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Photo by Kos
© Le Nouvel Observateur



Sand Plains

  • '12-'13 School Year: Media Director
  • '13 Fall Semester: Secretary and Web Weaver
  • '14 Spring Semester: Treasurer and Web Weaver
  • '14-'15 School Year: President and Web Weaver


House Hellhammer

  • Joined June 2014
  • Sponsored by Squire Vak

Former Unit The Order

  • Joined July 2012
  • Disciple Trial April 2013 - Spring Wars
  • Left May 2014

Other Information

Race: Human (mostly)

Fighting Since:

  • February 2012

Favorite Fighting Style:

Squire under Sir Dameon Orcenfol

  • Became a retainer in January 2012
  • Became a squire in July 2013

Ironguard in The Forgechurch

  • Apprentice/Novice in Chainmail to Alastor "Ironside" Ioran

Member in the House Valkyries

Member in House of the Watchers

Disciple Trial, Spring Wars 2013. Grease and Static
Octoberfest 2013. Photo by Ellie "Armstrong"
          Events Attended:
           Wolfpack Opener
         Sand Plains Closer
             Spring Wars
           Rhun in June
        Sand Plains Opener
      Here There be Dragons
           Rhun Closer
         Wolfpack Opener
         Muxlovia Mayhem
        Sand Plains Closer
           Spring Wars
           Melcaorme XI
         Ragnarok XXVIII
      Kill, Grill and Chill
        Sand Plains Opener
          Snow Ball VII
           Rhun Closer
         Muxlovia Mayhem
         Wolfpack Opener
        Sand Plains Closer
           Spring Wars
          Ragnarok XXIX
                                                            Kill, Grill and Chill
                                                              Morva Maelstorm
                                                             Sand Plains Opener

Such a Strange Name...

Adrenaline and instinct kicked in, and I pulled my weapon up in front of me to brace for impact. Before I realized what had happened, he twisted the tip of his sword away from me and caught the guard of his sword behind my own and pushed. The weapon was sent flying from my hand and the force of the shove landed me flat on my back on the ground. An instant after I landed, I threw my arms over my face and curled my knees up to my chest, once again awaiting the sharp pain followed by darkness. Maybe it would be followed by light? My mind wandered off in hysterics as I thought about what death was like. I wondered if what ever created that light would be there and I would be able to strangle them. If I had just ignored that light and stayed by the river, I could have been enjoying fish over a fire. I could be sleeping peacefully to the sound of running water and not dying by the blade of a drunken lizard-man.

A rough laugh echoed over me as I cowered and I thought I had actually lost my senses. Was this death; an odd, hysterical laughter reverberating over my head for all eternity? I could have been worse, I supposed.

“Yoo funny, Pinkee. I ahwayz wanteed to do dat.”

I was still frozen in a fetal position as laughter subsided and fell to silence.


I gingerly pulled my arms away from my face and uncurled my legs to peer out at the kobold. The end of his sword was in the ground and he had his arms draped over the guard, resting his chin on his forearm. When I finally gazed at him, a confused look faded from his face and was replaced by bemusement.

“I like yoo. Yoo fun.” The monster proceeded with his drunken swaying, leaning the sword back and forth as he did so. I still didn’t move, so he continued. “Yoo git better, yes, an I bring frendz nex’ time. Okays?”

The kobold spun and sheathed his weapon, not waiting for an answer and started sauntering back towards the village, but suddenly stopped and approached me again. “Wat I call yoo?” He glanced at my rough, messy hair. “Frazzle?” His gaze went to my arms, which were fully exposed. “Tiny?” He crossed his arms. “I need moar pacific den ‘pinkee.’ Tiny Frazzle!”

“Star Taite,” I finally uttered, still not moving.

“Wat?” he took another step closer and I flinched back.

“Star Taite is my name,” I said again, slightly louder. I uncurled the rest of the way and looked at him. He had a blank stare on his face, as though he still didn’t understand. “Star…Taite,” I said more slowly.

“Stah…tick?” he asked.

“N-no, St-”

“Stah-tick! Yes. I call yoo dat now. Okie, byez Stah-tick pinkee!” He spun around on his heel, if you could call it a heel, and stumbled back to the encampment drunkenly, his tail dragging in the dirt as he went.

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