Tordek Hardiron

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Revision as of 07:38, 7 February 2009 by Hardiron (Talk | contribs)

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The Facts

Realm: Andúril

Unit: Currently wandering aimlessly.

Weapons of Choice: anything with a board.

Real name: Alex Krochman

Started Fighting: 2008

Nicknames Tordek the Ram

Race Dwarf


Tordek Hardiron is a mix breed of dwarf, half Mountain, quarter Hill, quarter Frost. He worships Clanggedin Silverbeard, Dwarven deity of battle. His shield bears a Ram and two crossed Axes. Tordek grew up with his father, in the dwarven mountain stronghold now lost to history. There he learned the ways of battle, science, and mathematical skills he uses on the field to this day. He is a ram on the battlefield, stopping shield rushes from men 1 and 1/2 times his height and weight cold. Tordek has yet to be tested by Belegarth at the national event, but plans to attend Chaos wars this summer.

Real Life

In real life i go by Alex Krochman, or sometimes Genius, as i have been nicknamed, I graduate Costa Mesa High School in 2009, and from there on out life is a bit of a mystery. Things remain to be seen.

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