiliated with, and have members in all realms. At least all realms that matter.
  • 114) Did you know that this board has about 100 invisible forums? And Horde is in control of all of them, except the sucky ones.
  • 115) TRUTH!!!
  • 116) Horde has dee best spies - Yoo shood no, yoo es probably one of dem.
  • 117) We got Headhunters, but we don't always sick em on yous.
  • 118) We love life, and bring joy to usselves, what more could you want from us, selfishies.
  • 119) We own you house, cars and swimmin' pools, and we even let Juicer hang out and shout at you neighbors
  • 120) Dead River Horde is full up with unconditional love, OF HATE!
  • 121) We make good movies, starring fantastic new faces
  • 122) We understand Shrat, and we don't shun him.
  • 123) You should all be ashamed of youselves, but I won't tell on all of you.
  • 124) We got to hurt Dagganoth, and many others
  • 125) We formed our own bobsled team in a classic fish-out-of-water tale in which we became winners without actually winning the race.
  • 126) Horde can lead a horse to water, and when it doesn't drink, we punch it in the face and drown it.
  • 127) "Brokeback Mountain" is not just a movie. It's also what Krieger calls the pile of dead elves in his front yard.
  • 128) HORDE WIN!
  • 129) We let Dagganoth get there first.
  • 130) Ain't Donut Cute?
  • 131) We control the weather
  • 132) We won't do you "weather favors"
  • 133) We had all three catalytic elements for the MASS device, but we wanted to watch GI Joe fight to get them anyway
  • 134) We eat our vegetables, and they give us superpowers
  • 135) When you eat our vegetables, they WON'T do the same for you.
  • 135) We got Spike
  • 136) "Just passing through"
  • 137) We can and WILL institute our newest scheme. "Plan H"
  • 138 ) You wish you knew what "Plan H" was
  • 139) Your puppy or kitty didn't "run away". We ate him.
  • 141) Kitty go CRUNCH..with catsup...
  • 142) Dere be da Bunny of World Domination..he be your friend.
  • 143) Until more pinkie...
  • 144) dOnUt be adorable adorable you don't see da shiv til pinkie stew.
  • 145) Everybody's likes donuts.
  • 146) dere be donut filling...also so you don't see da shiv.
  • 147) We have an aggresive campaign.
  • 148) Just when you think it's over - Horde keeps it going.
  • 149) Horde threads never die, just like their memebers.
  • 151) We don't need a 150 either.
  • 152) Headhunters. Need I say more?
  • 153) Soilent Green is people!!
  • 154) Horde, serving Soilent Green to people since Beltaine I
  • 155) Horde Services Inc. created the internet.
  • 156) Then for fun we gave the rights to Al Gor, and watched the hilarity ensue.
  • 157) Koom Campfire stories.
  • 158)
  • Koommotivational.jpg
  • 159) HORDE DON'T NEED A 1000!
  • 160) [Kira] loves Horde
  • 161) We don’t have ‘Jarl Sir Maddog’
  • 162) We eat raw energon to recharge our batteries.
  • 163) We disclaim that Kitten pauldrons and all, we don’t have Moxk, but we did teach him to be super cute, and kill kittens.
  • 164) We knock your socks off, and then lovingly put them back on saying, ‘it’s cold out there silly”.
  • 165) We come to battle practice.
  • 166) We have a ship, and Izareth is it’s Captain.
  • 167) No you can’t come on the Ship.
  • 168) No, you can’t touch my hat.
  • 169) Yes, we will smuggle your contraband.
  • 170) We can’t spell 'Jarl Sir Madog'
  • 171) We don’t post so-called “wedgie videos”
  • 172) We don’t take guff.
  • 173) Was that Guff, I just saw you tryin’ to hand us?
  • 174) You can keep it, can’t you read? Go two up!
  • 175) I’ve seen the Aerol Flynn Robin Hood
  • 176) No! It wasn’t new at the time!
  • 177) We got plans.
  • 178) 2007, the Horde Year of Mayhem.
  • 179) We ghost-write for Langston Hughes and Danielle Steele.
  • 180) You know you read good poetry and bad romance novels.
  • 181) We always sound like drunk Russians.
  • 182) We are stupid.
  • 183) You are stupider.
  • 184) When people want to “enjoy the game” they join us.
  • 185) When people want to “win the game” they don’t join us.
  • 186) We still regularly “beat” people regardless of their affiliation.
  • 187) We all cry in our sleep, but in a badass way.
  • 188) We invented Metal, and gave it to Bodmin to be it’s chosen warrior.
  • 189) We wrote, directed and starred in the movies The Last Dragon, Trick or Treat, and the animated Rock and Rule.
  • 190) we don't suck at quoting people.
  • 191) The horde can double post.
  • 192) The Horde can triple post.
  • 193) The Horde can triple post.
  • 194) The Horde can triple post.
  • 195) We have cool names for our realms like Burning Mountain, and Blood Valley.
  • 196) We don't always make the biggest showing at events, but we do always make the best.
  • 197) We are distilled from Springwater fresh from the grounds of Jack Daniels distillery.
  • 198) We 'bring the noise', and if there are screaming babies, we 'bring the quiet'.
  • 199) There was at least one Horde member in every episode of M*A*S*H
  • 200) We killed Jimmy Hoffa.
  • 201) Juicer knows all about this one.
  • 202) We have people seeking 'franchise rights'.
  • 203) We are the 'Home of the Whopper'.
  • 204) Horde doesn't need 200, btu we did it anyway.
  • 205) The BK King is actually Juicer out for a joy ride.
  • 206) The HORDE doesn't need that lame McDonalds special sauce.
  • 207) You want to try some Horde special sauce?
  • 208) Screaming babies are actually small goblyns in disguise.
  • 209) Do you wish to join the Horde movement?
  • 210) We'll probably deny your application anyway.
  • 211) Peeps. Lost of peeps.
  • 212) Horde doesn't need forts!
  • 213) At an event Horde fire often becomes main fire (for reasons why, see various responses above and possibly below)
  • 214) Come to Beltaine!
  • 215) We are too sexy for Right Said Fred.
  • 216) Horde remembers everything and forgives nothing.
  • 217) Horde Wins at being random.
  • 218) Horde Wins vs. the tree.
  • 219) Horde Wins vs. itself.
  • 220) The orginal Pinja - yep, Horde's got him
  • 221) Don't you wish your garb was this comforable?
  • 222) Horde just broke the thread!
  • 223) But Horde fixed it before anyone knew.
  • 224) Horde invented the evil laugh.
  • 225) We invented the evil laugh while watching someone bleeding.
  • 226) We so better that most other people that we appear as both physical and intellectual giants amoung you.
  • 227) Who your favorite person, cause we trained that one. That or we killed 'em.
  • 228) We can kill by will alone, but we prefer to fight.
  • 229) We pay Winfang's salary, unless he bad.
  • 230) We found ourselves in love with the world, and there was only on thing we could do; TURN TO HATE!
  • 231) We broke all the magic in Amtgard, so that we could invent ditching.
  • 232) Don't make me kill you tough-guy!
  • 233) Repots indicated that we're romantically linke with Dark Guard.
  • 234) The paparazzi won't leave us alone.
  • 235) We sneak into the Emo's bedrooms and tell them subconsciously to hurt themselves.
  • 236) Senior Vorpal Kickass'o!!!!
  • 237) Bhakdar stole Paris Hilton's T-Mobile Sidekick.
  • 238) And her dog.
  • 239) And her underwear.
  • 240) And released the sex tape.
  • 241) Those guys who blare their music in their turcks at events...yep. Killed 'em.
  • 242) Lo'bo has the watch that Captain Koons wore up his ass for two years.
  • 243) Some of our alumni include Marv from Sin City, Dennis Hopper, Godzilla, Jeremy Irons, Soth from the Goonies, and Alan Rickman.
  • 244) We apprecaite the good humor of a palindrome.
  • 245) Yo banana boy!
  • 246) Speakign og Good Humor, we invented the Hulk Hogan Ice Cream Bar, brother!
  • 247) We stick our KoKK's in your units and you like it.
  • 248) We thought that was funny.
  • 249) Seiously though: Beltaine.
