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Peanut Fighting Name: Droknar

Realm: Loderia

Race: Dwarven

Unit: The Order

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personal History

Peanut was introduced to Belegarth by a female friend of his that went to school near the realm of Loderia. There he met an old friend and while he had taken an interest in it, he was in his senior year of high school. As such, he had a busy schedule during the entire year and little time to fight due to sports and other extracurricular activities.

After graduating high school, he had alot of time on his hands but was busy with his freshman year in college. A not-so-chance meeting with his old friend (which by then he learned was named Drago in Belegarth)reignited his interest as he was told stories and shown videos. He started fighting in February of 2007, and he quickly became enthralled.

In the summer of 2007, the Order opened up recruitment. He was unsure at first about this new unit for a wise man once told him to wait a year before picking one. He was flattered by the offer yet declined. However, an interesting practice changed his mind and he asked to join the Order.

A few months down the road he went to his first Oktfest. This proved to be a huge moment of his fighting career, since it was the first time he'd been to an event. Also, the Order won a unit battle, which was the crowning moment for him. That night was one he'd remember for a long time.

As it comes up on the end of his first year of fighting, he reflects on the good moments, the improvements he's made, and the friends he met. He thinks the next year will be very interesting indeed.

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