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Those that are between life and death. these are creatures that for one reason or another have become walking corpses. While many are mindless ravenous flesh eaters some are fully conscious and aware of their former lives. Not all races can become certain types of undead for reasons of reincarnation, regeneration, divine intervention ect. However there are exceptions to certain rules in special cases (some races can only be a certain type of undead). Undead types are primarily based on how they were turned or resurrected.


According to ancient tex, undead were created by a powerful being known to most by the name of Hod. in Hod's early years he was a cosmic dark entity that parasitically fed off the lifeforce of planets for a millenia before crash landing on earth. Having wiped out all previous life on the planet caused Hod to grow alongside the creatures that would inherit this world. In time man's own greed and violence would feed Hod everything it needed to ascend to god-hood and achieve a true physical form. With his newfound power Hod would return the cosmos, but not before permenantly scarring the earth with the undead plague.

In the following centuries, Hod would use his new creations as a means to create a permanent symbiotic bond with the planet. During this time, the lifeforms of this planet would rebel against extinction from this undead scourge. Hod fought back by giving rise to the first Liches, Wights and Death Knights, who would be lead by the Demi-lich Ackyrak'kel-ashetakesh in a great war for the fate of the planet. After many years of battle Hod lost war for the planet and would eventually come to betray the Undead. In a last ditch effort to devour the planet, Hod returned to the earth and begin consuming everything in it's path living or undead. Seeking salvation and vengence the remaining undead would be lead by the last Demi-Liches to retaliate and devour their god. Hod's death would mark the last time in centuries that the undead would stand together under one rule. Though all undead's power can be traced back to Hod's original place of impact, no undead remain loyal to Hod's reign. Many undead believe that in devouring Hod they had truely conquered death.

Very few undead of the Old World still walk this earth, though some Liches Wights and Death Knights who consumed the flesh of Hod still remain. Over the centuries mankind and undead alike have evolved the art of Necromancy, creating whole new species of undead unseen by Hod himself (Vampires, flesh golems, revenants ect.).

Physical Traits:

While some physical traits are exclusive to specific types, undead do share a certain amount of qualities:

  • All undead humans have grayed skin, or a paler version of their base color for non-humans. THIS SHOULD COVER ALL VISIBLE AREAS OF SKIN
  • All undead have darkened eye sockets, giving the impression of being sickly sunken in. this should be in a bruised purple, although black mixes best for pale non-human colors.
  • All have varying degrees of decay, ranging from freshly dead to being covered head to toe in flesh wounds and stitches.
  • All undead are primarily garbed in tones of; Black, Greys, greens, purples and muted Reds.

Note: your garb's decay/tattered appearence should match your levels of Decay. Example: A vampire would have little to no decay on their garb at all.

Personality Traits

  • All undead allignment ranges from true neutral-chaotic evil, as most good alligned mortals will kill them on sight.
  • Resentment toward the living, often thinking of them as objectively inferior and below them on the food chain.
  • known for being short tempered often flying into a rage, and berserking on battlefield devouring all in their path.
  • Given that most undead are forced to walk the earth until they are murdered, many undead have a very bleek outlook on existence. because of this most undead are incredibly nihilistic, and have often been known to show absolutely no remorse when taking a lives.
  • Undead are incredibly sadistic, and have a very morbid sense of humor.

Pages in category "Undead"

The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.

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