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"Jupiter" Rooster

Rooster in full garb
Rooster shield.jpg

Other Titles: The Mouth

Race: Kobold; Purple
Clan: None
Realm: Tir Asleen
Unit: None
Other Affiliations: None

About: Rooster began fighting in July of 2014.

Lore: Light. Bright burning light. That is the first thing Rooster remembers. For some time Rooster couldn't open his eyes due to the blinding bright light. Then one day Rooster finally was able to withstand the pain of the light to keep his eyes open and take in his surroundings. Cold metal bars. Metal roof. Metal cage. Around the cage Rooster could see creatures walking around him. White and black creatures walking on four legs with pink sacks under the creatures. Rooster tried to talk to these creatures but all they would say is “MOO”. A couple of days passed without any change. Rooster sat in his cage eating the grass around his cage or the bugs that would crawl into his cage. The whole time the black and white creatures counted to ignore him. One early morning while Rooster was still asleep, a tall pink creature that walked on two legs and had pointy ears came and woke Rooster up. Startled and scared Rooster snarled and spit at the pinky, which caused the pinky to hit Rooster and yell at him. “NO! BAD KOBOLD! You will not be rude to me! You will show respect to me and my clan!” Proclaimed the Pinky. Rooster backed down but still had his hands up ready to defend himself. “Now that you have opened your eyes and gotten used to the light, I am here to train you. To break you. You will do as I say. Make a sound if you understand me.” Said the Pinky. Rooster made a small growl sound. “Good, now I'm going to open this cage and put this collar around you. You will do as I say or I will beat you with this stick till you learn your place in this elve clan. Do you understand?” Said the Elve. Rooster let out another growl. “You're a quick learner Kobold. Hmm. You need a name. Seeing as you are as purple as Jupiter’s moon, your name from now on is Jupiter. Or maybe Rooster? Seeing as you will be overlooking the farm. What do you choose Kobold?” Said the Elve. Rooster gave no response. The Elven trainer shook his head and said, “So be it, Jupiter Rooster.”

At first the Elve’s training was difficult for Rooster to understand. It took many days for Rooster to understand and learn the training the Elve was trying to teach him. As the days and training went on, Rooster would learn about himself and how he got to where he was at. Rooster learned that he was stolen as a egg and sold to this elven clan to be raised as their guard dog/kobold. Rooster didn't care about his story. All he cared about was getting free or at the very lest, having a friend. But that wouldn't happen, anytime soon.

It took many months for Rooster to finish his training. Rooster had been trained to be used as a guard dog/Kobold to protect the farm animals, chickens and cows. Rooster no longer was kept in his cage but was tied up to a chain that was tethered to a small hut made for Rooster. There were many rules Rooster had to follow, wasn't allowed to speak unless it was an emergency, couldn't hurt any of the animals that he was to protect, wasnt to look or touch any of the elven clan and many more. As long as Rooster didn't break the rules and kept an eye on the farm animals then he wasn't treated badly.

One night Rooster was looking up at the shiny sky when he saw a shiny star fly threw the sky. He didn't know why but just as that star flew by Rooster closed his eyes and made a wish to have a friend. When he opened his eyes the flying star was gone. Rooster smiled and then fell asleep still smiling. The next morning Rooster was woken up to the feeling of something tapping his bare feet. Rooster sprang straight up and looked down to see the most colorful chicken he ever saw. The chicken poked his foot again. Rooster didn't know what to think, most of the animals would keep their distance from him. The chicken poked his foot again. This time Rooster smiled, bent down and extended his arm out in front of the chicken. The chicken backed up a little bit at the sight of Roosters hand but then walked up to it and poked it. Rooster started to laugh. The chicken looked up at Rooster laughing and then jumped up on his hand and ran up his arm to his chest. Rooster fell backwards laughing and playing with the chicken. Peak, that was the name Rooster gave the little chicken. All that day the two of them played in the field. They chased each other, played hide the stone, and ate bugs and grass together. They would then spend the night lying next together as the sun went down. It was Rooster’s best day ever! He had a friend!

Screams woke Rooster up in the early morning, “GNOLLS! THEY ARE EVERYWHERE! RUN!” Screamed the Elves. The Elven trainer came running over to Rooster and taking off his collar and chain. “Rooster, there is a wild pack of Gnolls attacking the clan! Please help us, protect us! Screamed the Elven trainer as he ran back to the elven clan. Standing there Rooster was finally free but at a cost. What would Rooster do, help the Elven clan that stole him from his Kobold family and imprisoned him or run and flee. Before Rooster could make a decision he heard a noise coming from his hut. It was Peak. Now Rooster knew what he had to do. He would protect his only friend from both the Gnolls and Elves! Picking up Peak and holding him in his chest, Rooster went into his little hut and tore it down onto himself to hid from both groups. Time seemed to pass so slowly.

Silence. No noise. Just the smell of burning things. Rooster came out from under the rubble of his hut still holding Peak who was wanting to get down on the ground to which Rooster obliged, setting Peak next to his feet. All around them was death. The dead bodies of farm animals and Elves were scarred and torn to pieces everywhere. The Gnolls were long gone. At first Rooster didn't know what to do, he was free and he had Peak. Rooster gathered as much supplies as he could carry along with a spear and buckler. He might not be a trained fighter but every day on the farm Rooster watched the Elves practice with their weapons and learned some things. Now it looks like he might have to put some of those things to the test as Rooster heads out into the world to find his Kobold family along with his best and only friend, Peak.

Random Rooster Info. Rooster is the Kobold equivalent of a teenager. As of now Rooster is not like most Kobolds who wear multicolored striped fabric of somewhat bright color. He is slowly getting more and more multicolored as time goes. He Doesn't get along with other males, is rather perverted. In battle Rooster is constantly yelling bad words or just random things. Hence why he has the title, the mouth. When not in combat you can always find Rooster in the group by looking towards the background, watching, always on alert. A silent sentinel.

Weapons of Choice: Spear and Board

Fighting Since: Summer 2014

Events Attended:

  • Prelude 2014
  • Oktoberfest 2014
  • Halloween 2014, 15
  • Thrace Closer 2014
  • Mel 2016
  • Spring Wars 2015
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