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Dundee the Spotted Gnoll

Dundee Thaw 2017.jpg

A Fight with War
Blissful Silence



Fighter Name: Dundee

Realm: Village Under The Falls

Current Local: Highlands of Chaos / Black Tundra / Southern Idaho

Unit: Horde (Feral)

House: House Hellion

Fighting Styles: Sword and board

Part of the Sport Since: July, 2014

Fighting Since: July, 2015

Race: Gnoll (Spotted)

Real Name: Danielle


"I'm right here!" "I will shank you." (Often muttered in jokingly in frustration)


Night of Terror

The grass was still like warriors in salute before a battle. The small gnoll pup felt the warmth of the fire burning against her, It seemed as though the shadows danced against the flames. Her eyes wandered to her mother and father; they were chatting over the next hunt. As a clanless family of gnolls, it meant most of the time was spent hunting. The only other gnoll with them was Abel, Dundee’s sister, She had a habit of wandering off and tonight was no exception.

Dundee raised her head to the sound of crumpling grass, she started to push herself off the ground to see if Abel was trying to sneak up on her. As she rose, however, it was a pair of large clawed toes that greeted her. Her eyes crawled up the figure, to see a beast. This beast was hunched and only bared one sleeved arm. Dundee flattened herself to the ground. Her breathing was shallow as she watched the monster draw his weapon. This creature was one she had only heard of in hushed tones, but she knew exactly what is was by its grizzly features. It was a bugbear. The bugbear waved its large hand in the air and more dark figures enter Dundee’s view. Her heart started to race as they entered the camp. Her mother and father rose instantly ready to face the beasts, but Dundee knew, Dundee could see they were heavily outnumbered. After a moment’s hesitation, Dundee bolted, her feet flying beneath her. The gnoll’s ears swiveled behind her. Thump. Thump. Thump. She was being chased.

Panting heavily, the young pup ran, her eyes never leaving her path ahead. In her haste, however, she didn’t notice a crack that ripped through the earth below her. Her feet continued to fly through the air as she plummeted down into the crack. Her body slammed against the wall with great force before she hit the ground below. She quickly oriented herself and looked up the opening. A ghastly growl, almost roar, echoed through the crack. “Come here, come here!” The voice echoed and a hand shot down. It grasped and clenched, pulling and ripping at her fur. Dundee pressed herself tight against the ground, her eyes wide like the moon that glimmered over the grasslands on this night of terror. This continued for hours, until Dundee had moved herself just below the bugbear’s reach. Her heart was still racing, leaving her wide awake as the night went on.

Her eyelids were heavy as the daylight broke into her spot of safety. She clawed her way out and froze to see the beast’s face parallel to hers. He was sleeping and muttering, “Come here, come here… pup…” Dundee held her breath before sneaking pass. As soon as she felt safe to do so, she bolted back to her camp. The gnoll ran, only to see disaster in the distance. Her eyes could make out a savaged tent, a dead fire, and not a soul in sight. As she neared; it oozed, it dripped, and it pooled. Blood painted the camp, and the tufts of brown fur and flesh spoke hints that her parents did not win their fight. Her feet continued to carry her, she couldn’t stop herself, as she turned the corner. There it lay, the corpse, ripped and shredded. Her mother’s eyes blank and empty now, the life gone from her features. No other bodies, no signs of the rest of her family. She stepped back, her heart racing before she took a deep and shuttered breath. Dundee took what she could carry and left. Her feet left a trail of her mother’s blood as she headed South, hoping to find someone or anyone else.

A Star-Lit Path

To be written


To be written

The Village

As the weight of her feet came down against the soft ground, the dirt caressed and dispersed. Her tired eyes perking up as she had finally reached the water. An exhausted sigh escaped her throat, before she knelt down. Cupping the water in her hands she sipped upon the cool and sweet liquid. Dundee, a spotted gnoll of the Highlands of Chaos, had finally found her destination.

She had searched months for this place, it was a village. A village that stretched itself around and under the falls, it was almost illusive. Her search began when she stumbled upon a gathering. At this gathering of pinkies and monsters a like, she heard quiet mutters of the village. It was said no one lived there, no one sheltered there, no one even visited. This was what had originally intrigued the small gnoll to hunt this secretive place down. Her journey began with another of her kind, a maanhaar gnoll whose love for the fight equaled his love for the kill. The words that rolled off Nickel's tongue is what kept this smaller gnoll's will power high. However he did not finish this journey with her, instead he placed her with the knowledge she needed to find this village. As for him he returned to his own home, where he could do what he enjoyed most. Nickel would continue to strive for his own story and adventure again from that point on.

As she stood up, her muscles echoed complaints. The gentle green and brown gaze of this beast settled upon the waterfall. It's mist loomed over the surrounding area, like a threat that the raven brings before disaster. With her footsteps heavy she approached, shrills of excitement and nervousness ran down her spine. As she entered the mist, she was surprised, there was nothing. Nothing but an old broken down home and the structural old lines of a few other possible shacks. No creature but a fat mouse dare showed itself. Filled with anger and defeat, Dundee promised to herself, she would create the Village Under the Falls.

Her hair slipped into her face as she pressed against the wall of a shabby tent she set up. Her tail coiled around her like that of a cobra, she heaved a sigh to herself. The work placed upon this waterfall was all she could do until someone else arrived. She had created a few shacks and repaired weapons. Her hands were unclean and covered in cuts. The marks of anger and tension told their stories by the shapes they left on the wood pieces from her canines. The gnoll, whose fur was matted, whose war marks had faded, and whose eyes still were as bright as a full moon on a still lake, had to reach out for this place to be found.

Her feet once again dragging with her weight, had carried her to the next closest town. This is were she began her search to pull warriors, fighters, and villagers a like to this new village. One where she and others could feel sanctuary, from the harnesses of the world. Where a monster can come back to peace after a week of hunts and a pinkie could build a home without the fear of local monsters tearing it to pieces. A place where she nurtured those once like her into warriors.

This is what Dundee, the spotted gnoll of the Highlands of Chaos and Creator of the Village Under the Falls had worked to accomplish. What she strives for and continues to work for.

Other Information

You can find this gnoll chasing down squeakers like no other. She takes pride in her energetic nature and quick response time. (Unless you have over squeaked, then she will either hit the ground or actually make the effort to try and ignore your squeak)

Dundee can often be found around Abel her best friend and realm mate

This gnoll during Chaos Wars XX was named Attack Gnoll as joke. Then proceeded with Abel to tackle many innocent Belegrim on a squeaked command.

Dundee enjoys helping others and often finds herself following random Belegrim

Events Attended

Chaos Wars 2014, 2015, 2016

Battle of Teutoberg Wald 2015, 2016

Highlands of Chaos Opener 2016, 2017

Battle of Anigawa 2016, 2017

Thaw Brawl 2016, 2017

War of the Forbidding 2016

Mannetherin 2016

Frozen Warriors 2016, 2017

Western Wars 2016

Battle for the Ring 2017

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