  • 250) We have members at spatula rank. You aren't even at mop rank yet, much less big mop rank.
  • 251) We started the French Revolution and invented the internet in the same day. Then we took a late lunch with King Kong and killed him for eating off our plate.
  • 252) We taught the philosopher Hobbs to hate everthing.
  • 253) You taught him how to write a 700 page tome that sucks.
  • 254) You are the prize in a box of CrackerJax, we are the prize in a KinderEgg.
  • 255) Little known fact is taht Lo'bo invented Iambic Pentameter.
  • 256) I'm supposed to be using my hour of net filling out my already late fasfa paperwork and jumping through other school realted hoops but I thought that it woudl be better spent informing you all the reasons why cherubs would follow us around if they existed.
  • 257) Course we would have an eternal supply of flying jerky if this were the case.
  • 258) Shartopia.
  • 259) Horde has Dr. Tran.
  • 260) Horde be American doctor.
  • 261) with hot American dickings.
  • 262) Our Huuuuge American penis.
  • 263) The Shratonomicon.
  • 264) Shratisfaction.
  • 265) No, we don't have Dagganoth. YOU do.
  • 266) ha.
  • 266) We ALWAYS get jokes. Sometimes they just aren't funny.
  • 267) OMG I love Kinder Eggs!
  • 268) We had two 266s, but its ok.
  • 269) Yeah, I just did this! And that's why Horde rocks!
  • 270)pause and check the other thread (sweet ads) I posted in...Horde fucking
  • 271) Horde can skip 268 and it be ok.
  • 272) There is no theory of evolution. Just a list of animals Izareth allows to live.
  • 273) A bugbear once ate a whole cake before his friends coud tell him there was a stripper in it.
  • 274) When the Horde calls 1-900 numbers, they don't get charged. They hold up the phone and money falls out.
  • 275) Izareth can divide by zero.
  • 276) Izareth played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded gun and won.
  • 277) Izareth, and the Headhunters enclave walked into a bar. The bar was instantly destroyed, as that level of awesome cannot be contained in one building.
  • 278) When Izareth sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes noly a picture of the Horde, armed and ready to cahrge. Izareth has not had to pay taxes, ever.
  • 279) Izareth kicked Chuck Norris' ass.
  • 280) We can't deny the truth.
  • 281) We can't deny anything posted here so far.
  • 282) One time, the Horde decided something and it instantaneously was the truth.
  • 283) Others lie.
  • 284) Horde is most clever.
  • 285) Horde can count better than anyone else - we just realized the importance of 266.
  • 286) Don't you wish you knew why 266 is so awesome?
  • 287) Horde stole Christmas - not the grinch. Why do you think the Grinch is green?
  • 288) Lambrusco - Horde's elf.
  • 289) Gorlock adds weight to weapons, adding nothing but his rage.
  • 290) Horde built and own the fifteen layers of hell.
  • 291) We let you have the first seven, cause we're generous.
  • 292) Shrat need to call his mom and get fafsa crap done so that I stop getting calls from Utah kobolds wondering if their son is alive.
  • 293) Shrat's in Horde; of course he's alive.
  • 294) He's too cool for getting his school crap done.
  • 295) Cause he's too clever for his own good.
  • 296) Silly Kobalds and their uberraschungs eier.
  • 297) Even non-Horde fighters contribute to the Aggressive Campaign.
  • 298) Contineud self-propeganda.
  • 299) Your kids love Horde and will talk in Horde-speak for weeks after an event.
  • 300) The un-expected.
  • 301) Horde caused Pangea to break-up beacuse we felt a change of cenary was in order.
  • 302-642) WE go Dagganoth to stop posting so much *it worth so much cuz that's how many post he would have made 50 seconds it tooke to to type this*
  • 303) the Answer is 42 to the ultimate question of life the universe and everthing.
  • 304) Izareth knows the question as well...that why he lead.
  • 305) We so cool, we have gobo smiley put on board in honor of Izzy.
  • 306) Hat troll one coming soon.
  • 307) George Carlin is Horde, because he knows you only shake the baby when the recipe calls for it.
  • 308) Horde create all the best games.
  • 309) Bond be Horde, he know baby best when shaken, not stirred.
  • 310) Horde created wiki
  • 311) we made up Jarl Sir Madog. He is not real person. Just a fake alt on the boards that we as the horde take turns posting under and doing things in the name of.
  • 312) We are so clever that now our alt, SirMadog, wil argue against what I just said in 311.
  • 313) or not.
  • 314) We provide much needed Discipline:
  • 315) We are asian schoolteachers and afro wearing buff guys on strange gameshows.
  • 316) We don't use Dagganoth ploys to up our reasons, true though the ploy may be.
  • 317) Even better:
  • 318) We invented the Japanese, and they invented the testicle smasher gameshow.
  • 319) we got xAlucardx searching for high qualtiy nutshots for your entertainment.
  • 320) When we all get together again, horde will entertain you with live reinactment. You get to be the contestants!
  • 321) We make things and break the mold.
  • 322) This band is not in Horde.
  • 323) We reguild the Mold, just beacuse people hated what we made so much the first time.
  • 324) We collect spores, molds and fungus.
  • 325) We often make 'shady deals in dark alleyways'.
  • 326) We have parents, YOUR parents, and we won't return them EVER!
  • 327) We have calculated a world domination plan, and instead of using it, we wrote World Domination for Dummies.
  • 328) We give ourselves pats on the back, each other pats on the head, but we save the pats on the ass for YOU!
  • 329) Im half way done getting my paper work for school. This benis us (us=horde) becuse when Im educated Ill probelry end up teaching first graders or something. which means the future generzations of your kids will be exposed to the sweet smell of pure awesome and an early age than other wise
  • 330) In an Infinte plane of existence all possble instanses can and will occure including the instase of perfection. The paradox that this proposes is that the IDea of a Perfection is best represented by an all encompassing realastion of all posbiltys but brings and end to those posbiltys. Ie there is nothing left to perfect your self in. Therefore Perfection is thee nd of Infinty though Infinty must include perfection thus I propse the Perfection is best understood as an infinite amount of finite moment percived in an eternal manner.
  • 331) I made you read all that shit.
  • 332) Al that shit made sense to us. Maybe not to you, but definitely us.
  • 333) We could count, by why?
  • 334) the horde invented numbers
  • 335) Horde is the only unit that doesn't get bad luck when a Black Cat crosses their path.
  • 336) Horde knows sanity is a norrible affliction that only can be past along by not taking hits. This is why a.) monsters take their hits, and b.) all pinkies must die to save horde from this disease.
  • 337) Horde invented spellcheck.
  • 338) Horde decides not to use spellcheck because we are that awesome.
  • 339) Horde also don't use spell check because pinkies demand use of spell check.
  • 340) Shart owns your childrens' souls.
  • 341) All new members know what the Horde is by their 4th post.
  • 342) Horde do's indead hav thear own alcoholic beverage, but water do' nott woork oon stoopid pinkys.
  • 343) Horde: thinking outside the box, because they crushed it.  :(
  • 344/684) Horde can make any statement completely and totally logically correct.
  • 345/685) Horde needs two sets of numbers to track the awesome.
  • 346) but we decide when we will use both.
  • ---) or neither.
  • 347) Blast it! After reading on must join...
  • 348) Horde have T'nuc.
  • 349) Horde so sexy even sexy pinkey join...but shhhh don't tell anyone.
  • 350) Horde know they ain't no truck!
