The Black Tempest Armada

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The Black Tempest Armada Emblem



The Black Tempest Armada is currently the last remaining unit born out of the ancient lost realm of Fortriu, they have since moved on to found their own realm known as Blackfish Bay.

Founded: 12/2/2011 by Mad Jak Theron and Bilgewater Bones in the Original Fortriu.

Current Location: Blackfish Bay, Estero Bay CA

members: 16


Many years ago, there was a fearsome crew of pirates who sailed the waters upon a ship known as the Rum Runner. Their goals in life were simple: freedom, riches, good brawls, hearty meals, wenches, and mass amounts of alcohol. They sailed the seas, killing anyone who got in the way of these goals. Some would opt to join them instead of facing death, and as a result they has soon formed their own small fleet. By the ships they passed they quickly became known as a devastating force.

One day, at the peak of their glory, the calm skies that had given them favorable winds for so long suddenly turned blacker than they had ever seen. In the distance a massive maelstrom was heading right toward their vessels at an unnatural speed. They made an attempt to escape the mighty storm, but found themselves trapped when a great beast suddenly rose from the dark depths of the sea, cutting off all hope of escape. One by one, the beast would grab helpless members of the crew and tear them limb from limb. Never in their lives had any of them seen such a foul beast; never before have they faced such a powerful foe. They fought valiantly but the beast seemed to be too strong. Each time the cannons made contact with its scaly skin it let out a loud roar, until finally the beast collapsed and sank to the bottom of the sea. However, it was already too late. The ships had taken far more damage than they could handle; they were no more than floating piles of rubble now. The leaders were the only men left, and they knew before long they would be joining their crews in the briny depths.

When all hope seemed to be lost, a mysterious man clothed in black robes and covered in strange items suddenly appeared. His very presence was unnerving, as he seemed to emit a dark power simply by standing there. The leaders asked the man who he was, and the man responded with a deep and almost echoing voice. "Who I am means nothing. I have come to make a deal with you. If you accept my terms, I will raise up your ships and your men, and your lives shall be spared. However if you do not, I will leave, and you will all die here."

One of the leaders then walked up to the man. "And what's the catch if we agree to this deal?" he asked, looking up at the man in black.

The strange man looked at him for a moment before responding. "You and your men shall be cursed to forever sail the seas. Forever you shall be a fleet of the damned. No more shall you be men. You will be eternally between life and death." The leaders took pause, thinking for a moment on the endless glory they could win after an eternity on the sea. One of the leaders bravely stepped up to the man and shook the stranger's hand. "Very well," the man said. "May the gods have mercy on your unresting souls..."

The man then raised one hand, causing all of the sunken ships to rise from the deep with their crew already on board, as if no battle had taken place. The strange man then looked to the leader that had shaken his hand. "Now, make way towards the nearest port. There you will find a safe haven for yourself and your men." he said, before suddenly disappearing without a trace. The crew did as they were told and the set sail for port, knowing that they had a long quest ahead of them and many battles to win.

Captain Bilgewater Bones and Admiral Mad Jak Theron


- Dreadlord: Head of Command in the unit. Dreadlord is head representitive of the unit in all matters.

- Warbaron: Second in command of the unit, but head of command on the battlefield. the Warbaron is the right hand of the Dreadlord, and fearless commander of the Armada's fleet.

- Admiral: hand picked by the Dreadlord and War Master, The Admiral is the tactical head of the Armada and chief advisor to the Dreadlord and Warmaster

- Commodore: chosed by vote of the Armada War Council, Commodore is the head of combat training ensuring that each sect has full access and understanding of all Armada, Bluesmithing, training, and tactical information.

- Captains: the fearsome commanders of the Armada's ships, Captains are commanders on the battlefield and leader's of their realm's sect of the Armada.

Senior Officers

- Quartermasters: Head of Treasury and logistics, Quartermaster is in charge of making sure the loot is kept safe, spent properly, and distributed equally.

- Bosuns: Keeper of the flag. Responsible for handling/protecting the jolly at events, also in charged with the duty of schedule keeping via bosun's whistle.

- 1st 2nd & 3rd Mate: Heads of the Junior Officers, they make sure all junior officers are doing their jobs and doing them right. They're also in charge of training swabbies.

Junior Officers

- Helmsmen: Transportation to and from events.

- Navigator: Head of trip route planning and navigation.

- Master Blacksmith: Master Bluesmith and Head of the Armory, in charge of storing and maintaining loaner weapons.

- Master Carpenter: Head of planning the campsite layout and in charge of loaner tents.

- Cook: In charge of preparing food and drinks during events.

- Ship's Surgeon: Responsible for crew medicine bag and other first aid.

the Crew

- Sailors/Deck Ape: Full-fledged members and the lifeblood of the ship, these one time swabbies have finished all their trials and have officially joined the ranks of our crew

- Swabbies/Cabin Boys/Cabin Girls: The greenhorns and underage members of the crew.

Current Members:

Mad Jak Theron (Founder)

Bilgewater Bones (Co-Founder)

Joshua Hawkins (Captain)

Crunch (Bosun)

San Drake (Quartermaster)

Davey Jones (1st Mate)

Arcea (2nd Mate)

Onix (3rd Mate)



Grogdog Gonzo


Baby Kyle




Quinny D


Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman