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Revision as of 08:12, 11 September 2007 by Ironside (Talk | contribs)

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Real Name: John Winemiller

Fighting Name: Ironside Alastor (Just Ironside for short)

Realm: Khador

Race: Dwarf

Weapon of Choice: Ball and Wall, Javelins, Spear

A Little About John: Outside of Belegarth, John is a salesman at Cherryvale Mall, employed at Crazy Brush Airbrushing. John is a fan of anime, video games, and horror movies. John also plays Dungeons and Dragons. It's almost like a second religion to him. He even uses D&D references and terms in everyday conversation. John is a newer Belegarth fighter and is still learning the ins and outs of the sport, but even as a noobie, it is the one thing he looks forward to every week, other than his paycheck. John considers his persona as "geeky at it's best". He is often referred to as Fat John, or simply, The Fatman. Above all else, John looks up to the Realm Official, Bruder, considering him both a friend and a mentor.

Also, until John understands more about Wiki editing, anything he does will suck.

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