  • 351) Only powerful Izzy know the real way to get into a truck...the sun roof.
  • 333) I just wanted to use this number. HORDE WIN!!!
  • 352) Horde steal your numbers and make them awesome.
  • 353) Horde taught Chuck Norris all his moves.
  • 354) Atyhing the Horde write down, it be truth.
  • 355) Hordw owns WOW.
  • 356) Horde creates paradoxes. Subsequently, their Aggressive Campaign kills English Majors.
  • 357) Horde also kill off stupid science type dingy majors.
  • 359) Horde can launch a completely aimless Aggressive Campaign.
  • 360) Zzyzx, real good fo' real monsters.
  • 361) We have 360 previous reasons, but we still have this one: We have fully functional cheese farm.
  • 362) We make the children happy...with wanton destruction.
  • 363) All statements made by pinkeis be null and void.
  • 364) Horde likes cheese.
  • 365) You like cheese.
  • 366) by Horde logic you like Horde.
  • 367) However Horde may not like you...we like cheese.
  • 368) Horde invented cows.
  • 369) The cows that Horde invented were fire breathing automatons, once Humans bean raising them, they became lamer.
  • 370) We will hide in the carcass of a dead cow, and jump out ofr a disgusting surprise party for you.
  • 371) Us Dewie Decimal, You Lybrary of Congress.
  • 372) Dapper Davy wrote: "I drive a huge firetruck".
  • 373) As long as we are on the subject of Shrat - Kid Pangea and the Pangea Kid. Totally Horde
  • 374) The Horde trained Master Miagi, who inturn trained the karate kid.
  • 375) So therefore the Horde trained the karate kid.
  • 376) The Horde created karate.
  • 377) The Horde has many other groups can say that?
  • 378) Horde scares new (and old!) board members into complete reverential submission by sheer amount of reasons why the Horde is All-powerful *bows down*.
  • 379) Madog takes the Horde seriously.
  • 380) Horde gets to the correct count one way or another.
  • 381) Yes, Horde do win.
  • 382) Owie, my fingers hurt.
  • 383) Pain not stop dee Horde!
  • 384) We is prepared for Z-day.
  • 385) We know when Z-day is.
  • 386) No we won't tell you.
  • 387) During the rectivication of the Voldranai, he came as a giant Slur! Many Shuvtan Zuels knew what it ws to raost in the Depths of a Slaur that day I can tell you!!
  • 388) During the reconcilliation of th elast of the McKetric supplements they chose a new form for him, that of a large and moving Torg!
  • 389) Don't worry your little head about it, we got it covered.
  • 390) We think the unthinkable.
  • 391) On the last day it will be Izareth who chooses Gozer's final form.
  • 392) He'll choose the green one.
  • 393) Listen to what Brenna say. This pinky be intelegent. Well as intelegent as a ham sandwhich can be.
  • 394) We dance like kings of the eyesores.
  • 395) We use words like Dapper and Magnificent.
  • 396) Instead of a heart koom has the next iceage beating in his chest.
  • 397) You know when your useing a urinal in a crowded bathroom and there are guys to each side of you and a line of guys behind you and you need to pee pretty badly but you just cant and you know they know you cant? you know that awkward speacel kind of awkward? We invented that just for you.
  • 398) Horde created Gozer
  • 399) Horde gots Grim Felltooth
  • 400) Horde never feel awkward. Even when peein'.
  • 401) We make lunch for the kids and send them off to school.
  • 402) We have the hottst stationwagon in the carpool.
  • 403) Have you seen the backseat.
  • 404) Want to?
  • 405) You've seen the backseat of our HaWT stationswagon, slut.
  • 406) In the Horde, we have a saying: "In the Horde, we have a saying".
  • 407) Are you having pumpkin pie for the holidays? Thank a Horde member.
  • 408) Have you ever felt pain? Thank a Horde member.
  • 409) Puts grease on the run!
  • 410) Horde has the strength of a Bear.
  • 411) Horde has the ears of a wolf.
  • 412) Horde has the eyes of a hawk.
  • 413) What else, ask Zzyzx...
  • 414) Izareth found this
  • 415) Horde now be with better post counts.
  • 416) Speed of a puma.
  • 417) (Horde also has a talking horse with shotgun.)
  • 418) Sometimes the Horde doesn't need to count.
  • 419) The Horde wrote the song cool as ice.
  • 420) We gots better stuff den da DA.
  • 421) Marcus kick Apollo's ass.
  • 422)
  • 422.jpg
  • 423) We are not those things pictured above.
  • 424) We are not Savetuba.
  • 425) The Horde really can count, we just like to prove that your number system is flawed.
  • 426) The Horde never sleeps.
  • 427) The Horde is too powerful to need things like sleep and food and air.
  • 428) Sleep deprivation doesn't effect the Horde.
  • 429) That eating babies thing - that just because we're that badass.
  • 430) Horde has 500 powers. Number 471 is teleporting.
  • 431) They also have x-ray vision.
  • 432) Horde hav thikk skin - yoos teeses duz not hurt us.
  • 433) Even wit dee thick skin, Horde take all der hits!
  • 434) Juicer ken kill yoo with a stare.
  • 435) Dee Horde has dee PD2K.
  • 436) Horde has Ju'Dekei, bringer of the squeaky cheese curds!!!!!
  • 437) Horde has the best grammar in the game.
  • 438) Still not Savetuba.
  • 439) Nowhere NEAR Savetuba.
  • 440) Horde loves de Militia but wee is better den dose monsters.
  • 441) Horde is better dan dee Militia because we don't bring any 5 gallon tubs of engine grease to an event.
  • 442) Horde is better den dee Militia even doe dey put a can of beans on trial.
  • 443) Horde is frends wit dee Militia an hav some members whoo joined de Militia.
  • 444) Horde is cool enuff too understand what all doze storees meen and hav much respect for de efferts.
  • 445) Horde is full of love - love of eating babies and makin' yoo bleedin'.
  • 446) Horde!: Dee musical!
  • 447) Alon cohn hazat meade. Horde has der own language an der own calendar.
  • 448) Dee Horde faked dee moon landing.
  • 449) Horde not burn bridges - we 'splode dem!
  • 450) Horde gots 450 reasons dat wee is awesome. How many reasons doo yoo got?
  • 451) Horde tinks dose guys are awesome and admits it, you just worship dee pitchur in your closet every night
  • 452) Horde is not the next top model
  • 453) horde eats models
  • 454) After having Hordes way with them.
  • 455) By our way we mean we like to have them cooked over an open flame, marinated in a garlic butter sauce and with a nice cesar side salad.
  • 456) Horde ate the Lindberg baby.
  • 457) Horde kidnapped Amelia Earhart.
  • 458) Horde can fly planes.
  • 459) Horde are like pirates, but with planes instead of boats.
  • 460) though Horde can also pirate boats.
  • 461) and movies
  • 462) and your mom
  • 463) but only if shes hot
  • 464) mmm...those nice soft.
  • 465) and the horde dosnt get things like scurvy
  • 466) Da Horde give good rides from de airport to strange pinky women (Izzy be da bestest monster next to Ju'Dekei!) [edit for clarification: The Horde will give rides from the airport to an event even if you are a Strange pinky woman]
  • 467) DonUt finds our unfinished Documentary and posts it for all to see
  • 468) We got us a map
  • 49) It's all covered in locks
  • 470) It's got booty inside
  • 471) We does what we wants
  • 472) Horde is FREE!!!!
  • 473) Horde does charge, but just the unworthy
  • 474) We have a 500 question math word-problem/essay test to prove worthyness
  • 475) No one in Horde has taken dee test, but Gorlock did eat a copy
  • 476) Horde has future math teachers
  • 477) You don't have a future
  • 478) You'd be that weird English teacher nobody likes.
  • 479)but you don't have a future.
  • 480) horde be that awesome physics or chem techer that blows shit up
  • 481) horde invented physics AND chemistry
  • 482) mostly cus Horde was borde
  • 483) somedays Horde be poet and not know it.
  • 484) America! Fuck Yeah!
  • 485) We invented eyepatches. The sad part is we did because Izareth needed one.
