Midsummer Slaughter 06

From BelegarthWiki

Dates: July 21th - 23rd 2006
Hosted: Avalon, Rausumea, All of North Eastern Ohio
Location: Valley Lake Campground
Price: Flat Fee:$15


Hamburger Dinner

On the side of the battlefield Avalon and Rausumea will be supplying a free hamburger and hotdog dinner Saturday around 5:00pm.

Main Fire Revel

There will be a main fire each night located at the top of the hill. Groups will be encouraged to gather their for nightime fun, fire and dancing.


Thursday the 20th

  • Later afternoon administrative setup and early bird arrivals
  • Nightime revel and chrissoning of the main fire.

Friday 21st

  • 11:00am - 8:00pm - Troll Opens
  • 11:30am - Weapons check opens w/an open battlefield
  • 1:00pm - Marshals will start Friday Pickup Battles.
  • Dark [8:50pm] - Battlefield will officialy close.
  • Civil Twighlight[9:30pm] - Main fire and Revel begins.

Saturday 22nd

  • 10:00am - 7:00pm - Troll Opens
  • 10:30am - Weapons check opens w/an Open battlefield
  • 12:00noon - Shield Bashing Tournament!
  • 1:00pm - Marshalls start the battlefield

- Unit/Army Battles
- Realm Battles
- Good vs Evil War!
- Field Battles

  • 5:00pm - Hamburger dinner put on by MacThomas and Botherhood on the edge of the field!
  • Dark [8:45pm] - Battlefield will officialy close.
  • Civil Twighlight[9:25pm] - Main fire and Revel begins. There will be some free beer.

Sunday the 23rd

  • Pack up!