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  • Uganggi, Ugangi, U'gangi: is the ogre God of Fire. He is most revered by the Thor'an Gha tribe of Hellhammer and Mekoot Bhakdar. His legend and lore is known by Shamans Goron, Ghanima, and Sigurd. The last known Shaman of Uganggi was Ulvat the Beergarde, who has passed into the next world.

He is god of fire, destruction, and warriors. Worshipers of Ugangi are captivated by flames drawing visions from within or using them to fuel their battle rage. Uganghi kept wolves as pets and had fiery red hair. He prefered to fight with a spear. When he was betrayed by his brother he used his spear to kill Uchronus before he burst into flame consuming his body and Uchronus'. The spear is rumored to have been burned at the same time although some legends speak of Utezni finding the spear.

This chant often summons his presence whether in ceremony or at the dawning of battle: Uganggi, Uganggi, Ma Oh Shi Ah.

Despite being most revered amongst ogres, many monsters recognize the power of Uganggi and recite this chant to cultivate the burning fury of his bloodlust.

Symbol of Uganggi
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