Pythian Order

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White bordered flags denote The Council of White Arrow

The name "Pythian Order" derives from the mythology of the Greek God Apollo. Similar to most Greek gods Apollo had many symbols one of which was a bow and arrow. Apollo was tasked to kill Python, the serpent son of Gaia and upon victory was bestowed the moniker Pythian and thus the python, or snake, became one of his many symbols. The uroboros is an ancient symbol that appears in Egyptian, Greek, Norse, Mayan, and Aztec cultures to some extent. This symbol is that of a snake eating its own tail. In Egypt the uroboros was viewed as a sign of "eternal renewal and a reminder" of the future. A very common depiction of the uroboros is in the shape of the infinity symbol.

The Pythian Order will improve the long term health of archery by preserving archery so that non-archers don't feel the need, by recognizing and saluting the prowess and skill of archers, and by providing knowledge and support for all archers. We will be the precept that archers look to.

Council of White Arrow:
Sir Kyrian

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