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[[File:Bogungraycompany.jpg|500px|thumb|right|Bogun and the Gray Company]]
'''Persona name:''' Bogun
'''Persona name:''' Sir Bogun Thavron
'''Realm:''' [[Norcalia]]
'''Realm:''' [[Norcalia]]
'''Unit:''' [[Dunedain]], rank: Captain
'''Unit:''' [[Dunedain]], rank: Captain
'''Peerage Order'''  [[Order of Norcalia]]
*Knighted under Dame [[Volpin]] Rusc Ruin of [[Numenor]] at BFTR 2017
'''Fighting Styles:''' anything NOT a flail or Rock
'''Fighting Styles:''' anything NOT a flail or Rock
- Started Fighting around age 15 (1992)
'''Started Fighting:''' round age 15 (1992)
'''Jobs performed:''' Lead Medic (and Misc.) at Oktoberfest 2012, 2013 and 2014. 
'''Booze of choice:''' Lindeman's lambic - any of the fruity ones.
====Current Projects====
*Increase the size/skills of the Norcalian archers
*Help found a New Order of Peerage in Norcalia, that has hard and clear standards for its members
*Keep Squire Marrow and Squire Morder moving forward in a healthy direction.
*Grow the Dunedain's Gray Company
*Support all the realms of Norcalia as they need it and as I am able
*See the Gray Company's petitioners succeed
====Dunedain Oath====
'''-The Oath We Keep-'''<br>
Learn What We Can<br>
Teach What We Know<Br>
To Give Our Best<br>
To Bring Out The Best in Others<br>
and To Grow Our Sport as Responsible Stewards<br>
[[File:DunedainBanner.jpg|400px|thumb|right|Dunedain Banner]]
==Bogun’s List of Squire Tasks==
''These are added to for each individual in some ways, but this is the core of it.  Simply completing the list isn't enough, but it should be a pretty good step in the right direction.''<br>
===Recommended Reading===
''In the order of reading that I like best, obviously take and re-arrange as you feel appropriate.''<Br>
*Day Zero- pass the presidential marshals’ exam. If they can’t do this, they are probably not an exemplar of our sport and need to make some more progress at self-education before putting on the white.  It is 23 pages, memorize it, and know how it plays out and how to enforce things without being a jerk.  If you haven’t done that, don’t put on a white tabbard.
====Starting Out (Leadership/Adulting)====
''Getting ready to be a leader worth following.  This isn’t about being a stick jock, it’s about being a member of the community and a leader within it.''
*21 irrefutable laws of leadership- John C. Maxwell- no good leader today should have NOT read this.  I have found again and again, if I break one of these laws I pay a price.  Leaders I have worked with who break them frequently are always poor leaders.  I’ve seen a few people try at leading others so hard, but their lack of understanding just wrecked their attempts.  – The workbook is gold.
*Rational emotive behavior therapy- Albert Ellis- The author is one of the founders of modern therapy. The book is only 160 pages and it’s largely based on the philosophy of Epictetus.  It will help you find your way through a lot of emotional garbage; both your own and that of others.  The hours spent reading will guide decisions where others are concerned.  Recognizing irrational behavior is step one, this book explains how to start taking it apart to fix it.  Many moments of stupid can be avoided with this knowledge.
*Epictetus- If you haven’t read this go out and get it, right now. No, now, stop reading this list, go get this book. He was a stoic philosopher, not a screwy neo-stoic that we all think of as these emotionless Neanderthals.  It’s a short read, but you will gain great perspectives on human nature- from a guy that has been dead over 1000 years.
*The Ethical Slut- Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy- This is a practical guide to polyamory.  While at first glance it seems like a "what the hell Dave?" item, consider how often sex/dating/relationship issues screw up the positives of our fighting culture.  A peer should not just be able to navigate that well, but have an understanding of how to guide others in a way that does service to the group, and displays few or no prejudices.
*The Total Money Makeover- Dave Ramsey- A great deal of leadership of a group is convincing the group that if they trust you with their resources you will apply them in a manner that helps the group more effectively than if each person did their own thing.  This book talks about money handling and how to get it done.  It espouses an attitude of focusing on a thing and make progress happen.  Being financially healthy has huge benefits for a peer/leader, learning how to focus and achieve goals obviously does as well.  Watching a leader do dumb things with money, hurts their reputation and kills the trust of the group.
*The Prince- Niccolo Machiavelli - This book requires a foreknowledge of what you’re reading or it will mess you up, badly. First you have to understand why it was written.  Machiavelli was kicked out of power and "retired" to a country home where he would no longer mess with the guy who took over.  Killing him would have been bad for family/political reasons.  Niccolo was not happy with that, so he wrote a guide on how to rule. He had done so very successfully for a very long time in a shadowy sort of way and was known to be very skilled at politics and government.  The thing is, it's a book that espouses doing things in a way that would get you killed in Italy, at the time of its writing.  It's written so as to seem like it's all very plausible and effective, but its real goal was to get the guy that "retired" Niccolo to get himself killed so Niccolo could come back to the capital.  It's a good read as it requires the reader to look for the traps in the system.  70-80% of it is actually very good advice, it’s the other 20-30% that will get you killed.  As a leader, you should be able to sort through it and know what ideas are bad (and why), so it’s an excellent training tool.
*The Complete Idiots Guide to Lawsuits- Victoria Green- We are always at a risk of being sued due to injury.  Having a lawyer helps, but if we do stupid things then all the lawyer can do is guide us through the repercussions of our mistakes.  Understanding the basics of how our laws (especially lawsuits) work is something that anybody running a realm should know.  Waivers aren't a get out of jail free card, but they can help make one of the important arguments a lot easier for the lawyer. 
*Sports Injury Handbook: Professional Advice for Amateur Athletes- Allan M Levy, MD- Team Physician for the New York Giants- Covers every injury more serious that an abrasion.  Should have a copy close by and should have read it through once cover to cover.  Contains great exorcises and advice for injury prevention and recovery.
====Understanding Knighthood====
*The Knight in History- Frances Gies- it’s exactly what it sounds like.  If you are going to use a title, you should know what it means, where it came from and how it got to where it is today.
*Le’Morte D’Arthur- Sir Thomas Mallory- This is the classic story or romanticized knighthood that is mostly crap, but still forms most of the basis for western perception of knighthood.  This is the culmination of the bardic-itinerant knight stories.  We should read the thing before being knighted.  Bertrand Du Guesclin was a much bigger badass than any of the knights in the Arthur stories though. (make sure it’s not in French before ordering it)
*By the Sword- Richard Cohen- This is to the sword what "the knight in history" is to the knight.  It’s long and well written.  It spans over 3000 years of human history, starting in the time of Ramses III and ending in 2010.  This book covers pieces of our history that describe what happens when dueling is taken to extremes and why super safe fencing is super boring to watch.
*Opera Nova- Antonio Manciolino (1531)— Tom Leoni did a great translation under the title "The Complete Renaissance Swordsman"- you will need a little Italian or access to some translation so that parts make more sense, but very worth the time as it will force you to think in new ways with a sword (and dagger and poleaxe). Note- this is very dense material, you will not likely get it all on the first or second time through.  The point is to start seeding ideas, not achieve mastery of the book/topic in a week.
====The Female Mentality in Fighting====
''That's right, they are out there and they don't always think or fight like the boys do.  If you're going to be a peer, be ready to help them along the way, not just the guys.''
*The Armored Rose- Tobi Beck- The physiology is mostly worthless, but the psychology is invaluable.  The drills at the back are also very good. And it’s a mental rest/break after the Opera Nova.
*My Fight/Your Fight- Ronda Rousey- There is no better example of a pure combat competitor who happens to be female that I'm aware of.  This book is her letting us into her head and how she gets her game going, what it takes to be ready for major fights and should be used to help us prep female fighter for the field.
====The Mindset of a Warrior====
*On Killing- Lt Col. Dave Grossman- This talks about the psychology and history killing in time of war. The different types on limits that people have, how our military has learned to get past them, and what the price is.  When we fight, we change our world perspective.  Sometime we change it a lot. Understanding that and why some people will never be interested in fighting is as important as knowing how to teach single blue.  This gives a peek into that and a peek into how some of those who are on the fence can be reached.
*Facing Violence- Rory Miller- If you are going to train people how to be fighters, you will want to read this book. There’s just so much covered in such a direct, honest and eloquent way that you have to read it to understand it.  Rory is NOT a gentle man. One of my favorite quotes from his book is, "I’m sorry, but you need to know: even heroes die screaming for their mothers.  This will affect you if things get bad enough. You can drink the Kool-Aid of denial and wrap yourself in scrolls and belts and trophies, but those are just talismans to keep the boogey man away.  Even heroes die screaming for their mothers."
*The Swordsman's Companion- Guy Windsor- This is a great manual for its philosophy and thought where sword training and fighting are concerned. The way he breaks down the types of students and types of fighters is excellent and very useful when assessing fighters on the field.  Its also spring board book.  Its author is still very much alive and fighting.  He teaches medieval weapons combat (mostly long sword) and has a series of Youtube videos that are useful.  His other books go into a variety of places, but one that should be focused on is “The Swordsman’s Quick guide-How to teach a basic class”.  I put this author at the end of the reading list because from here they should start reading some other things that they have found and want to add to their list.  Windsor mentions a few others here and there which should be helpful.
====External Videos====
*Roland Warzecha is an oddball, but he has fun and his videos provide insights into techniques that I have not seen elsewhere. Fighting in true times and Viking shield drill are two very good ones for us.  Most of his focus is for live steel training. 
====Other Expectations====
*Garb- it should look worthy of a knight.  Period.  If no knight that you respect would wear it, don't put it on your body.
*Honor- if no knight you respect would do it- don’t do it.  Take light, deliver hard.
*Event Service- at least a little bit every day, every event. By the time you are ready to be made a peer, you should be able to explain how to do every head/lead position.  Resources for these are many and varied. Find the people who are doing them at 200+ person events and ask them how to do the things that they do well.  Help them do them until you understand why they are doing them that way.