  • 486) We realised Izzy needed an eye patch after we saw he could do when looking at something with both eyes.
  • 487) You don't want Izzy to look at you with both eyes.
  • 488) Thank HOrde and God, In THAT order, for eye patches.
  • 489) We look after our own
  • 490) We own you
  • 491) We don't consider you "our own"
  • 492) Are we gonna' stop when this list hits 500?
  • 493) No
  • 494) Horde is very persistant.
  • 495) You admire that
  • 496) Horde isn't always one off - we're just always one ahead.
  • 497) Horde understands and has harnessed the power of the elephant. But we only use it for good.
  • 498) By good, I mean good by Horde definition. Not good by pinkey definition.
  • 499) Pinkey's is evil. If you is not Horde, den you must be evil.
  • 500) Half way to 1000. Enoch's getting scared - are you?
  • 501) Horde never gets scared.
  • 502) We ate fear.
  • 503) Horde services Inc. inveted fear.
  • 504) Horde uses it to keep pinkies in line.
  • 505) We built Bo out of determination and insanity.
  • 506) We had our reasons to do it.
  • 507) There are multiple reasons to appreciate us, who would you rather read about?
  • 508) Mustakrakish once gave Ghyll a high five.
  • 509) We would've been the unit of choice for Peter Lorre.
  • 510) Shrat, many reasons in himself...
  • 511) Once we decided to have fun, and it was the first time fun was ever had, documented, and remembered.
  • 512) We love the Militia, but they are insecure Homosexuals so they only return the love behind closed doors.
  • 513) We know some half-Owlbears.
  • 514) We have an overt fondness for beatles
  • 516) Our mothers love us
  • 517) Your mothers love us
  • 518) Were more equal
  • 519) We invented equality so we could break the curve
  • 520) We invented the curve so we could spoil it
  • 521) We like Cake, BRING US CAKE!!!!
  • 522) We didn't invent Cake, it was a gift given to Shrat by his loyal subjects to quell his Malignant rage
  • 523) Shrat has a band thats better than yours.
  • 524) Shrat can balance a spear on his nose.
  • 525) Horde Games, that should be at least 6 or 7 reasons.
  • 526) Have you seen ForkBeard? He called us "da coolest"
  • 527) We do musical numbers from West Side Story and The Music Man
  • 528) We have a local tag-team in one of those podunk wrestling leagues called 'Stitchem and Doodle'. Their big schtick is to compare people to yappy dogs
  • 529) We didn't invent wrestling, but we did create 'The Iron Shiek'
  • 530) Horde cake=
  • 531)Our cake is better than your unit's cake.
  • 532) Horde has Koom.
  • 533) He be a crazy BAMF with a bag of rocks.
  • 534) Horde give people upset stomachs
  • 535) Horde invented Pepto but make it icky pink to repel..well..pinkies...
  • 536) *burp* mmmm...pinkies...
  • 537) Skeet Seal of Approval
  • 538) We don't need the Skeet seal of approval, the proof is he joined the EBF.
  • 539) We were at Rhun Closer, and we owned everyone's soul through Ju'Dekei's magic soul stealing CAmErora device
  • 540) If you want your soul back, it's just three easy installments of $19.95
  • 541) Trust me, it's not worth it
  • 542) All returned souls have a 93.2% chance of having been through Juicer's digestive tract
  • 543) seriously. you don't want it back.
  • 544) 538 is true - The Mick was there. Here is proof in the form of The Mick's stolen soul:
  • 545) Horde talks without killing you,...sometimes
  • 546) But Horde talks with killing you more often!
  • 547) Horde makes more sense than Aizen!
  • 548) Watermelons! They're not in Horde, but it's a Horde term!
  • 549) Horde invented the exclamation point because we needed a way to express "We sez dis and den yoo bleedin". !
  • 550) !
  • 551) Oh noes! Mah Soul.
  • 552) Yup, he was a goblin all along
  • 553) It is easy being green.
  • 554) Or maybe it isnt, we might be tricking you.
  • 555)
  • NurgltchNaughtyPic.jpg
  • 556) Yes, she's a headhunter.
  • 557) No, she won't hunt yours.
  • 558) The previous statements have not been evaluated or supported by the Headhunters Enclave Inc.
  • 559) We give you proof that we totally nasty
  • 560) You still totally loves us
  • 561) Horde is good like that
  • 562) We know what Ender would do
  • 563) We love you 'just the way you are', which is stupid
  • 564) We have Santa, and if we don't get the crowns to your many kingdoms, we won't let him out for X-mas
  • 565) A long time ago we killed all of Santa's elves and replaced them with Goblyns, that is when toys became cheaply and shoddily made but infinitly cooler
  • 566) The Goblyns put Div and Ertyk in charge of the toy production
  • 567) hence the awesomely dangerous toys
  • 568) horde eats all of the cookies and pours the milk under the tree to spoil
  • 569) hence the nasty smell latter
  • 570) see #561
  • 571) horde makes the baby jesus cry
  • 572) see #570
  • 573) horde told him not to cry, and turned him into a killing machine
  • 574) Horde only needed only one wise man
  • 575) That wise man, was actually a goblyn
  • 576) Frank Zappa is in Horde
  • 577) You can tell because of that song "Goblyn Girl"
  • 578) In Her Goblin suit, she looks so cute
  • 579) This was probably already covered
  • 580) This pinky is too lazy to bother checking
  • 581) Paksha said were cool.
  • 582) Paksha is cool
  • 583) You can figure this one out come on.
  • 584) Horde can "remove" people who can't figure it out
  • 585) Horde actually stole christmas then blamed it on the grinch
  • 586) that pansy aint good enough for the horde.
  • 588) No Crhistmas music
  • 589) Horde wrote all Holiday songs, except for "The little Drummer Boy"
  • 590) Santa is in the Horde, and is slowly taking over X-Mas for us
  • 591) Jesus (from the Horde) uses deductive logic; the most flawed of logics, also the most fun
  • 592) 9 out of 10 Doctors use Horde every morning for shiny coats and gleaming white teeth
  • 593) It's true we get 'used' all the time, but at least we don't let that 10th Doctor do it. Have you seen that guy?
  • 594) I feel used, and that's okay!
  • 595) poop!
  • 596) we are in a video game come on!
  • 597) almost have 600 reasons
  • 598) We got purple things, with cool hats.
  • 599) Horde can dance....better than you
  • 600) Horde ignores 598 post and anything else said by Dagganoth.
  • 601) 600 baby!
  • 602) Horde eats babies
  • 603) with catsup
  • 605) Dagga who?
  • 606) Noth, he's tryin' Cause of HoRde
  • 607) DoNUt's imminent return
  • 608) Horde collaborated with the Zucker brothers, the result? Airplane!
  • 609) Another group collaborated with them, the result? First Knight. (enough said)
  • 610) I went into my attic and found an aluminum teapot, and I didn't write about it!
  • 611) Horde drinks tea, with their little finger extended, and there's nothing you can do about it
  • 612) You will try to do something about it
  • 613) You will fail
  • 614) Horde requires gift receipts for above mentioned imminent returns.
  • 615) and long lines
  • 616) and a large ex-con named Butch
  • 617) Bring the lube.
  • 618) HoRdE(TM) neither condones nor condemns the use of lube in aforementioned situations concerning our employee Butch. Either way, its hilarious.
  • 619)Further proof Santa is Horde: He leaves coal for bad children, but delivers
  • Kingsford-charcoal.jpg
to bad knights.
  • 620) Just when you thought the thread was going away, the Year of Mayhem begins!
  • 621) Elf Pie
  • 622) Who could ask for anything more?
  • 623) You want more
  • 624) We might give you more, but it'lll be more than you need.
  • 625) we have a Hordebrella
  • 626) The Horde made Grey Poupon
  • 627) Then they made it orange colored
  • 628) I have heard whispers a secret Horde ingrediant for grey poupon is elves..
  • 629)Horde has no elves
  • 630)Only Horde can make elves taste good
  • 631) see this is bunny

