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Xarl at Oktoberfest 2016

Fighting Name: Squire Xarl

Realm: Morva

Unit: Barreler in House Hellhammer

Weapons of Choice: Glaives, longsword, sword and board

Fighting Since: September 22, 2013

There is no honor without blood

Xarl stumbled upon the iron forests and dark swamps of Morva as a traveler from the East and a student of arcane art. Arriving first at the lakefront of Esgaroth, he was first taught the ways of the warrior by a Chaos warrior, Squire Vak, now Sir Uargvak Hellhammer. Though slender of frame, he took naturally to the arts of war, gaining proficiency in combat with sword and shield and two handed greatswords. On his journey, he met more great warriors who aided in his learning: the Dark Angel Xiao, Talion of Numenor, Sir Kenneth the Lawgiver, Sir Borric the Just, Sir Fox Hellhammer, and Evias of Eryndor, among others.

Xarl joined Talion's Army of Morva, but perhaps he had always heard the whispers of Chaos in his heart. The Gods called and, in time, Xarl answered. Heeding the cries of the Ruinous Powers, Xarl has joined House Hellhammer as a barreler, accepting the warring brothers Khorne and Slaanesh as his patron deities. She Who Thirsts drives Xarl to seek perfection in battle, but His brother and rival, the Lord of Skulls, always reminds Xarl of the ultimate truth: it matters not from whence the blood flows, only that it does.

Squire to Sir Uargvak Hellhammer, the King of Belegarth as of Spring Wars 2017 (4/28/17)

Events Attended: Wolfpack Opener 2014, Spring Wars 2014, Kill Grill Chill 2014, Oktoberfest 2014, WAR 2014, Wolfpack Opener 2015, Muxlovian Mayhem 2015, Numenor Spring Opener 2015, Geddon 2015, Kill Grill Chill 2015, Oktoberfest 2015, WAR 2015, Take Your Hitsmas 2016, Wolfpack Opener 2016, Numenor Spring Opener 2016, Spring Wars 2016, Armageddon XV, Bear Brawl 2016, Oktoberfest 2016

Xarl also has a black metal band called Angmar.

Xarl fighting Zuloo at Okfest 2016
Xarl BFTR.gif
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