Jester's Court

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The Jester's Court was formed out of 6 friends who decided that having a good time was worth more than getting involved in politics and the "I dont like them because of this" bullshit that is floating around so frequently lately. We tend not to care what others think only because its not worth it. This is a sport where there are no medals, no awards, and no prizes. This does not mean that we dont believe in the ability to fight. We like having people around that have the same views as us but we still want someone who can win a fight or two. We work for other units as a small fast flanking unit for a small fee. If there are no takers then we fight for ourselves and still help random groups as we can.



This is a detailed comprehensive hierarchy for Jester’s Court a unit of the Belegarth Medieval Combat Sport (BMCS), as of 1:49 AM on August 31, 2010 written by Joshua “Quickie” Quick. Jester’s Court:

   Ranking system: (in ascending order)

Petitioner: show a test of skill, in which one must win roughly 2 of 5 battles with X jesters, as well as show a like mindset. Petitioning for this unit consist of giving up some rights to the group as a whole as well as being counted on for training, general fighting (when deemed), unit discussion (when deemed), and specific unit related events. Petitioners are in use of our name and image, if these are abused repercussions will be taken.

  • A single war braid of the unit’s colors (black and white) will be presented to those wishing to petition upon the completion of the above tasks.
  • Fighters can only be voted to petitioner status by way of the Court’s Council (influenced by member’s voice.)
  • if at any time a petitioner fails to follow their set guidelines or fails to live up to the expectations given the Court’s Council has right to strip their status. This is only decided upon by unanimous vote.

  • It is a common understanding within the unit that to join Jester’s Court those wishing to petition must ask to do so. Members will not approach them nor ask them to join. General persuasion (i.e. “you should hang out with us…”) is accepted. Recruiting (i.e. “do you want to join…” or “you should totally join…”) is strongly discouraged.

Jester: effectively complete a series of trials testing skill, tactics, endurance, will, and brotherhood. *see trials.

  • A unit flag, dictating membership status, will be presented to those on trial upon the completion of the above tasks.
  • Members receive a voice in any Court’s Council decision, use of unit property (i.e. armory and community armor), and specified rights within the unit.
  • It is up to the individual member to obtain information regarding upcoming unit decisions and use of unit property through higher ranking officials (i.e. High Jesters, council members, War-chief).
  • Members are required to fight as a unit during specified times, partake in trials and initiation rituals, and camp in the specified unit site during events (unless having previous notification and adequate reasons).
  • If at any time a member fails to follow their set guidelines or fails to live up to the expectations given the Court’s Council has right to either strip their status or have them re-establish they’re brotherhood through trials. This is only decided upon by vote of the entire unit.

High jester: show willingness to progress as a fighter and a member, partake in three instances of initiation trials (petitioner trials) as an acolyte assisting the petitioner in the fifth trial. And complete a secondary set of trials testing skill, endurance, will, leadership, tactics, and brotherhood on a larger scale. *see high trials.

  • Jesters wishing to gain High Jester status must be nominated by a fellow member and voted on by the Court’s Council
  • A worn trinket, dictating High Jester status, will be given to any member completing the above requirements.
  • If at any time a member fails to follow their set guidelines or fails to live up to the expectations given the Court’s Council has right to either strip their status or have them re-establish they’re brotherhood through trials. This is only decided upon by vote of the entire unit.

Shaman: complete an accumulative list of requirements and trials given by either the unit as a whole or a pre-existing Shaman (or persons of equal title).

  • Must already have the rank of High Jester.
  • A knight’s chain, dictating Shaman status, of unit colors (black and white) will be presented to those on trial upon the completion of the above tasks.

Court’s Council member: for ease of the decision-making process involving the unit. There are always five members on the council, all other members can influence the council and voice their opinion, but only the council members can make recorded votes. The council votes in members to its rank, if at any point in time a council member is no longer able or willing to fulfill his/her duties.

War-Chief: a figurehead/ leadership position voted upon by the Court’s Council, if at any point in time the existing leader abuses his/her power , or is no longer able or willing to fulfill his/her duties.

  • This rank is in addition to the rank of High Jester or Shaman.


As a result of a unit council meeting held Saturday night. We as a unit have decided, through vote of the high jesters, the specifics concerning the trials (i.e. the individual trials and order of, needed to be completed by all petitioners hence forth). Some specifics are subject to change due to member turn out and time restraints, keep that in mind. but as of now, the list is as follows:
1. 3/5 battles: self explanatory; all petitioners going through trials are expected to defeat all members three out of five times, or to the best of your ability.
2. Thermopylae: line battle unlimited regen; petitioners going through trials will be versed against a line of members 1 v N (n being up to our discretion) petitioners have regen, line does not. Petitioners are expected to defeat them in a reasonable amount of time.
3. Gauntlet drill: petitioners v high jesters; petitioners will work their way down the line of high jesters defeating each they must beat all five in succession if they lose to one they are forced to start over until completed.
4. Information of the fourth and final trial will be withheld from petitioners until time of completion.


Head Jester- Skittles

Council Members-

Shamans- There are no current Shamans High Jesters-



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