Canis Nocturnis

From BelegarthWiki

Canis Nocturnis, Nicholas Haley, passed away on February 22, 2006. He will be sorely missed.

Going to smash some goblyns at Spring Wars 04 after having his tent Post-it noted.
Truth of the matter is Obryn has a funny or embarassing picture of us all.


<leave a message for friends and family>

<Madog> Nicholas was a good man on behalf of our realm Rausumea I would like to send our condolences to his family and the realm of Wolfpack.

Now matter where his is now

his soul was kind his heart was warm

he opened his home to us and he will not be forgot.

lord take this man under you wing

and as he looks down apon us all

rasie you glass and sing Nick's praise

we will miss you for the rest of our days

till we meet again....

Killian - two years, still miss you greatly, hope beerguard has found ya.. 02/22/08