Low Profile Spear

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Materials Needed


1. Select your core. The only two I'd ever dream of using are bandpoles and some beastly bamboo. You don't know what you're missing until you've used a bamboo spear.

2. Cut to desired length, i cut mine to 7.5'

3. Cap the ends, if you're using bandpole, lightly sand all areas that will be dapped. If using bamboo, spiral wrap twice, in two different directions, with fiberglass strapping tape.

4. Wrap and cap on the striking end with either Camp pad, or the most dense foam you can find. Some sturdy EVA is great, but i just use camp pad.

5. Wrap and cap again with something slightly softer, again, camp pad works but eva will as well.

6. Dap two disks of .75" Ensolite on the tip. I get mine from Therm-o-seats.

7. Wrap with Volara or 1/8" EVA. I get the EVA i use for this from Windrose Armory. Its slightly denser than normal EVA. Leave about 3/16" of Ensolite exposed at the tip.

8. Put some X's of Gorilla tape around where the 2nd wrap and cap meets the Ensolite. Make sure the tip doesn't wobble.

9. Add half padding, a pommel, a cover, and tape it up.

10.Stab people in the nuts with your new favorite weapon.



By Poo

See Also

Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman