Drago Darkheart

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Character history-Drago Darkheart Soon to come

Character history-Zyrok Burnsledge One of the few Uruk-hai to escape after the battle of Helms Deep, Zyrok sat alone, secluded. He moved from town to town, doing his best to stay alive.Needing companionship, the lone Uruk had found one of many books in the abandoned Isengard tower. He did his best, and tried to educate himself. After his readings, he gathered what he needed, and left Isengard. Comming across a goblin named Zephyr, he found an allie. Of course there was many a strifes afterwards, but the two eventually put aside their differences when a group of humans had tried to exterminate them. No one liked his kind because of what they had done, but he would not be stopped by humans. They noticed a woman and a child near Zyrok's place of birth, but did not harm them. They merely watched, and waited. In time, They left their watchings, and fought as mercenaries for a long time. Having no where to go, They headed back to Isengard, only to find six Uruk-hai there; Lagato, Bosh, Dukker, Toki, Shroom, and Caboose. The seven banded together and searched for where they might be welcome. Fighting for their lives and for each other, the eight Uruks came across a half-orc named V-hil, and his small brigade. Quickly, the eight joined with him, feeling welcome with their monstrous bretheren. As their symbol, the eight chose a hammer, for it resembled to them great power and destruction.

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