(> <)
and bunny must be horde because he like all of us failed at our new years resolution and bunny is on conquest to rule the world for horde.

  • 632) bunny is our secret to koom's red rock
  • 633) the bunny is near unstoppable... possibly unstoppable
  • 634) They have a web site. (
  • 635) They also have Keggleskin.
  • 636) The Australia is dedicated to the Horde
  • 637) All nations gained independence with their help.
  • 638) dey lets Graavish in
  • 639) No mortal banning can hold the might of Horde.
  • 640) elves and babies taste good with ketchup.
  • 641) Built HoRdE tough.
  • 642) Horde have hobgoblyns fighting with dem.
  • 643) Horde knows were you sleep.
  • 644) Don't bother moving.
  • 645) Horde will find you.
  • 646) horde + beltain = nuff said
  • 647) Horde don't need no bumps.
  • 648) But we do it anyway.
  • 649) I take Horde Very Seriously, In bed.
  • 650) Horde invented the long list.
  • 651) Not only did we invent the long list, but we re-invented it.
  • 652) Horde also invented the short and more standard sized lists that you've all come to know and love.
  • 653) Horde invented the bullet point...modeled afte rpinkie blood drips on paper.
  • 654) Horde yells "FOR THE HORDE!!" before every meal....even while at TGI Fridays.
  • 655) Horde invented EVERYTHING
  • 656) Hodre didn't invent cake, but holds the patent.
  • 657) When we're in bed wit' Sgt Kiff or any of the Militia, we're giving lovers.
  • 658) When we done wit dem we be giving lovers to sarlacc pits.
  • 659) We have a Sarlacc pit down in Gorewood.
  • 660) We goin down dere dis weekend to feed it.
  • 661) We beat it when it be bad.
  • 662) Horde teaches Gorewood
  • 663) im part of Gorewood
  • 664) its now called the Lowlands
  • 665) but de horde calls it whats dey wants!
  • 666) <-----  :shock: :devil:
  • 667) Kiff will be livin' in the panhandle!
  • 668) Horde be willing to give it all, provided it belongs to somebody else
  • 669) Horde are the strictest critic of the arts and sciences
  • 670) Your arts and sciences are poop
  • 671) horde is growing
  • 672) its expanding into the west
  • 673) and its coming for for you!
  • 674) Horde invented Stickers!
  • 675) Horde invent many things we won't tell you about. We could, but we won't.
  • 676) Troll is jealous that he doesn't hold the cake patent.
  • 677) I heard that Horde holds the patent for patents.
  • 678) I heard the horde lost the patent though
  • 679) The patent was burned in a goblins attempt at trying to own all things.
  • 680) Izareth owns all things?
  • 681) Yes, Izzy owns all things, he just lets you think he doesn't.
  • 682) Horde does whatever they want... no really...
  • 683) Horde Lose?.....Nah...
  • 684) Horde invented losing so Pinkies would have something to do after the battle.
  • 685) Horde PWN all none horde peeps, and elves. . . . PWN THE ELVES
  • 686) If you dont agree with statment above, you will be hunted down and fed to the captured elves"
  • 687) COME ON PEOPLE, HORDE F*CKING PWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 688) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 689) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 690) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 691) Everytime you use an exclamation point, the Horde kills a kitten
  • 692) horde stole the kitten from your sister
  • 693) HoRdE makes the best kitten pie...EVER
  • 694) Izareth owns exclamation points, and kittens. You need to pay royalties for using the words.
  • 695) $$Kittens!$$ - That just cost pinkies $3.50
  • 696) $3.50 they dont have.
  • 697) They dont have $3.50 because we stole it.
  • 698) Now pinkies are in debt.
  • 699) Horde pwns pinkies that dont pay there debts .
  • 700) Horde kicks pinkies off the bandwagon.
  • 701) Horde president of da 700 club.
  • 702) Izareth ate your baby
  • 703) the Horde makes it home from Bleeding Hollow Before i do ='(
  • 704) The event was held in Florida
  • 705) I live in Florida
  • 706) the Horde was going back to Tennessee
  • 707) The Horde drives to and from events at 180 mph.
  • 708) Not only do they drive at dat speed, dey also break Barduk's ignition key wit single blue shot.
  • 709) Dee Horde drive 600+ miles to train noobs amongst cacti and scorpions. Everyone bleeding, dey train hardcore.
  • 710) Horde cut down Bleeding Hollow tree by tree, many grievances...
  • 711) Dee Horde changed the Bleeding Hollow campsite from TeeDge's Folley to Fort Horde.
  • 712) Dee Horde have pumas, wolves, and invincible bears.
  • 713) Dee Horde invented "Bush Hopping."
  • 714) Next Time, De Horde doan even need to cut down Bleeding Hollow becuz it already bleedin'.
  • 715) After Camp Bleeding Hollow, "Come to Beltaine!" has officially been shouted from the hilltops.
  • 716) Everytime an exclamation point is used, Griffolion gets a mile farther away from Horde
  • 717) It's the YEAR OF MAYHEM, all bets are off.
  • 718) Your bets are off, we gotta place new ones
  • 719) We bet against you
  • 720) Gorlock Jenkins
  • 721) You will be all alone to fight the Horde
  • 722) There will be no one to help you
  • 723) Even though that's the fuckin' definition of "all alone"
  • 724) Graavish is honestly a nice sober guy outside of a Belegarth setting
  • 725) Melissa- Way too perky waitress and possible member of Cracker Barrell Horde
  • 726) Gorlock did crossroads in less than ten minutes
  • 727) Speaking of 727s - Horde owns most of the major airlines as Goblyns are largely responsible for humans ability to fly.
  • 728) But I digress - Horde can digress and it is alright.
  • 729) Back on topic - Horde is the topic and we win!
  • 730) I mean Horde doesn't get confused like the pinkees do.
  • 731) As Olwen said - Horde run events stop time.
  • 732) Can your event stop time?
  • 733) That's what I thought and once again: HoRdE WiN!
  • 734) Izareth invented time, just so he could stop it
  • 735) Horde not see 735 reasons about Olwen
  • 736) Oh wait, we did see dem, on a bathroom wall in Lowlands
  • 737) Horde couldn't believe reasons 15-354, but I guess we have to
  • 738) Horde follows Bathroom graffiti like Horde gospel
  • 739) The Horde is the Force, they have a light side and a dark side and their consistent win holds the universe together.
  • 740) the Horde is beyond time and space
  • 741) [The incorrect entry] - Even with all that they are small in comparison to my infinite coolness, but then it is unfair to expect purple and green creatures to understand.
  • 741) [The correct entry] - Humility is our mantra
  • 742) From henceforth all additions to the list by olwen shall be ignored.
  • 743) Olwen acts like he/she/it is 14
  • 744) Olwen is not in horde
  • 745) Have you seen the list of people not in horde
  • 746) The list goes Olwin, Savetuba, Olwen.... uhmmm you get the point.
  • 747) Ouch
  • 748) Jesus is strict, but fair.
  • 749) Horde crushes egos quickly and efficiantly.
  • 750) Horde allows you to shut the hell up now.
  • 751) But that's only a warning.
  • 752) Horde will make you cry worse than Chuck Norris.
  • 754) Life without Beltaine Would suck.
  • 755) No one iz cooler than Izzy and, or Mekoot Bhakdar.
  • 756) Horde is too cool to make outdated Chuck Norris jokes.
  • 757) Slaug invented 757s
  • 758) Horde eat da furries!
  • 759) Horde invented da Bandwagon
  • 760) Horde let people on da Bandwagon
  • 761) Da Bandwagon has real flames on da sides and is made of black metal, the blackest of all metal
  • 762) Horde just waiting till da bandwagon reaches top speed
  • 763) Den we gonna push you off
  • 764) pushing pinkies off da bandwagon iz best way to make pinkie-cakes
  • 765) Horde didn't invent anything. dey forced YOU TO DO IT!!
  • 766) pinkie-cakes is best with a pinch of mustard.

