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== Sigurd Amundson (Svarr Hav'thur)==
== Sigurd Thur (Svarr Hav'thur)==
[[File:SigurdOkfest2015.jpg|500px|right|thumb|Sigurd at Okfest 2015]]
[[File:Sigurd003.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Sigurd at Okfest 2013]]
[[File:Sigurd003.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Sigurd at Okfest 2013]]
'''Other Titles:'''  
'''Other Titles:'''  
* Svarr among ogre-kin
* Shaman of Utezni
* Shit-Storm
* Shit-Storm
* Herald of Storms
* Marshal of Tir Asleen ([[2013]]-2015)
* Marshal of Tir Asleen ([[2013]]-2015)
* Jarl of the Húskarlar (formerly)  
* Jarl of the Húskarlar (formerly)  
'''Race:''' [[Ogre]], [[Norsemen]] <br>
'''Race:''' [[Ogre]]<br>
*Instructed by [[Ghanima]] Shaman of Una, proven Shaman of Utezni at Oktoberfest 2015
'''Realm:''' [[Tir Asleen]]<br>
'''Realm:''' [[Tir Asleen]]<br>
'''Unit:''' [[Horde]]<br>
'''Unit:''' [[Horde]]<br>
* Awoken Friday, October 10th, [[Year of Blood]] at Oktoberfest 2014
* Barreled Friday, October 10th, [[Year of Blood]] at Oktoberfest 2014
* Scarred at Oktoberfest 2014 with Blood-Brother [[Alachi]]
* Scarred at Oktoberfest 2014 with Blood-Brother [[Alachi]]
* Enlightened at Oktoberfest 2015
* Scarred at Oktoberfest 2016 with Blood-Brother [[Headhunters|Mekoot]] [[Atman]]
'''Other Affiliations:'''  
'''Other Affiliations:'''  
* [[Karanduawn]] Ogre Tribe
* [[Karanduawn]] Ogre Tribe
* [[House Geology]]
* [[House Geology]]  
* Kingdom of [[Eriador]]
* Kingdom of [[Eriador]]
* formerly of [[The Húskarlar]]
* formerly of [[The Húskarlar]]
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Sigurd first learned the sport of Bel in Tir Asleen. Originally he was entirely devoted to the red sword but eventually found love for sword and board (which he is much better at). He was elected Marshal (secretary) in the Spring of 2013. That fall, first [[Ursyne]] then [[Gorlock]] convinced Sigurd of his ogre-ness. Shortly after Gorlock offered a sponsorship into Horde. Finally after Spring Wars 2014 he accepted and completed his Prana'kai of Awakening at Oktoberfest 2014. His challenges included wrestling Ursyne and defeating the pair of Gorlock and Inanna. During that final fight Sigurd kicked Gorlock's boot and broke a toe. The same day he fought a exceptionally long day of heralded battles with Alachi to complete his Prana'kai of Blood. In the coming weeks he recruited Bones - a golbyn - as his feral.  
Sigurd first learned the sport of Bel in Tir Asleen. Originally he was entirely devoted to the red sword but eventually found love for sword and board (which he is much better at). He was elected Marshal (secretary) in the Spring of 2013. That fall, first [[Ursyne]] then [[Gorlock]] convinced Sigurd of his ogre-ness. Shortly after Gorlock offered a sponsorship into Horde. Finally after Spring Wars 2014 he accepted and completed his Prana'kai of Awakening at Oktoberfest 2014. His challenges included wrestling Ursyne and defeating the pair of Gorlock and Inanna. During that final fight Sigurd kicked Gorlock's boot and broke a toe. The same day he fought a exceptionally long day of heralded battles with Alachi to complete his Prana'kai of Blood. In the coming weeks he recruited Bones - a golbyn - as his feral.  
Sigurd decided not to run for reelection in spring 2015 preferring that one of the able bodied new folk take his place. Bones, his then feral, succeeded him as marshal.
Sigurd decided not to run for reelection in spring 2015 preferring that one of the able bodied new folk take his place. Bones, his then feral, succeeded him as marshal.  
In the next year Sigurd focused greatly on lore and worked with Ghanima to kindle a ogre cultural revitalization. At Oktoberfest 2015 Sigurd underwent the shaman rites (the first structured rites for his race) organized by Shaman Ghanima. Afterward he took on the title of Shaman of Utezni and continues to expand ogre lore and culture.
Sigurd was born the only son of Amund Shatter-hip Geirmundson in 860. Although originally from Trøndelag, Amund was restless in his youth and served many Viking lords as a shipwright and warrior. After serving Harald Finehair in his wars, he was rewarded with a small farm in Raumarike where he settled. As a boy Sigurd was fosterfathered by Dag Ormseeker, a famous skald, hersir, and rune-wise galdr (wizard) who lived nearby in Vestfold. Sigurd learned the runes and other seidr skills along with the skaldic traditions. Amund also taught his son the skills of a woodsman.  
As shaman, he devised and implemented chieftain trials and named Gorlock chieftain of the Karanduawn, the first official ogre chieftain.  
Ribbs, tribemate of Bones, was Sigurd's second feral.   
