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Revision as of 23:22, 6 June 2007 by Div.atronic (Talk | contribs)

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Race: Goblyns: serious business
Realm: Originally from Nan Belegorn
Unit: HellHammer
Likes: running faster than fat people
Dislikes: having to wait for fat people to catch up
Real Name: Rusty Shackleford

eyrtk is loud... very loud and 5 foot nothing. He is often depicted as a green humanoid monster with glowing eyes and a gaping pie hole surrounded by fleshy-colored peasants. He eats rubber dinosaur figurines to gain the strength of the extinct animal to which they bear likeness even though the physical improvement has not been proven. He sings the French National Anthem in a rich baritone while walking among people, whoever fails to sit down is accused of being a communist and summarily devoured like so many Jalapeno Chedder potato chips.

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