Caste System

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This is the fighting caste of the Wolves. Men and women are invited to join this caste once they have proven themselves. The hersir up hold the honor of the Wolves upon the battlefield. B sons of odin.jpg


The members of this caste are our proests, skalds, council, and judges. It falls upon them to make sure all Wolves understand and follow the laws, keep the peace, council those in need, and to make sure our stories and histories are kept alive. Skald.jpg


Of all the castes this is by far the largest. It holds all of the non-combatants, smiths, thralls, and anyone awaiting acceptance from one of the other castes. It falls upon these people to make sure that camp is set up and taken down, food is prepared, and anything else that might be needed.

Each caste is not restricted to their duties, for everyone has heard of the priest that raises arms in defense or the mother that lifts a weapon to protect her child.

Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman