Constructing a Blue Sword

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Blue Sword Instructions, taken from the Eriador Construction Site

Materials Needed

  • 3/8" fiberglass rod for up to 27" overall core (beyond 27" risks failing to flex)
  • For over 27", use 1/2" fiberglass or 1/2" PVC core
  • DAP Contact Cement
  • Blue camp pad
  • Duct Tape
  • Black cloth tape
  • Carpet tape
  • 1/8-3/8" rope
  • Cover fabric, preferably trigger


1) Cut your fiberglass core to your desired length. Mark up from the bottom of your core at 2" and 8".
2) Take a 1/2" x1/2" scrap of foam and place it on top of your core. Tape a cross of duct tape down over it, then pressing down on it with your thumb, tightly wrap around it with duct tape, compressing it into the tip of your core. This is to make sure your core will not cut away at the inside of your sword blade.
3) Cut two strips of blue camp pad that are as wide as your core (3/8" or 1/2") and as long as your sword blade.
4) Read the DAP instructions. DAP one side of each of your blue foam strips and DAP evenly around your core from your 8" mark upwards toward the tip of your blade that you capped with a foam scrap. When dry and tacky, stick these strips ("flats") onto the edge of your core.
5) Cut 2 strips of blue foam with dimensions 'a' by 'b'.
6) Glue and attach these two strips of foam, one on each side of your core, to make a 'box' of foam around your core.
7) Glue a square 'cap' to the top of your box. Reinforce it with cloth tape.
8) Rotate your sword so the thinner strips of foam making up your box are facing you. Cut two strips of blue foam with dimensions 2c+2" by width 'd'. Remember, 'd' must be at least 1.25" to meet the old minimum dimension requirements.
9) Glue along one side of one of your long foam strips. Glue on the edges of your foam box with the thin foam strips showing, and the top of your box.
Attach your long strip of foam over the glued portions of your box once everything is dry and tacky. This is your first 'blade' layer. When finished, it should look like this:
At this point, if you want to add a stabbing tip, refer to the instructions to do so.
10) Repeat step 9 by attaching your next long foam strip and building up your 'blade' padding. Your side view should look like this, once complete.
Blueswordconstruction3.jpg Blueswordconstruction4.jpg

See Also

Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman