Beowulf Greydor

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Revision as of 18:07, 30 July 2015 by Beowulf Greydor (Talk | contribs)

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Other Titles:Beowolf, BadWolf, Odin's Wolf, Driver of the Morva Mystery Party Bus

Race: Norseman

Realm: Esgaroth

Unit: Ulfhednar

Other Affiliations: Morva

About: After fighting for years without weapons, conquering tournaments and opponents, Beowolf picked up a sword for the first time by the great lake in the realm Esgaroth. He decided he likes weapons even more than crushing opponents with his bare hands and has been training with them since.

Though his grasp of strategy is tenuous at best, he seems to have been bred for war having a natural aptitude for all weapons he picks up, and often grapples or bowls over his opponents.

As the Driver of the Morva Mystery Party Bus, he transports many Morva troops to battle, ensuring a showing at any event he goes to.

Events attended:

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