oh, and wit a dash of furrie

  • 767) They tastes like sushi.
  • 768) Horde forced da pinkies to make da sushi
  • 769) At leesd wen dee monsters cownt rong it es wit a purposs.
  • 770) Pinkees lose! in other words: HoRdE WIn!
  • 771) Horde Win!!!!!!!
  • 772) Horde has an alliance with the mooninites.
  • 773) When we call your name raise your hand and say "Here" which is short for "Here I am...Rock you, like a hurricaine."
  • 774) You will bow to the Scorpions!
  • 775) Horde sold the quad laster to the mooninites and in return, we given Jesus.
  • 776) Somebody set up us the bomb
  • 777) Look what I just did.
  • 778) This might have been posted once already, but I'll post twice for clarity: Horde puts the F U in fun!
  • 779) dee Horde said: A-ten-chun pinkees: All your base are belong to us!
  • 780) Make your time...
  • 781) Horde iz mooninites
  • 782) You want proof?
  • 783) One of the greatst goblins ever.
  • 784) Dee government is thinking we is terrorists
  • 785)
  • AnimalHorde.jpg
  • 786) I is worth way more then one Quadlaser. The moonanites got screwed.
  • 787) Do you hear something?
  • 788)Da Horde naturally blocks out lameness.
  • 789) Da Horde invented lameness so they could label pinkies with something.
  • 790) da HoRdE Knows Olwen has Inferiority complex, but thats ok
  • 791) Da Horde doan' need racial profiling, dey all be bleedin'.
  • 792) Black, white, hispanic, asian, human, dwarf, elf... they're all the same color when gutted: pink
  • 793) they all taste the same too.
  • 794) Horde has the best recipie for pinkie pie
  • 795) and pinkie stew
  • 796) like pork.
  • 797) Horde knows what Willis is talkin about
  • 798 ) because horde is what Willis is talkin about.
  • 799) Horde takes things very seriously
  • 800) Horde knows that life is too short to not take everything with a grave seriousness
  • 801) Our Seriousness should be evident in our multiple serious reasons to take us seriously
  • 802) Were you just joking? Huh? Don't make Horde's green Ranger come after you all alone, with no help from anyone!
  • 803) Horde can be seriously redundant when we want too
  • 804) If you choose to take Horde seriously, you could win one of these fabulous prizes:

Slug Bait A kick in the Johnson A lifetime supply of Horde Crunchies A lifetime Supply of kicks in the Johnson My children Valentine's day crunchies (just kicked in the Johnson flavored)

  • 805) Horde can now offer you TRIMSPA at very low prices* [limited time only]
  • 806) Horde has the self-proclaimed best rock fighter in belegarth.
  • 807) Horde never fail Civics.
  • 808) Izareth offers the best prizes.
  • 809) Horde has never been too cool for anything
  • 810) That would be egotistical.
  • 811) Our ego is not nearly as large as our wit and intellegance.
  • 812) We Will
  • 813) See Fact #812
  • 814) Rock You
  • 815) Would you mind taking off your helmet so it will count, pretty please?
  • 816) if you don't take it off thats ok
  • 817) you can get hit by the Gorlock typhoon
  • 818) is that what you want?
  • 819) fear the Gorlock typhoon
  • 820) I feel great!

  • 821) Huuh, Yeah!!!
  • 822) BABIES, yeah.
  • 823) Horde's camp has babies EVERYWHERE, which makes for good eats
  • 824) Izzy is a master chef when it comes to cooking babies
  • 825) you should try the baby chilli
  • 826) just a few more resons to go and then HorDe will have a thousand
  • 827) do you have reasons HoRDe Should take you seriously?
  • 828) no you don't.
  • 829) three words, catapult propelled troops
  • 830) Torching Warehouses full of robots since 1998!
  • 831) We wake up in a bathtub full of ice and say "I don't need kidneys" Then we stand up, track down the nearest amateur surgeon working for the yakuza, tear out his kidney and eat it.
  • 832) He got Haka, Suckas
  • 833) When rifiling through stuff in her attic, Ju'Dekei found the infinity gauntlet. Not needing it, she gave it to godwill.
  • 834) We have, on occasion, been tapped to train future EBF.
  • 835) Vengance is mine now that my clarity of thought has returned.
  • 836) Dragons take one look at Horde and say "How can we compete? We're ficticious, Horde is real, and scary, and sexy, and they have Inanna, and their tent is falling down."
  • 837) Inanna
  • 838 ) Here in dee HoRdE, we're better than you! And we know it.
  • 839) the Horde recruits people to hold their tent up when it falls down
  • 840) Horde doesn't need recruits to hold up their tents, Gorlock just creates a storm and we use the winds as counter force.
  • 841) In Gorlock's absence, recruits and allies are happy to help.
  • 842) "833) When rifiling through stuff in her attic, Ju'Dekei found the infinity gauntlet. Not needing it, she gave it to goodwill." It's true. I also had a map to Atlantis and a time machine. These things are useless when you have Horde super powers though.
  • 843) Horde super powers. (It's been mentioned before, but it's worth mentioning again.)
  • 844) Gorlock's storms are a super power
  • 845) don't you wish you had super powers?
  • 846) to bad. you don't get any!
  • 847) Britney Spears Spreading Outdoors! (Porn link disabled)
  • 848) Bots want to join us, even though I'm going to lock them all in a warehouse and burn it down
  • 849) bots coulld be used as a powerful weapon. but the horde doesn't need to do that
  • 850) $250 worth of pudding.
  • 851) And you wonder where Horde got $250 worth of pudding.
  • 852) Don't you mind.
  • 853) AW Yeah.
  • 854) horde can keep a post entertaining after 8 pages. Not even bad larp pics can compete.
  • 855) bad larp picks < Horde
  • 856) Big Jimmy said it best:

Big Jimmy wrote: I am simply a pinky who gets slapped to the ground by horde.

