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Everwood is a living, sprawling organism that manifests as a primordial forest that hums with ancient magic, and serves as the sanctuary for the Wilder Fey. Unlike the regimented fairytales of human lore, the Wilder Fey are a chaotic tapestry of Fae creatures, each born from the essence of Everwood itself.

Here's a glimpse into the secrets that lie beneath its emerald canopy:


The Four Realms

Everwood is divided into four Realms, each with its own distinct characteristics and Fae inhabitants:

The Whispering Wilds: A primordial wilderness engulfed in twilight, filled with ancient redwoods and glowing fungi. Here live the Ferals, who embrace the untamed nature of the forest.

The Verdant Glade: A sunlit sanctuary for the Sylvans. Its verdant meadows, sparkling streams, and vibrant flora create an enchanting tapestry.

The Glimmering Grove: Underground caves and waterways glow with bioluminescence, forming a network known as the Glimmering Grove. The Fungari inhabit this realm, nurturing bioluminescent plants and vast caverns adorned with pulsing mushrooms, where the sacred Wellspring resides.

The Faelight Bluffs: High atop windblown cliffs, waterfalls cascade into hidden pools in the Faelight Bluffs. Pixies dwell here amidst crystal formations that reflect sunlight, casting rainbows across the land. The air shimmers with a playful and whimsical energy.

Hidden Wonders

The Spiritwood: Deep within the forest lies the Spiritwood. Here, the boundary between the physical world and the unseen realms is weak. On nights bathed in moonlight, ethereal figures flit amongst the trees, and whispers of forgotten events carried by the wind brush past the ears.

The Forgotten Library: Legends tell of a concealed library hidden deep within the heart of the Glimmering Grove. Its shelves are supposedly overflowing with volumes written in luminous fungi, containing knowledge lost to time and spells of immense power. However, to obtain this knowledge, one must solve riddles and navigate treacherous caverns, deterring all but the most resolute adventurers.

The Wyvern's Spine: A range of jagged mountains known as the "Wyvern's Spine" acts as an obstacle along the western edge of Everwood. Whispers claim it to be the final resting place of a mythical creature of immense power, its slumber safeguarding the forest from external threats. While no living being has ever laid eyes on this creature, tremors and sudden bursts of wind sometimes erupt from the mountains, fueling the legend.

Threats to Everwood

The Blight: A creeping darkness occasionally threatens the forest's edges. Twisted trees and sickly flora mark its presence, and whispers speak of a malevolent entity at its heart, seeking to corrupt the Wellspring.

The Ironmongers: From time to time, greedy humans, known as the Ironmongers, breach the veil in search of Everwood's magical resources. These ruthless intruders cut down trees, disturb the delicate balance, and pose a danger to the Fae.

The Unraveling: A more subtle threat is the Unraveling. As the human world encroaches on Everwood's borders, the magic separating the realm weakens. This can lead to unpredictable consequences, from Fae magic leaking into the human world to the veil weakening and allowing monstrous creatures to enter Everwood.

Beings Within Everwood


Among the Wilder Fey, the Sylvans stand as the unyielding guardians of Everwood. Tall and androgynous, their very forms embody the forest itself. Their skin, often resembling aged bark or sun-dappled earth, blends seamlessly with the environment, granting them natural camouflage. Hair that flows like wind-tossed leaves changes color with the seasons, and their eyes, pools of emerald or molten amber, reflect the forest's ancient wisdom.


Sylvans aren't a monolithic race. Centuries of adaptation to different parts of Everwood have resulted in three distinct subraces:

The Wardens of Oak and Ash: These Sylvans are the most common. Towering and strong, they dwell within the heart of the forest, fiercely protecting the ancient groves. Their connection to the Wellspring is particularly strong, granting them potent nature magic for defense and nurturing the forest's growth.

The Whisperers of Willow and Reed: Found along the banks of Everwood's rivers and hidden waterfalls, these Sylvans are more slender and graceful than their Oak and Ash kin. They possess an affinity for water magic, using it to cleanse and heal, and are known for their calming presence, often acting as mediators within the Wilder Fey.

