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My name is Kayto Syden. At one point in time I was a simple human farmer in Northern Germany. I ended up being the only survivor of some weird sickness that killed everyone I knew. After that I decided to travel. There was nothing left for me at home so why not try to find a new one. I wandered around a lot picking up skills here and there from different people as I went. I picked up goldsmithing when I worked for a jeweler for some spare currency, fighting skills from a couple of mercenaries along the road, and sleight of hand from a band of traveling entertainers. That among other things has led me to who I am today. I ended up running into Kihose and Zakota in the area known as the Black Forest while I was hunting for dinner one night. I decided that it would not be wise to travel in this area alone, so I started traveling with them. I have decided that this is a good group of people and I think I will stick with them for as long as they can stand to bear my company.My preference for weaponry is either weapon and shield or bo staff. Kayto.JPG

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