  • 857) goblyn > knight
  • 858) Because they're willing to admit when a pinky does something better. it's a great distraction technique.
  • 859) Truth!
  • 860) just a hundred and forty more to go!
  • 861) This story:
  • 862) " What exactly is The Horde you ask? Trust me my friend, you’ve seen it. If you’re a female reader, you’ve probably (unfortunately) had to experience it. The horde is present at almost every Muslim gathering. It could be at a dinner party, a Masjid picnic at the park, a wedding, even at a community iftaar. Astaghfirullah… you would think that in Ramadan of all months, The Horde could at least control itself. But no, The Horde… will… always… BE THERE."
  • 863) "Suddenly, you notice that the ground beneath your feet starts to rumble and shake. What’s going on, you wonder. North Carolina doesn’t sit on top of any fault lines… You slowly turn around when you hear a dull roar behind you —it kind of sounds like the trumpeting of elephants— only to drop your mouth open in a silent scream. STAMPEDE! Before you can even blink, you’re being shoved and pushed around by The Horde! [...] No human should dare to step in their path unless he/she wants to meet his/her Maker. Unfortunately, YOU did not know this. You were just an innocent bystander in the wrong place at the wrong time. And now you must suffer!"
  • 864) My life for the HORDE!:
  • 865) the following poem I wrote by doing a google search for "it is the horde" and then making a poem by quoting every search result that came up (in order) on the first page.

It Is The HORDE! a poem by Google (and Magpie)

Now it is the Horde leader's turn It is the horde of refugees streaming southward, 30000000 starving, diseased but then it is the Horde who bitches about it it is the horde that are the immature ones acolytes for rotting America from within, it is the horde factor that weighs most heavily It is the Horde Faction starting it is the horde you serve it is the horde of politicians who share values with voters during election time (but not year round) but it is the horde that is evil because of these symbols "I have news to tell you.. it is the Horde."

  • 866) We could rhyme better than Magpie if we were so inclined
  • 867) We are not inclined to rhyme better than Magpie
  • 868) hopefully horde is smart enough to know that poetry shouldn't rhyme without reason (hahaha), and
  • 869) Dagganoth should realize that I did not type any of those words, that was really google's poem.
  • 870) Horde realizes that poetry doesnt have to rhyme. Although we are capable of such rhyming.
  • 871) Has it been established that Horde happens when an unstopable forces meets an unmoveable object?
  • 872) It has now.
  • 873) Today on Hordewin news at 1, Leprechauns; they seem harmless, but can they hurt you?

  • 874) what would you do without hordewin news?
  • 875) Not gotten rid of that easly.
  • 876) HoRdE has Jesus
  • 877) Jesus is holy
  • 878) and he fixes your posts
  • 879) hes cool like that
  • 880) When mary gave birth to the jesus twins one of them was in an attic for over 1000 years.
  • 881) guess witch one?
  • 882) you cant bitch!
  • 883) bitches love smiley faces
  • 884) HoRDe got the awsome Jesus
  • 885) Horde invented blasphemy.
  • 886) Horde uses blasphemy as another way to offend the silly pinkies.
  • 887) Why is your face so red, silly pinkie?
  • 888) Horde invented 8s as well.
  • 889) Horde also invented the letter t - although we aren't held to using it like you pinkies are.
  • 890) Horde speak is so much easier than pinkie language.
  • 891) Horde is smart enough to know pinkie speech. Here is a quick lesson:

Hey-yahh. How es dee kids? Pleese hold dis lantrin. Thenk que. Mornin' Dose ar nise shoos. Oh no monster, don't kill me!

  • 892) Alon cohn hazat meade, pinkies.
  • 893) Horde is Faster than a speeding bullet.
  • 894) Horde is more powerful than a locomotive.
  • 895) Horde can leap tall buildings in a single bound.
  • 896) And you thought this was over....
  • 897) Horde finished "This is the song that never ends"
  • 898) Horde caught, killed, roasted and ate Lambchop because he sang "This is the song that never ends"
  • 899) Horde turned Lambchop into a guy and then ate him again.
  • 900) Horde actually managed to make a list of 900 reasons they are better than you.
  • 901) All of them are true.
  • 902) All of them are false except that last one.
  • 904) 904 Reasons that the Horde is awesome!!! Can it get any better than that?
  • 905) It just did.
  • 906) What the Horde does best!! Inflicting PAIN!
  • 907) Being sexy is often interchangable with inflicting pain.
  • 908) 92 reasons left to go!
  • 909)

Tethrin wrote: In America Horde wins, In Soviet Russia, Horde Loses!
Elebrim wrote: Let's try this again: In America, Horde wins! In Soviet Russia, you win Horde!
Sqeegee: "And what does he win, Jim?" "A new HoRdE!!" "A what?" "SOOPRIZE HUMIES" *eat and devour all*

  • 910) HoRdE has head hunters
  • 911) head hunters are awsome
  • 912) have you seen Gorlock?
  • 913) no you haven't, your still alive
  • 914) Horde is Sancho. Celts, elves, they are not Sancho. But Horde... Horde is Sancho.
  • 915) Horde has NINE pages of reasons they rock.
  • 916) No major repeats in 913 reasons.
  • 917) It takes a particularly awesome brand of people to make so many reasons and have them stay interesting
  • 918) Horde is above your silly notions of spelling.
  • 919) 916 pinkies in the mall
  • 920) After the Horde, nothings left, not even the mall
  • 921) 9 pages and horde still not tell about the ambitious campaign.
  • 922) horde have super secret campaign
  • 923) Izareth have a great campaign stagedy
  • 924) Izareth will tell about the campaign when it is time
  • 925) nobody in horde knows what time it is
  • 926) horde keeps the time
  • 927) sure they let a little out each day
  • 928) but never too much
  • 929) and never too little time, that would suck
  • 930) horde rejects time all together
  • 931) 922-930 are written by a pinkee and are evidence that monsters are superior to pinkees.
  • 932) it doesn't matter If da dirtee pinkee messes up da count
  • 933) Da HoRdE can fix anything!
  • 934) like da Post count
  • 935) horde can claim that pinkies messed up the post count, does not matter cause monsters can't count
  • 936) monsters keep all the numbers
  • 937) they let the pinkies use them cause monsters are the coolest
  • 938) monsters don't unstand their numbers they keep
  • 939) We can make any pinky think what we want. bad pinkie!!
  • 940) horde have jedi mind trick mastered.
  • 941) HoRdE mind trick better than jedi's
  • 942) HoRdE has amazing powers
  • 943) and even superhero/ninja/pinkie killers
  • 944) amazing!
  • 945) monique,the hooker on a stick is a product of horde engineering.
  • 946) she is owned by Ryno.
  • 947) Ryno gave her face paint and rubens bandana.
  • 948) then Pink broke her teeth out.
  • 949) and Zane was there.
  • 950) HoRdE is everywhere. HoRdE was even in my dream last night, marching into battle with crazy drumming and stuff. At least HoRdE got my name right (on second try) in the dream. Sorry, I am not a Mughal, I am Magpie. They do both start with an "M" at least. Thank you for not killing me in my dream even though I was walking in front of / through your vast HoRdE. Oh, and your drumming was cool.
  • 951) Horde renamed Magpie, Mughal useing his own dreams!
  • 952) Horde is that good, they invade Mughals dreams
  • 953)Horde got the worm.
  • 954)Horde was lying in wait for the bird and got it, too.
  • 955)Horde turned a feather from the bird into a dart.
  • 956)Horde darted the mouse... and den he bleeding.
  • 957)Horde stole the cheese from the mouse.
  • 958)Horde got the mouse AND the first one.
  • 959)Horde then got the mouse trap.
  • 960)Looks like you need a new mouse trap.
  • 961)

