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Cazador, the Viletongue


Other Titles: - To be added

Realm: Shannara/Alvara
Unit: The Juggernauts, Reavers of De-Treba Mora
Preferred style: Sword and Board
Accolades: - Compilation of Accolades underway
Events Attended: Frozen Warriors 2016/2017, Opener 2017, Thaw Brawl 2017, War of the Forbidding XIII, Chaos Wars XXI
About: A founding Member of the Juggernauts, Cazador has been fighting since 2012. His duties vary greatly depending on what is needed, as he has been known to herald and help organize events. He wears many hats, and has garnered respect for each of them.

Cazador earned his nickname of Viletongue from Skald due to the incredible, and quite poetic, string of profanities that he is able to string together. Regardless of that, he has a stout heart and makes a steadfast companion.

His tale has yet to be told. Check back soon for more.

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