Mad River

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Mad River is place where Skribbit left much hate when he walked on dee ground. Skribbit was strong, and the grik fear him. The grik pray to their gods, and one answer. Oh-Syrus come down to kill Skribbit. Oh-Syrus demand that Skribbit leave grik alone. Skribbit laugh, and smash iron club into Oh-Syrus helm. Helm keep Oh-Syrus alive, and he draw sword. Dee fight was long and brutal. Skribbit and Oh-Syrus both break weapons in fight. Dey fight hand-to-paw. Skribbit throw Oh-Syrus into river. When Oh-Syrus tried to come to top to breathe, Skribbit jumped on him. Skribbit so angry dat he hold god under dee water. Oh-Syrus kick and break rock under river. Skribbit get more madder. Skribbit scream with hate and bash godhead against sharp broken rock. Dis be how Skribbit kill god. Dis be how Skribbit become god.

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