The Koboldabet

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Kobolds acquired the ability to use complex systems of communication, the languages Kobolds invented have evolved and diversified over time. The evolution of these languages have been reconstructed through comparing modern languages to the ancestral language. Every language spoken has descended from a common ancestor known as the language family or the Koboldabet.

The Koboldabet is a language that Kobolds speak, it is an old and ancient language. It consists of 26 symbols. Every word in the world is consisted of these symbols. Some monster kinds were able to pick up this language simply, others took time, but no matter how hard they tried, the pinkies could not understand the simplicity of the Koboldabet. They took to grunting at each other to figure out what they wanted, it became a source of entertainment to most monsters.

Over time the Kobolds grew tired of listening to the pinkies grunt and decided to create a simpler language that the pinkies brains could understand. They created the Alphabet, it consisted of the same 26 symbols of the Koboldabet, but instead of symbols they were now called letters. The Kobolds noticed when the Pinkies tried to use the Koboldabet they had certain grunts they would use, the Kobolds decided that they would create phonemes for the pinkies. It was a unit of sound that distinguished one sound from another. Quickly the pinkies caught on to the language and the Monster Races no longer had to listen to their grunts, but could freely communicate with the pinkies when needed.

Soon news spread of this new language and other races wanted their own language. The Kobolds when they felt evolved and reconstructed languages to suit the other races needs using the Koboldabet as their guide.

Kobolds are now for the most part, the only race to still speak The Koboldabet, but it will forever be the foundation of all communication.




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