Tiberius Claudius Marcellus

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Tiberius Claudius Marcellus sending barbarian savages to their gods at the First War of Reckoning, 02/06/2010

At a Glance

Home Realm: An Tir Dearg
Unit: Legio XXV Semper Constans
Fighting Since: May 2009
Age: 27
Location: Washington, UT
Styles: Gladius and scutum, a couple of pila, and a trusty little pugio
Why Belegarth?: Brother-in-law happened upon a practice and introduced him to it, much to the continued embarrassment of his wife

Role in Belegarth

Ti. C. Marcellus is currently the acting Praefectus Castrorum of Legio XXV in the realm of An Tir Dearg in St. George, UT. As second-in-command of the Legion, and one of the voting Tribuni, he is actively invovled in all fundamental training and decision making. A particular contribution he has made was the creation of a Latin Drill and Ceremonies manual for the Legion, based on multiple resources such as the Ermine Street Guard and the United States Marine Corps Drill & Ceremonies Manual, under which he trained when he served from 2003 - 2006.



  • An Tir Dearg Tabard

(Minimum attendance of three practices a month for past three months, minimal garb, minimum 80% on BoW written test, minimum of owning two unique weapon sets, and minimum of 5/10 victories with two of your unique weapon sets against 3 sword/board, 3 red/florentine, 3 same set you use, and/or the remaining battles against any type of opponent)


  • Copper Gladius
  • Copper Pugio
  • Copper Pilum
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