Nearly a hundred years ago a troll named Rjodbrand came to Raumarike. He terrorized the people for many years until the people were able to convince him to leave the people in peace. Rjodbrand lived far from them in a hidden valley deep in the woods. It came that one winter a great storm blew down from the north - the worst in living memory. Rjodbrand stirred from his valley and slaughtered six families and their animals leaving their bones to be found by their neighbors come spring. A local hothead named Thorgeir volunteered to slay the beast in retribution. Eight other men joined him including Visund. Sigurd was among them too since he knew the land better then anyone and was one of the few who could find the troll's home. When they confronted Rjodbrand, the troll leaped forward lopping Thorgeir's head form his shoulders. The remaining men fled from the troll, save Sigurd and Visund. While Visund wrestled the troll to the ground Sigurd grabbed the troll's sword, Ithrund - the only weapon able to pierce the beast's hide - and stabbed him through, pinning him to the ground and killing him.
Shortly after, the itch to stretch his legs (an ogre instinct) spurred Sigurd to leave home and seek his own fame and glory. He came to Trøndelag where his uncle Bjarni arranged him transport on a merchant ship to Ireland, and from Ireland to Wales where he joined the service of Ubbe Ragnarsson. Sigurd hoped to join the war band of the Great Heathen Army that had warred in England since Ragnar Lodbrok's death some years earlier. At that time, both King Guthrum of the Danelaw and Ubbe Ragnarsson were preparing to invade Wessex, the last Saxon kingdom in England. Ubbe and fought through the winter. In January of 878 Ubbe fell and the Saxons captured his raven banner at the battle of Cynuit. Sigurd was ashamed that he had not fallen beside his chief. As he took shelter with a few other survivors a stranger appeared by the fire and gave him the hide of a wolf. The stranger spoke to Sigurd and told him that on the next night he would transform into a wolf and steal back the Raven Banner and avenge his liege lord's death. Sigurd did as the stranger said and retrieved the banner, after tearing the throat from Odda of Devon who was commander of the Saxon army. The next day a party of mounted warriors tracked him back to his camp where he and a few other Norsemen took refuge. A Christian priest among them claimed Sigurd to be a servant of hell. The Priest had seen Sigurd the night before and recognized his eyes as the eyes of the demon wolf. Sigurd laughed but did not deny the priest and there was a fight. The Vikings defeated the West Saxons easily. Sigurd then drowned the priest in the nearby ocean as an offering to Njord before setting sail. From then on Sigurd was Úlfhéðnar, or a warrior blessed by Odin to fight with the cunning ferocity of a wolf and who could transform into one at the will of Odin.
Sigurd and his small band then joined Guthrum's army and took part in the defeat at Edington. During the two week siege of Chippenham where Gurthrum took shelter, Sigurd and thirty warriors sortied the enemy for food. With every attack Sigurd was sure to leave the bodies of the Saxons hung in the trees as an offering to Odinn. But Odinn had abandoned them. Guthrum bent the knee to the White Christ, disgusted Sigurd took possession of a ship and set about raiding Ireland until the next year. A great storm blew their vessel many hundreds of miles away from Ireland found another isle. As Sigurd would discover it was the home of the [[Birdpeople]], the Isle of Wind and Bone. Sigurd mapped the island and traded with the inhabitants. But before he could depart a pluckling named [[Cyrano]] warned him of the treachery the birdfolk were planning. They ambushed them at their ship but the Sword-Norse were strong and easily defeated the birdmen. Without mercy they raided other villages for a fortnight leaving the Isle with chests full of fine gemstones.   
After a month at sea sailing against the winds towards iceland, the crew spotted a large iceberg with two strange individuals clutching to it: a blue man with large teeth, and a short hairy man. Among the Northern folk it is a popular belief that things found at sea must be retrieved. So he picked up the creatures who he found were a [[dwarf]] named Argun and an [[orc]] named Gϋv. After restocking in Iceland Sigurd and his crew set off for Norway. While visiting his uncle, Bjarni, Sigurd met with two other captains. Together they formed a Viking fleet and raided in the Baltic. Visund also joined him there. One night, while ashore, the party was ambushed by a large Slavic levy. It was a terrific battle which only left [[Argun]], [[Gϋv]], Sigurd, and Visund alive. They burned the ship as a funeral pyre for their dead brothers and set off on foot.
==The Savage==
Progress was slow since Gϋv who had suffered a wound during the battle. It was decided Argun and Visund would continue on and find a healer leaving Sigurd to stay with Gϋv. That was when the Horde found them. [[Ursyne]], a dire bear, was the first to realize Sigurd was not fit for eating. Later, [[Gorlock]] recognized Sigurd for an ogre and taught him his ogre heritage. Together Gϋv and Sigurd became ferals. Some months later Sigurd was ready to complete his Prana'kai of Awakening and become a blooded member of the Horde army. He wrestled the Dire Bear Ursyne throwing him down in the third round and defeated a pair of his tribe-kin, Inanna Skyhook and Gorlock Storm-bringer, before finally facing High General Izareth. After those victories Sigurd cast aside his former ties to the world of men and became a true ogre.
He remained with the army for only a short while before departing back to Norway to track down his lost mother. Men in the land now saw him as a colossal savage in strange garb from a motley of cultures, painted with strange patterns, and blood thirsty. None shared his road. Sigurd first enlisted the aid of his childhood friend, Visund, who had returned to Norway from the Baltic. Then Sigurd sought out his father Amund who told him of his mother. He had found her during a winter storm near frozen in the moors. She was a large woman and powerfully built but also comely (in certain lights). Still weak from near death, and hesitant to engage a season warrior alone, the ogress did not kill Amund. In fact they grew somewhat near to friends during the long winter and eventually shared a bed. In spring she disappeared but two years later returned with a young child in tow who was Amund's son. She named him Svarr which in the tongue of the old Northern Ogre Tribe means 'massive, solid'. She was reluctant to keep him due to the hectic nature of her lifestyle (also since his abominable half-breed status would bring him great strife among ogres) and so left Svarr with his father. Amund chose to call him Sigurd in order to help his integration to normal Norse society.
Sigurd parted from his father and wintered in the moors, roaming the mountains hoping to find sign of his mother's tribe but had little success until luck - or something else - guided him to a small hut near a mountain stream. Inside was an old crone ogress named Svala who recognized Svarr immediately as her grandson. Svala was the daughter of the Old Tribe's shaman and had inherited his gifts. She bred with Rjodbrand to produce one daughter, Dala, who was Sigurd's mother. This of course makes Rjodbrand - the ogre whom Sigurd had slain with Visund - none other than his grandfather. The revelation troubled Sigurd greatly but Svala reassured him since Rjodbrand was a lazy, fat, useless ogre no one would care that he had been slain.
Sigurd stayed long with his grandmother before ravens came to them baring tidings of war. Away east and south the warlords were gathering. Many of Sigurd's tribe and the Horde's warriors were flocking to the banner of High Izareth. Sigurd's feet began to itch for the war trail and he would not be left behind. He joined the Blood Valley Horde with four of his kin on the long march south to General Izareth's banner and fought against the knightly armies of the north, west, and east. The Horde was fast and did much killing but the treachery of the other armies and the broad shields and long flails wore the monsters down. In the battle Sigurd slayed a fire giant with nothing but a jagged rock. Despite stealing all the supplies and riches of their enemies the Horde was defeated. Moral remained high and the monsters marched home bellowing war chants and rude songs the whole way home.
During the march Sigurd separated from the war party and found himself wandering alone for some time. One evening Sigurd met an elderly ogre dressed in tattered garb. The strange elder named himself G'roddim and spoke with Sigurd all night. The night stretched on and on. Sigurd slept and woke always to darkness. G'roddim continued to tell Sigurd of many things long forgotten by legend: rituals, spells, the secrets of totems and runes, the G'rot Tongu, and stories beyond count. At long last dawn sought to break the long night and G'roddim said he would have to depart. The elder then took a small pouch from within his cloak and passed it onto Sigurd. Sigurd looked within and saw the many finger bones and instantly recognized their significance. When he looked up to speak to G'roddim the sun was high in the sky and the elder was gone.
==The Shaman==
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-Hyboria Opener 2015<br>
-Hyboria Opener 2015<br>
-Beltain XXI Warlords, Rock Tournament Champion <br>
-Beltain XXI Warlords, Rock Tournament Champion <br>
-Melcaorme Q
-Melcaorme Q<br>
-Monster Mash<br>
-Prelude III: Plowshares into Swords<br>
-Oktoberfest 2015<br>
-Melcaorme BS: Meadcaorme<br>
-Prelude IV<br>
-Oktoberfest 2016<br>
-Melcaorme: Homecoming<br>
[[File:Sigurd'swolf.jpg|200px|right|thumb|The wolf, one of Sigurd's symbols.]]
-Melcaorme 2018
-Monster Mash: Rise of the Pinkies 2018

