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Revision as of 01:00, 18 December 2011 by FaeBeatrise (Talk | contribs)

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{{ | name =Beatriz | image =File:Torturedfairy3.jpg | caption =Beatriz | race = Faery | culture = Sisters of the Hidden Eye | noclass = | profession = Mercenary | religion = The Great Mother/Sisters of the Hidden Eye | noword = | disposition = Serious in true form, silly in little form | nodemeanor = | noptrait = | noflaw = | strength = Perseverance | weakness = Self-discipline | habits = Changing her size at will | hobbies = Training | soft = Friends/Her Wings | likes = Corsets | dislikes = Disrespect for Magical Laws | fears = Her past/her reflection | loyalties = Stygia | nostrait = | nofriend = | loved = Zuloo | nospouse = }}


To Be Added Soon! *wings flutter excitedly*

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