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Birdmen warriors.

Birdpeople, also known as Birdfolk, are bipedal monsters with bird-like characteristics including feathers, beaks, talons, hard-but-light bones, scaled bird-like hands and feet and excellent vision. Birdmen are typically very lanky and somewhat tall. Birdwomen have a more diverse sizing, ranging from very short and stocky to very tall and slight. Birdpeople come in thousands of different color combinations and feather types. Naturally strong, bird people have high jumping and climbing capability due to their light bones. While able to leap and bound for great distances they cannot actually fly. Birdpeople are only able to have three hatchlings due to their low survival rate. When Birdpeople are born they have feathers as gray as the land itself. It is said that feather color come from personality and upbringing. When they arrive at adolescence their feathers become very vibrant and bright. As Birdpeople become older their feathers become darker and deeper in color.


Throughout history, Birdpeople have always been warring, be it physically, politically, or mentally. However, despite their tendencies towards war, bird people are outwardly happy, goofy, and sometimes ditzy. This is a social mechanism that allows no one to know their true motives, without disrupting social progress or political matters. Because death is so common in the Isle of Wind and Bone, Birdpeople often laugh it off as a joke, even if, internally, they are plotting a vicious vengeance. Birdpeople are narcissistic, self-hating racists. They are fairly neutral to most races, however, Birdpeople hold a special place of hatred in their hearts for other Birdpeople. This stems from the inherent belief that one's feathers are better than everyone elses. Because other races do not have feathers, Bird people pity and patronize them. For a Birdperson, life without feathers is nothing less than a living hell. Because of this Birdpeople also dislike pinkies. Pinkies somewhat resemble hideous, featherless Birdpeople and are great for killing and eating.


Birdpeople live on a mysteriously remote island to the far west known as the Isle of Wind and Bone. It is there where nearly all Birdpeople live and die, few ever venturing from the isle. Socially, Birdpeople are seemingly kind, however, deep down every one of them contains the capacity for mindshattering violence. When insulted, Birdpeople will always retaliate with violence.

Their society is built as caste system based on the hatchling's order of birth. The firstborn hatchlings are destined to be high-class, often becoming leaders or great champions of battle. First born are also known as the Wind-bearers for it is believed that those born first hold within them the potential knowledge of everything past, present, and future. Second born are known as the Earth-bearers. The second born are often farmers, merchants, and shopkeepers. The Third born are called Bone-bearers. The third child is a living tool, often living with hundreds of other Bone-bearers in labor flocks. They make up the bulk of the labor force. Bone-bearers are seen as expendable yet valuable since they are the only once fit for hard labor in the mines and mills. Although the system is unchanging, the Birdpeople believe it is possible to change one's caste status by killing the sibling of a higher caste. It is believed that when one sibling is killed by another, their destiny is absorbed. This is why Birdpeople are instinctively fratricidal.

There is another caste in Birdfolk society, the little known and scarcely mentioned Fourth. The Fourth are Birdfolk children who have grown up parentless and alone. Their feathers never change color from the original gray and they spend their lives wandering the wastes picking a living from the barren rock. They are, for the most part, shunned completely from greater society however there are whispers of the Fourth forming a nomadic tribe out on the wastes.

The Isle of Wind and Bone:

80% of the isle is bleak, gray, and windy. The shoreline is a rocky steppe that eventually levels out into a wide plateau. The bleak landscape is devoid of color. This is why Birdpeople meticulously groom their feathers to make them shine and lend some color to the world. The climate of the Isle is between 20-65 degrees Fahrenheit depending on the season. The central part of the isle is the most fertile area and is also where most of the bird people reside.However, out in the flats there live scattered tribes of Birdpeople. These tribes are very mysterious and little is known about them.

List of Known Birdpeople


Birdpeople trivia:

-Because of their love of their own feathers, a common punishment for breaking the law is to remove a number of feathers from the criminal based on the severity of the crime.

-Birdpeople take great stock in sweets, meats, feathers, and dead birdpeople. So much that they will go to war to obtain them.

-All Birdpeople have a two part name. Their first name is a given name by their parents and their second name is a physical attribute unique to them. Some second name examples include: Long-Beak, Strong-Song, Loud-Screech etc.

-When aroused, Birdpeople's legs turn red.

-Birdpeople's feces makes a fine pancake batter.

-Birdmen's beaks are a known aphrodisiac. If a beak is ground into a fine powder and consumed with tea or another liquid, it stimulates sexual prowess for hours on end. If the powder is consumed in a greater concentration (like inhaling) it can cause explosive results in the genitalia of the consumer (i.e. detachment in a rocket-like manner). Alternatively, a Birdwomen's beak is a equally powerful laxative when consumed in a similar way. Again, if consumed improperly, the results are explosive causing complete intestinal ejection. The Birdpeople are hunted and prized for their beaks.

-Because of constant danger Birdpeople have become more and more hostile, often preemptively attacking and raiding others for both safety and sheer joy.

-When preparing for battle birdpeople will often envison the enemy as giant cuts of meat(A.K.A Pinkies) or other birdpeople in order to have maximum killing mentality.

-Birdpeople have many reasons for killing pinkies, but the biggest one is because its fun. Other reasons include flavor, texture, revenge, and arousal.

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