Sons of Freedom

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Sons of Freedom heraldry, none other than the Gonzo Fist
Sons of Freedom in full force at Manetherin
  • Freedom doesn't take sides -Boog
  • Lay off my rollos yo! -Fear
  • I so delicious, dat when I kills you, alls you can say is..... yummy" -Aindreas

The Sons of Freedom are a new unit within the city-state of Rath. We are here as a skirmisher unit for the realm and to promote personal progression within the sport of Belegarth. Our specialty is working as a javelin toting strike squad and the true protectors of Rath. We don't limit ourselves to only the skirmisher fighting style though, if need be we'll join the Highlands charge and help leave a quake of death and glory.

The Freedom dudes are comprised of good and evil members who fight to protect the santuary of social anarchy that Rath is meant to be. There are no commanders or captains in the Sons, because each member is equal, but there are temporary filed leaders during events. Our strength lies in the unit as a whole, instead of only hardcore fighters. Remember, you are only as good as the soldier by your side, until they die of course. The Gonzo Fist is our symbol, and black and white are our colors. We encourage individual style in the unit so all fighters may wear any style of period garb.


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