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Venn Rausumea Fights with Illerendi

Mido Pierce Kokiri doesn't exactly role of the tongue but from a young age Mido has taken a very fond liking to his full name. He is unusually defensive about it. His only memory of his sister is her little nicknames for him meant for nothing other than her own amusement. "Mido Pierced his pants" she would chant. His mother Mrs. Kokiri has yet to explain the truth behind the disappearance of his older sister. His father, having abandoned the family before the birth of Mido is suspected to have kidnapped his unnamed sister. As a result Mido grew up as a lone child. The boy's mother tried her best to raise a bright young man with all the knowledge she had... unsuccessfully.

Kokiri Forest sits near Onyx Falls.

The Elves of the forest are few in number but have a mighty impact on outsiders. The peaceful tribe has seen no outsiders since Mido's father left. They have strict guidelines and perimeters of the Forest. Punishment so brutal that people just avoid doing anything harmful act altogether. The great fear of death among the tribe is mostly accountable for their reasons to not leave the forest boundary. The tribe consisting of no more than 10 Elven family's of rather small proportions maintain everything imaginable for the average lifestyle. Their constant hard labor is responsible for their lack of entertainment in the tribe. This makes it very hard for Mido being a young son of a wanderer. It's in his blood to roam and the whole tribe knows it. Gambling although frowned upon is usually based on when Mido will step out of line.

As Mido aged he learned to respect the tribal leaders and his heritage. But he felt cheated only knowing 1/2 the story. His curiosity would soon get the better of him.

Mido had carefully mapped out the forest through the winter while he would gather firewood. Mido knew only one person would truly understand him leaving the forest. After all is Mother had fallen in love with a wanderer. She convinced him his best chance would be to wait for the frost to melt, and make a break the first sign of spring. She helped him pack his bag and he left the same night their roof became visible through the melting snow. It broke Mrs. Kokiri's heart to see her only son leave. He would make his way to the Land his father spoke word of to his mother and that land would be the great Oira Morin.

Mido safely made his way to the edge of the forest. Although he had a nasty encounter with a squirrel. As Mido stepped over the last leaf of the Kokiri forest he heard an unexpected, frightening noise. A tree came crashing over only inches in from his face. He immediately sat down to catch is breath. He soon stood up and tried to walk over the tree he heard another tree crack he drove under the 1st tree. He cowardly caught his breath again. Several minutes pass before he even considers poking his head out. When he finally does he finds himself muddy, cold, and still in the forest boundary. He decides slowly crossing is just not gonna cut it. With a running start he leaps over the trees. When he hit the ground, as if a volcano had erupted the trees in and out of the forest shook and fell and roared with life. Even the sun seemed brighter all of a sudden. He was now blinded and temporarily deaf. He was soon knocked unconscious by a rather small branch, honestly the coward probably fainted. When he awoke he was color blind and deaf. His first thought was turning back. He walked for about an hour and recognized nothing the map was nowhere to be found. There was no sign of his forest. Mido had somehow magically sealed off the forest. He left the forest to roam and explore now he's trying to get back. He know knew he would have to get over his hatred for new people because his chances of returning home now rested in the hands of the outsiders.

Mido's has high opinions of himself and his ever growing ignorance may hinder his chances of making new and helpful friends. Granted he has potential in many categories he lacks the serious training. He assumes himself the greatest stealth artist in the whole region. In all reality he is the worst. He couldn't catch a deaf rabbit. His arching skills are always improving. He's very good at making interesting looking weapons but their durability is quite questionable. Since his tribe was a peace loving one he has very little fighting skill and he has a better chance of winning a coin toss than duel (not including the fact he'll often times pull a fast one and use a double sided coin). Overall Mido has a bright future, assuming he doesn't fall in a hole too deep, he might just be too lazy to get himself out.

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