The Weavers of Bramble and Thorn: Inhabiting the dense foliage and prickly tangles, these Sylvans are smaller and quicker compared to their kin. They are masters of camouflage and trickery, wielding magic to seamlessly blend into the undergrowth and conjure illusions that misdirect those who dare to intrude.


Sylvans live in loose-knit communities centered around ancient groves or hidden waterfalls. Leadership falls to the Eldest, Sylvans who have lived for centuries and embody the forest's wisdom. Decisions are made through consensus, with each Sylvan having a voice, but the Eldest's counsel holds significant weight.

Sylvans are skilled hunters and gatherers, living in harmony with the forest. They build their dwellings from living trees, shaping branches and roots into comfortable yet organic structures. Clothing, when worn, is fashioned from leaves, bark, and animal hides, further blurring the lines between Sylvan and forest.


Sylvans are innately magical, drawing their power directly from the Wellspring. This connection allows them to manipulate the very fabric of the forest:

Growth and Decay: Sylvans can accelerate the growth of plants, mend wounds in trees, and even control the direction of growth for vines and branches. They use this power to maintain the delicate balance of the forest and nurture rare flora.

Earth and Stone: With a touch, Sylvans can manipulate the earth, creating bridges of rock over chasms or causing tremors to deter intruders.

Animal Kinship: Sylvans have a deep connection to the forest creatures. They can communicate with animals, forming strong bonds with the creatures of the land.


Sylvans are a stoic and introspective race. They value tradition and honor the ancient cycles of Everwood. Narrating stories is the cornerstone of their society. These narratives, passed down through countless generations, are shared around flickering fires that illuminate their gatherings. Additionally, they hold a deep reverence for nature, particularly the Wellspring, which is the heart of the forest and the very essence of their magical abilities.

However, Sylvans aren't without a sense of fun. During the Great Bloom celebration, they participate in playful challenges that test their connection to the forest. These include blindfolded races through tangled undergrowth, contests of camouflage artistry, and intricate displays of nature magic used to create ephemeral works of art.


Sylvans are wary of outsiders. They see themselves as the protectors of Everwood and view intrusion as a threat to the forest's health. However, if an outsider shows respect for the forest and its inhabitants, Sylvans might offer cryptic guidance or assistance. They particularly value those who possess a deep connection to nature or a genuine desire to understand its wonders. There are even rare instances of Sylvans forming deep bonds with outsiders, becoming lifelong allies who bridge the gap between the Fae and the human world.

The Pixies

In the vibrant chaos of the Faelight Bluffs, where rainbows chase each other across the sky and crystal formations sing in the wind, dwells a peculiar group of Pixies. Unlike their miniature brethren who flit from flower to flower, these Pixies stand awkwardly at a towering human height. This isn't a natural state – it's the unfortunate consequence of a magical mishap that's become their defining characteristic.

Legends speak of the Great Gigglepuff, a prank gone wrong that forever altered the lives of a particularly mischievous band of Pixies. The story goes that they attempted to enchant a rare, pollen-spewing bloom with laughter magic, hoping to shower the forest in uncontrollable giggles. However, their calculations were off. The flower erupted in a blinding flash, dousing the Pixies in a shimmering mist. When the laughter subsided, they found themselves no longer flitting amongst the flowers, but standing awkwardly tall, their wings atrophied and useless.

Life as a human-sized Pixie is a constant struggle. Their once nimble bodies are now clumsy and vulnerable. Activities they once reveled in, like weaving through blades of grass or dancing on spiderwebs, are now out of the question. Even simple tasks like reaching for a high branch or navigating a rocky path are fraught with difficulty. Their voices, once high and melodic, now boom awkwardly, often causing startled reactions from both Fae and unsuspecting outsiders.


The Pixies can no longer dwell in the delicate Pixie nooks nestled within flowers or carved into leaves. Instead, they've adapted by constructing oversized versions of their traditional dwellings – elaborate treehouses woven from branches and giant leaves, complete with rope bridges and platforms for sunbathing. These structures are marvels of ingenuity, showcasing the Pixies' resourcefulness despite their limitations.