Latest revision as of 17:39, 1 June 2019

[edit] Sigurd Thur (Svarr Hav'thur)

Sigurd at Okfest 2015
Sigurd at Okfest 2013

Other Titles:

  • Shaman of Utezni
  • Shit-Storm
  • Herald of Storms
  • Marshal of Tir Asleen (2013-2015)
  • Jarl of the Húskarlar (formerly)

Race: Ogre

  • Instructed by Ghanima Shaman of Una, proven Shaman of Utezni at Oktoberfest 2015

Realm: Tir Asleen
Unit: Horde

  • Barreled Friday, October 10th, Year of Blood at Oktoberfest 2014
  • Scarred at Oktoberfest 2014 with Blood-Brother Alachi
  • Enlightened at Oktoberfest 2015
  • Scarred at Oktoberfest 2016 with Blood-Brother Mekoot Atman

Other Affiliations:

Weapons of Choice: Greatsword, Club/Sword and Board
Fighting Since: Fall 2012

About: Sigurd has a way with names and lore and has come to know many more people than even more experienced fighters. Sigurd is always willing to learn how to better his combat and arsenal. He is a loyal warrior. Like any good Norseman (and ogre apparently), Sigurd ignores the cold.

I'm pretty sure if you complete the "jump a glaive" ceremony, it means you're married, right?

Sigurd first learned the sport of Bel in Tir Asleen. Originally he was entirely devoted to the red sword but eventually found love for sword and board (which he is much better at). He was elected Marshal (secretary) in the Spring of 2013. That fall, first Ursyne then Gorlock convinced Sigurd of his ogre-ness. Shortly after Gorlock offered a sponsorship into Horde. Finally after Spring Wars 2014 he accepted and completed his Prana'kai of Awakening at Oktoberfest 2014. His challenges included wrestling Ursyne and defeating the pair of Gorlock and Inanna. During that final fight Sigurd kicked Gorlock's boot and broke a toe. The same day he fought a exceptionally long day of heralded battles with Alachi to complete his Prana'kai of Blood. In the coming weeks he recruited Bones - a golbyn - as his feral.

Sigurd decided not to run for reelection in spring 2015 preferring that one of the able bodied new folk take his place. Bones, his then feral, succeeded him as marshal.

In the next year Sigurd focused greatly on lore and worked with Ghanima to kindle a ogre cultural revitalization. At Oktoberfest 2015 Sigurd underwent the shaman rites (the first structured rites for his race) organized by Shaman Ghanima. Afterward he took on the title of Shaman of Utezni and continues to expand ogre lore and culture.

As shaman, he devised and implemented chieftain trials and named Gorlock chieftain of the Karanduawn, the first official ogre chieftain.

Ribbs, tribemate of Bones, was Sigurd's second feral.

[edit] Lore

Sigurd and Alachi at Oktoberfest 2014.
Sigurd using Sword and Board: Melcaorme XI 2013

[edit] Events Attended

-Oktoberfest 2012 forever remembered as Sucktoberfest
-Eriador Halloween 2012
-Wolfpack Opener 2013
-Spring War 2013: the year of the Fiat battle and the love of the Montana Lady.
-Melcaorme XII: Birth of the Güv Log.
-June Eriador Event
-Prelude I
-Oktoberfest 2013
-Eriador Halloween Event 2013
-Wolfpack Opener 2014
-Spring Wars 2014
-Melcaorme XIII
-Bear Brawl 2014
-Prelude II
-Oktoberfest 2014
-Eriador Halloween Event 2014
-Hyboria Opener 2015
-Beltain XXI Warlords, Rock Tournament Champion
-Melcaorme Q
-Monster Mash
-Prelude III: Plowshares into Swords
-Oktoberfest 2015
-Melcaorme BS: Meadcaorme
-Prelude IV
-Oktoberfest 2016
-Melcaorme: Homecoming


-Melcaorme 2018 -Monster Mash: Rise of the Pinkies 2018

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