According to Zzyzx Muhgal of Rhûn wrote: 950) HoRdE is everywhere. HoRdE was even in my dream last night, marching into battle with crazy drumming and stuff. At least HoRdE got my name right (on second try) in the dream. Sorry, I am not a Magpie, I am Muhgal. They do both start with an "M" at least. Thank you for not killing me in my dream even though I was walking in front of / through your vast HoRdE. Oh, and your drumming was cool.

HoRde let Muhgal pass thru ranks anytime witout killing him. Yoo welcome to walk through our unit ranks at sum event sumtyme, yoo have owr word.


  • 962) Monique was loaned to me!
  • 963) she's going to thaw brawl!
  • 964) YOU should go to thaw brawl too
  • 965) HoRdE threads never die!!!
  • 966) Horde is a direct product of the coolest people that foam fighting ever fielded. Most of which aren't even fighting anymore.
  • 967) Horde does not endorse number skipping
  • 968) but horde does endorse skipping pinkies
  • 969) make that profit yo!
  • 970) so is my hookah!
  • 971) horde inspired me to get the said hookah!
  • 972) this thread is invincible!
  • 973) like batman invincible.
  • 974) horde can count all the way to 10 without using it's fingers OR toes.
  • 975) Horde can get 49 reasons away from 1000 reasonsas to why they are all true
  • 976) Make that 48
  • 977) This is just another line of text to help the Horde get to 1000.
  • 978) horde can count all the way to 10 without using it's fingers OR toes, but a pinkee can't add 973+1.
  • 979) Horde invented Khazakstan
  • 980) Borat is Horde
  • 981) Es Nice!
  • 982 horde made sexy time up to make pinky have babies... witch makes more food for horde
  • 983) baby soup is delicious!
  • 984) you should try it
  • 985) Vokor is master Chef when it come to cooking babies!
  • 986) YES!
  • 987) Not pinkees>pinkees: Isn't that what really matters when it all boils down?
  • 988) Yes, that is what it all boils down to
  • 989) 10 to go!
  • 990)Horde make number system so complicated, Noone knows how to count.
  • 991) not complicated.
  • 992) Horde can count, you cant.
  • 993) Horde can produce a 'Wankle Rotary engine' Thanks to the ingenuity of Spike
  • 994) Soon Horde will all have wankle rotary engines
  • 995) Horde will take wankle engines to Spring War, and save money on wankle rotatry gas
  • 996) Wait till you see Horde at SpringWar, waaaaiiiit fooorrr ittt.....
  • 997) Horde will win all contests worth winning, Horde contests
  • 998) Vanna, who's the next contestant on the next game 'worth winning'
  • 999) There will be two walls at Spring War a wooden wall, and a wall of impenitratable power, one belonging to CoTh, and one belonging to Horde
  • 1000) The second wall will belong to the group with 1000 reasons about taking them seriously.
  • 1001) Horde was responsible for the blatant failure of the "rock" band Creed.
  • 1002) God loves Horde for reason 1001.
  • 1003) Horde now has Enoch
  • 1004) Horde makes the world better.
  • 1005) Since you life is in the world, horde makes your life better.
  • 1006) You love things that make your life better.
  • 1007) Slaug. That is all.
  • 1008) Horde: The only unit badass enough to camp in the soggy bottoms two Spring Wars in a row. (and you thought it was stupidity...silly pinkee).
  • 1009) HorDe have dee best spyz. Dey cood be aneewere - yoo nevur can tel woo reely be hoRde in deeskys!
  • 1010) Horde has the most effective form of Government, DeFacto
  • 1011) Horde will accept your governance, for a price
  • 1012) Horde's price is unspecified and unrestricted amnesty form all rulings by said Government
  • 1013) Horde is in control of all it needs to be happy
  • 1014) ten pages and still going!
  • 1015) We don't permit bouncing of the 7th type.
  • 1016) There was once a young ball. He bounced 5 meters, then 1.3 meters, and then he bounced 7 meters. Get the picture?
  • 1017) We operate on the 12th dimension.
  • 1018) We understand that there are only 11 dimensions.
  • 1019) Pinkies do not yet know the meaning of suffering.
  • 1020) We're just kidding, you're wonderful humanoids.
  • 1021) Our demands are simple.
  • 1022) Complications may arise.
  • 1023) We at Horde Inc. cannot be held accountable for death, dismemberment, poisonous gas, thin ice, bad mojo, bad juju, swarms of malaria-infected mosquitos, SARS, skin rash, male pattern baldness, NES games not working properly, backstabs, backwoods lawyers, Koom, picking things up, putting things back down, or Krieger's crazy ass.
  • 1024) We ARE responsible for Marisa Tomei winning an Oscar. Sorry.
  • 1025) Horde is powerful indeed.
  • 1026) My new pants were made by horde.
  • 1027) Zi'gor said that "wub" was a main ingredient.
  • 1028) He lied.
  • 1029) We should be taken seriously, because most of us do get the jokes and don't take things to seriously.
  • 1030) Those who don't will always get beaten to submission. Da Horde way of ack-la-may-shun.
  • 1031) Horde is a tax exempt non profit organization
  • 1032) Except that which they steal from pinkies.
  • 1033) Beltaine XIII = Awesome
  • 1034) Nobody feasts like Horde feasts.
  • 1035) Horde Pwns, nuff said
  • 1036) They have HD-TV, anywhere they are.
  • 1037) We harness the power of Cobra Kai.
  • 1038) Horde can Count!
  • 1039) Horde knows when to humbly accept praise from a God, or the minions of said God, or Beergarde. Thanks Ugangi!
  • 1040) Horde like pacman
  • 1041) Horde not need big dot to eat ghosts
  • 1042) Horde eat all things, even pacman -Wakka wakka wakka-
  • 1043) Horde) Zombifying threads for self interest since ... a really long time ago.
  • 1044) Horde will survive the Zombocolypse.
  • 1045) Hon'r!
  • 1046) Has Juicer been mentioned yet? Well he should definitely be on here twice.
  • 1047) We don't need nipples to entertain.
  • 1048) Just because 6 is better than 5.
  • 1049) Horde fears not the Apocolyptic effects that most certainly come from resurecting ancient threads.
  • 1050) Horde fears NOTHING.
  • 1051) Izareth and God got in a fight the other day... Izzy's still around. Have you seen God lately?
  • 1052) Horde blasphemes regularly.
  • 1053) Deities are too afraid of the Horde to do anything about it.
  • 1053b. Except for the great Marjack.
  • 1054. Cause the horde is to awesome for this thread to die.
  • 1055. Horde, we aren't Troll.
  • 1056) Horde loves Troll!
  • 1057) ...frequently.

(*) Kazi Enterprises are in no way affiliated with Horde Corp Incorporated

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