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Fighter Name: Dundee

Realm: Village Under The Falls

Current Local: Highlands of Chaos / Southern Idaho

Unit: Horde (Feral)

Fighting Styles: Sword and board

Fighting Since: July, 2015

Race: Gnoll (Spotted)

Real Name: Danielle


"I'm right here!" "I will shank you." (Often muttered in jokingly in frustration)


A Bugbear Night

The night was growing darker by the minute. The dancing stars in the sky seemed to dance above my eyes. I could feel the cold air ripple up my spine, it made me a bit uneasy. My mother and father were sleeping by the fire. It had been a long journey for us Gnolls, but we were use to it. This arid desert territory had been home to us, fiendish hyena beasts, for thirteen years. As my hazel eyes curiously searched the area for my sister, Abel, but my gaze locked onto an unfriendly looking figure instead.

It was too dark to see what the figure was until it inched closer. I had never seen such a strange creature before but I knew what it was. It's unmistakable. Bulky, odd fur placement, and tusks that protrude from the lower jaw. It was a bugbear, I had heard much about these ugly creatures. One thing every gnoll knows about these vile creatures is that they hunt Gnolls for sport. As the looming figure rose and moved towards the fire, I froze. My muscles wouldn't budge, like a mosquito stuck in tree sap. I was terrified by the beast. I was a mere pup, and I had no chance against the bugbear. Suddenly more ominous figures started to appear, more bugbears. There wretched scent filled my nose and they started to close in on my parents. My father ran, he could see how hopeless this dire situation was. My mother on the other hand was quick to lunge, fighting tooth and nail. I bolted as fast as my little legs could manage. My hazel eyes moved towards camp for a short second, I couldn't see my mother, only bugbears. My feet bounded towards the tall grass. Heavy thunks could be heard behind me. How lovely it was to be followed. The closer those monstrous steps got to me the more my heart tried to break out of my chest, but one of those fleet heart beats froze. My feet no longer had ground beneath them, my hair drifted up above my head. Time was frozen to my eyes, then like someone hitting a fast forward button everything sped up. My feet were forced to take all my weight as I hit the ground. My thin body thunked against a wall. As my eyes rose I could tell I had fallen in a hole, the only way out was up. I pressed my hands as far up as they could go. A large hand shot down from the top of the hole, I instantly hit the ground. I could feel the fingers of the monster brushing barely against my standing hairs. I clenched my fists and held my breath. The bugbear hand retracted and he gazed into the hole I fell in. Guessing by the look on his flat face, he was not happy.

This is when the waiting game started. He would tap the ground and rumble impatiently. I would rolled around impatiently. The bugbear would reach his hand down and try and grab me, every time he would miss by a few measly inches. Once I pulled up what courage I had and poked the hand before me. The hand felt grimy and crusted to me. At that point it was about morning, the dim light of the rising sun lit up the land. The sunrise felt cold still, but the more it rose the more I could enjoy the heat. After a while the bugbear yawned tiredly, he had been there all night trying to wait for me to come out. He decided it was in his best interest to find his buddies and catch me another day. Once I was sure he had left, I slinked my way out of the hole. I dusted some dirt off my nose before scanning the desert land. I hugged myself and growled. I couldn't head back to camp anymore. My best choice was to head West, away from this area and on my own.

Other Information

You can find this gnoll chasing down squeakers like no other. She takes pride in her energetic nature and quick response time. (Unless you have over squeaked, then she will either hit the ground or actually make the effort to try and ignore your squeak)

Dundee can often be found around Abel her best friend and realm mate

This gnoll during Chaos Wars XX was named attack gnoll as joke. Then proceeded with Abel to tackle many innocent Belegrim on a squeaked command.

Dundee enjoys helping others and often finds herself following random Belegrim

Events Attended:

Chaos Wars 2014, 2015, 2016

Battle of Teutoberg Wald 2015, 2016

Highlands of Chaos Opener 2016

Battle of Anigawa 2016

Thaw Brawl 2016

War of the Forbidding 2016

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