Their magic has also undergone a transformation. While they can no longer manipulate their size or create elaborate illusions based on light manipulation, they've channeled their magical essence into other areas:

Illusions of Grandeur: Pixies excel at creating large-scale illusions. They can conjure shimmering phantasms of enormous creatures or distort the landscape itself, making a narrow path appear like a chasm or a small clearing seem like a vast meadow.

Booming Laughter: Their laughter, once a tinkling melody, now resonates with a powerful, booming sound. This can be used to disorient enemies, create sonic disruptions, or even trigger avalanches in precarious situations.

Magnified Mischief: The Pixies can manipulate objects on a larger scale. They can animate giant leaves to carry them through the air, create intricate traps from oversized vines, or even use their magic to temporarily inflate small objects to comical proportions.


Despite their predicament, the Pixies haven't lost their trademark mischievous spirit. They've adapted their pranks to their new scale, often using their height to create illusions or orchestrate elaborate, harmless deceptions. They frequently utilize enchanted ropes and harnesses to swing through the trees, a pale imitation of their former flight.


The Pixies view outsiders with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Their experiences with the outside world have been limited, often resulting in startled reactions or even fear from unsuspecting humans. However, they are more open to outsiders than their miniature counterparts. Their inability to fly and their clumsy nature make them more reliant on interaction with other races, fostering a sense of camaraderie with those who accept them. They might even use their oversized forms and booming voices to create elaborate distractions, allowing smaller Pixies to play harmless pranks on outsiders without fear of reprisal.

The Pixies are a constant source of amusement and frustration for the other Fae. Their predicament serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of magic, but their resilience and adaptability are also admired. They are a living embodiment of the Fae spirit – playful, resourceful, and forever adapting to the circumstances life throws their way.


Deep within the damp, earthy embrace of the Glimmering Grove dwell the Fungari, a unique Fae race unlike any other. Born from the symbiotic union of fungal spores and ancient forest magic, these sentient beings embody the spirit of growth, decay, and the interconnected web of life that sustains Everwood.

Fungari resemble a fascinating blend of humanoid and fungal features. Their bodies are a canvas of earthy browns, mottled greens, and bioluminescent whites, mirroring the diverse fungi they represent. Their heads are capped with a mushroom-like structure, the shape and color of which varies depending on the specific type of Fungari. Some sport gills underneath their caps, while others boast bioluminescent spots that illuminate their path in the perpetual twilight of the Grove.


The Mycenian Weavers: These Fungari have slender, thread-like forms that resemble delicate mushrooms. They possess an uncanny ability to manipulate the mycelial network, the web of fungal threads that courses beneath the forest floor. They can use it to cultivate rare flora, mend damaged ecosystems, and even communicate with the forest itself.

The Truffle Delvers: Stocky and robust, these Fungari resemble earthy truffles. They possess a keen sense of smell and an affinity for the hidden treasures of the forest floor. They are experts at finding rare and valuable fungi, unearthing medicinal herbs, and navigating the intricate tunnels beneath the Glimmering Grove.

The Luminescent Cultivators: These Fungari are bioluminescent marvels. Their bodies radiate soft, ethereal light, illuminating the caverns and nurturing bioluminescent flora. They are skilled alchemists, capable of brewing potent elixirs and concocting luminous dyes from rare fungi.


Fungari live in communal clusters nestled amongst the roots of ancient trees or nestled within bioluminescent caverns. Their dwellings are organic marvels, constructed from interwoven mycelium and glowing fungi, resembling living sculptures bathed in an otherworldly glow. Leadership falls to the Eldest Fungari, wise beings whose caps are adorned with intricate patterns, a testament to their age and knowledge. Decisions are made through a consensus process, with each Fungari offering their unique perspective based on their connection to the mycelial network.


The Fungari's magic stems from their deep connection to the mycelial network. This allows them to:

Mycelial Manipulation: Fungari can send pulses and messages through the mycelial network, allowing them to communicate with other Fungari over vast distances, sense disturbances in the forest, and even control the growth of certain fungi.

