Checking Weapon Flex

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Checking Weapon Flex

From the Book of War

1.3.5. The maximum allowed flex of any Weapon except Javelins is 45°. See Appendix A, Must flex less than 90°. This is an exception to Appendix A, 1.3.5.

To check weapon flex for type 1 and 2 weapons:


The Leg Method I

This works best on swords. Drop down to one knee. Now place your other leg's knee joint at 45° foot extended with your thigh perpendicular to the ground. Strike your thigh so the middle to bottom 1/4 of the weapon strikes over your knee. if the weapon flexes 45° or more it will strike your shin.

The Leg Method II

Very similar to the first meathod only requires an observer. Drop down to one knee. Place the other knee joint at 90° have an observer watch from the side (90°) to see if the sword flexes while you strike your thigh so the middle to bottom 1/4 of the weapon strikes over your knee.

Shield Method

With an observer watching from the side strike a shield with the amount of force usualy put into a shot to cause damage. Strike from the top (oblique over head strike) so that the observer can clearly see the flex of the weapon.

Table Method

Similar to the Shield method on done over the edge of a table top. Since picnic tables are often available at a Weapons Check. This one has been done many times before. The best place is to sit at the picnic table with your knees on the seat. Lean across the table and strike the weapon about 1/4 to half way up from the bottom of the blade. Have an observer watch to see if the weapon flexes too much.

Free Hand Method

The free hand method is often the first and only flex test given to a weapon. Usualy only done to larger weapons like axes or hammers but sometimes Red swords or glaves recieve this test. Hold the weapon like it is designed to be held. Pull back and strike over the head and stop when the core reaches about 45°. Have an observer watch from the side (90°) to see if the weapon exceeds the flex limit.

The Hip method

The hip method is where you take the pommel of a long weapon, usualy not a sword and longer than 4 feet long, and you place the pommel in the socket of your hip and leg. You then turn your body 90° from an observer and you shake the weapon with as much force as possible from straight up. The object is for the observer to look and see if the weapon flexes more than 45° or 90° if it is a Javelin.

Note: Flails, being hinged weapons, follow special rules regarding flex, as they are designed to whip intentionally. See Flails for more information.

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