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All 10 Silverhelms



Long ago, before humanity and before they came to this plain, a race of creatures were created. Known by many names, the Silverhelms had been created by the Gods as their first children, endowed with the same knowledge and immortality along with some lesser powers as their sky parents. These beings helped lay the pillars of the Earth in order to make way for man. Man was made to serve. Their only purpose of existence was manual labor; enriching the Silverhelms and their creators with natural materials that they needed, bowing and scraping to the sight of their glory. When their task was finished, plans were set in motion to eradicate their race, but unforetold events took place as of the might architects, the creator of humanity himself, rushed to save his children. Only hi could see the potential of this species. It was in that hour of annihilation that humans rose to the task, proving that they were of more worth; that they could rise above.

In that moment, the Silverhelms saw the creators love grow for the humans. They rewarded man for his bravery by granting him immortality and a seat in their court, something that was not given to the Silverhelms. From there, the makers invested into their experiment. Thus began the relationship between the humans and Silverhelms. They taught the humans the framework to life itself, things such as metallurgy, agriculture, weaving of silk and fabric, blacksmithing, architecture and many other fundamental attributes, and for a while they learned.

How did the sheep repay the herder? With ignorance. With metallurgy they made a currency that corrupted the mind and elevated deceiving men to power, and with that power they used architecture to build monolith’s to honor their tainted image, attempting self-glorified immortality. With agriculture and cloth, rich men and women dressed themselves in the finest wear and gorged themselves as children lay naked and starving in the streets. With the power of blacksmithing, the humans built weapons.

The Silverhelms watched in horror as the mortals destroyed each other with what they taught to bring life. One of the Silverhelms, enraged by the human’s behavior, demanded that the creators finish what they started long ago and eradicate the human race, but they say in the humans what he could not. For his outburst, the makers ordered the Silverhelms to bow to man. All bowed but him, and through his dishonor many stood with the newly named Tennebris, beginning the clash of titans.

The war didn’t last long, but the destruction was great. Many of the Silverhelms perished with lesser gods and the abominations that started the war. When the final battle came, their best warrior faced Tennebris. On the peak of a tower amongst the desolation, they clashed. The fight lasted hours, but when it ended the tyrant had been defeated. Instead of death, he was forced to live and watch the human race flourish, banished to his own prison. The rest of the abominations who followed Tennebris were scattered to the wind, often hiding in the bowels of the earth in feral packs. After the victory the Silverhelms were repurposed. Now they watch and guide the race called man, defending them from the left over darkness and themselves and leaving their influence both directly and indirectly.

After the Clash, the creators helped pick up the broken pieces of the world and reestablished the human race. When doing this they had the humans record the events of the past in writing, sculpture and building of monuments so that the mortals could remember, so that they could learn from their mistakes. In this time, all cities of man experienced a golden age, a period of peace and learning.

When this was done, and the humans proved they could govern themselves, the makers announced their leave. Overnight, they vanished in eruptions of smoke and flame, returning to the sky in their chariots. In the absence of the gods, the Silverhelms were tasked to watch over the humans, but many of them fell from grace. Many strayed from the path of righteousness, some even harmed the mortals rather than helped and other went into seclusion. Only a small handful kept true to their word.

Over the next millennia, the Silverhelms lost hope that their sky parents would ever return. That was until one day, a certain Silverhelm was contacted by the architects. They gave him premonitions of the future and of the horrors to come. He witnessed great wars deciding the fate of this world, and amidst the destruction encircled by abominations stood Tennebris. The Usurper had returned with his corrupted flock and had laid the earth to ashes. Beneath their feet laid the bones of humanity. Along with the remains of the humans laid the bodies of Silverhelms, blood soaked and lifeless. For the humans cowered before the tide and left only our broken race to fight, leading us both to oblivion. In that moment, every fiber of what this Silverhelm was, knew, and believed in, died. In that frozen second of time he lived an eternity, and in that agonizing balance of consciousness The Prophet was born. Prophet knew that this fate could not arise, for all the Gods work to create this world would be lost. Therefore the Prophet discarded his neutrality and sought out his remaining active brothers and sisters, as well as seeking mortals fit enough to defend this earth and elevate them to immortality.


There are many names for their species; Djinn, Genius, Draenei, Apokallo, Protoss, Eldar, Maiar, Precursor's, Urskeks, Tho Yor etc. but they call themselves Silverhelms for short because of their silver skin. They are creatures of free will, possessing immortality and powers as well. Together, the Djinn, humans and lesser gods make up the three sapient creations of the Gods. The Djinn are made of a smokeless fire, inhabiting an unseen world beyond the Vale of Mortality. They are usually invisible to humans and humans do not appear clearly to them, but Silverhelms can also live in their physical plan, being able to interact physically with people and objects. Just like human beings, Silverhlmes can also be good, evil, or neutral. Mainly, the Djinn are a most likely to partake in a shamanic, monk or nomadic lifestyles. They tend to live in remote areas, mountains, seas, trees, and the air; in their own communities or in isolation. A large change from the former, almost militaristic metropolises they once lived in. The social organization of the Djinn communities resembles that of the humans; they have kings, courts of law, weddings, and mourning rituals. They also account for much of the "magic" perceived by humans as well.


Terrae are the first and most common class of Silver helm. Made in the time of peace, they are the most neutral of the Silver helms race. Their outer shell is generally composed from elements from the earth. They are known for their superior wisdom, foresight and connection to the planet. In the time of the Engineer's they were closet to the Makers, before and after Humanity was born.


Born in a time of war, there is an infernal class named the Ifrit, noted for their strength, cunning and fighting prowess. These Silver helms were the main fighting force in the War of Titans. Engineered by the Gods to be instruments of war. While ordinary weapons and forces have no power over them, they are susceptible to magic, which humans can use to kill them or to capture and enslave them. However, just as a dual bladed sword, the Ifrit are the best wielders of magic as well. Often depicted as wicked and ruthless beings, these characteristics being pinned on the Ifrit because they were made mentally and physically unstable. Ifrit run both hot or cold; they can be solace one second and the next be personified hatred. These attributes were implemented in them to make them extremely dangerous at all times. To control this inner unbalance the Ifrit developed a way of deep reflection to control themselves, later adopted by the humans and called Nirvana, or Yin Yang.


The Venator are a class often described as the most powerful type of Silverhelm, having especially great powers. These Silverhelms were made in a time of reconstruction, designed to hunt down their corrupted brethren. They possess incredible skills of speed, deception and shadow walking - the art of hiding in the shadow or even creating dark clouds to disappear in. For these reasons they are the most arrogant and proud as well. Like every Djinn, they have free will yet could be compelled to perform chores. According to folklore, they also have the ability to grant wishes to mortals, but that usually requires battle, imprisonment, rituals, or just a great deal of flattery.


Kael Prime

Kael Prime

Ra Carnefex

Ra Carnefex











The Prophet





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