Alchemical Expertise: They possess an innate understanding of the symbiotic relationships between different organisms. This allows them to cultivate rare and beneficial fungi, concoct potent elixirs with restorative properties, and create luminous dyes that never fade.

Transmutation and Decay: Fungari have a deep understanding of the natural cycle of life and death. They can accelerate the decomposition of organic matter, enriching the soil, and can even, in rare cases, use this power to transmute one type of organic matter into another.


The Fungari are a peaceful and introspective race. They value knowledge, collaboration, and the delicate balance of the forest ecosystem. Their lives revolve around the cultivation of rare fungi, the sharing of knowledge through the mycelial network, and the creation of bioluminescent marvels that illuminate the Glimmering Grove.


Fungari are cautious of outsiders, viewing them as potential disruptors of the forest's harmony. However, they are open to forming alliances with those who respect the forest and seek to understand its intricate web of life. They might offer outsiders rare medicinal concoctions or guide them to hidden groves in exchange for knowledge of the outside world or assistance in combating threats to Everwood.

The Wellspring

Deep within the Glimmering Grove, nestled amongst bioluminescent fungi and crystalline caverns, lies the Wellspring, the lifeblood of Everwood. It's more than just a magical pool; it's a nexus of energy, living entities that sustains the forest and its inhabitants. It's a constantly shifting network of shimmering energy streams that flow within a vast cavern. The colors are ever-changing, reflecting the vibrant life force coursing through Everwood. Sometimes, it appears as a swirling vortex of emerald and gold, while other times, it resembles a celestial tapestry woven from starlight and moonlight.


A race of colossal, winged insects known as the Lumens act as its protectors. These bioluminescent creatures resemble a cross between a dragonfly and a stag beetle, their bodies radiating the same otherworldly glow as the Wellspring itself. Lumens are fiercely loyal to the forest and possess a natural connection to the Wellspring's magic, allowing them to sense disturbances and deter intruders.

How it works

The magic of the Wellspring flows through a symbiotic cycle.

Life Force Absorption: Everwood acts as a giant living organism, constantly absorbing energy from the sun, the earth, and the life that thrives within it. This energy is converted into a raw, magical life force that rises towards the Glimmering Grove.

Wellspring's Filtering: The life force reaches the Wellspring, where it's filtered and refined. The Wellspring acts as a giant prism, separating and channeling different aspects of the magical energy. Some energies are used to sustain the overall health of Everwood, while others are specifically nurtured to empower the various Fae races.

Distribution and Consumption: Fae creatures have a natural affinity for the Wellspring's magic. The Sylvans absorb it directly through their skin, the Pixies drink the morning dew infused with Wellspring essence, and the Dryads channel it through the ancient trees. This cyclical flow ensures the continued health of both Everwood and its inhabitants.

The Changing Tides

The Wellspring isn't static. Its power fluctuates based on the seasons and the overall health of Everwood. During the Great Bloom, when the forest explodes in vibrant life, the Wellspring pulsates with an almost blinding brilliance. Conversely, during harsh winters or times of ecological imbalance, the Wellspring's glow can dim, a worrying sign for the Fae.

Mysteries & Legends

The Wellspring holds many secrets. Legends speak of a hidden chamber within the cavern, where the very essence of Everwood's creation is said to reside. Some believe powerful artifacts or forgotten knowledge lie hidden there, guarded by ancient magic. The Lumens, ever vigilant, ensure that only those deemed worthy by the Wellspring itself can access this hidden chamber.

The Blight, a creeping darkness that threatens the forest's edges, poses a significant threat to the Wellspring. As the Blight encroaches, it disrupts the flow of life force, weakening the Wellspring's magic and jeopardizing the entire ecosystem. The Wilder Fey are fiercely protective of the Wellspring, knowing that its corruption would spell doom for Everwood.

The Wellspring is more than just a source of magical energy; it's a living embodiment of Everwood's spirit. It represents the interconnectedness of life within the forest, a constant reminder that the health of each creature is vital to the well-being of the whole. The Wilder Fey revere the Wellspring, and their very existence is tied to its continued power. Protecting the Wellspring is not just a responsibility; it's a sacred duty for all the Fae who call Everwood home.

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