=====Field Behavior=====
*Losing will happen, but don’t be a whiner, it is unbecoming.  Complaints go up the chain, which means to a herald, knight or EC; not to the field at large.  Every loss is a lesson, focus on the learning. And don’t play an "I’m afraid of X or y or Z" game.  If it makes you afraid- use the Albert Ellis stuff, break that fear down and go kick that fears ass by facing it.  It’s a safety issue on the field, don’t let it stand; find a herald or flip that tabard and herald it yourself.
*If you have a problem with a fighter, take a breath and go talk to them.  Do not let that stuff simmer and get worse.  Find ways to bridge gaps.
*Challenges- big showing challenges are a public and pompous announcement that you think you’re a bad ass. This is sometimes completely valid.
*Personal ones tend to create more connections and between the fighters and make greater lasting impressions.  I've been a part of multiple big showy knighting challenges, I don’t remember any of their names except the ones who I was already close with.  The time you spend sparring one on one will improve you more, and get you better known than that big flashy thing that we all forget about in two years.  – Except [[Headhunters]], that shit is epic.
*By the time you are done squiring you should have at least one person you are invested with and know who is ready to squire under you.  If you haven’t been building up others as you build yourself- you have missed the point of knighthood. 
*Knighthood is a tool to be used for the sport, that squire tabard is too. 
*The English language has one word for servant and another for punk.  Don’t confuse the two.  Be polite, but don’t tolerate bullying of yourself or others.  If you do find that you need to tell a knight/warmaster /dragoon/Headhunter/Peer to go fXXk themselves- let me know about that.  Those are usually learning moments.
*"I'm not ready"- no you're not. And neither was I, and neither were the men who stormed Normandy.  Suck it up and get it done anyway.  Do the best you know how and never let fear of failure stop you.  Once you are stopped by fear you have failed.  – Don’t break yourself either; that isn’t helpful at all.
*"I hate this guy"- great, now tell me why? How does their presence or actions threaten you, your loved ones, your goals or your beliefs about how the world should work? (Hint, you hate people who do one those things.)
*Fighting standards- drop the big shield.  28 inch round or smaller, until you have earned that heater.
*Learn every weapon.  Don’t suck with any of them. Be good with at least 2 of them.  Never be a non-threat on the field.
*Practice is the time to struggle. It's an opportunity to push yourself and make yourself better.
*Your Weapons at practice will be ½ oz per inch of length.
*First hour at each practice will be single blue (no flails).  20 minutes on hand, 40 minutes off hand. This is to warm you up, improve weapon blocking, and footwork.
=====Off the Field=====
*Every new guy should have a chance to spar with you one on one and learn from you. Take an interest in building a realm one person at a time.
*Be a social pillar, bring people together to get their stuff done and build garb/gear with them. TEACH them.
*Pick 30 fighters at squire skill level of fighting or higher. Challenge them to the 1st to 10 clean wins with their preferred/primary weapon style, then with their second best.  Write down what critiques they have for you, fix the weaknesses.  Find the best 30 you can, not the minimum skilled thirty. Only 5 may be from your home realm.
*Challenge every peer in your home realm or Order.  It’s a peers/knights challenge. It can be any one thing, they get one that matters.  They can throw out others, but the others are not required.
*Get and keep a job or be a full time student during your entire process.  I don’t care if its Wendy’s, work for a living.  If 3 months pass and you can’t find a job, squiring is no longer your main life concern. 
*Have a pell- use it to study new shots and combos, and new steps used in making them happen.
*Build a full set of armor that is respectable enough to wear at your knighting.
*Wear it at your knighting.
===Knightly Order: Order of Norcalia===
- Squired under Dame [[Volpin]] Rusc Ruin of [[Numenor]]
====Pledge to the code of conduct====
I pledge to be responsible for my words and actions while attending, teaching, officiating or participating in any medieval sports or events and shall conform my behavior to the following code of conduct:<br>
- Currently living in Norcalia  
*I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any player, participant, official or any other attendee and will encourage others to behave likewise.
*I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any attendee and will encourage others to behave likewise.
*I will not officiate or participate in rugged sports activity while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol and will encourage others to behave likewise.
*I will treat attendees with courtesy regardless of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability and will encourage others to do likewise.
*I will not use Belegarth, Dagorhir or related activities to push any religious or governmental political agenda.
*I will make a good faith effort to support the sport and related activities by remaining active and involved to the degree that life reasonably allows.
*I will consistently honor my word, so that others will know that they may rely upon me to do so.
*I will take my hits in an honorable fashion, regardless of the behavior or honor of others.
*I will make a good faith effort to guide the students of the Order in their growth towards peerage. 
*While lessons may be difficult or even harsh, I will not be intentionally cruel for the sake of instructing others.
*While acting as a weapons checker, herald or in any other official capacity *I will not allow the social connections or status of attendees or participants to affect the way in which I fulfill my duties.
*I will never surrender of my own free will.  Losing with courage is acceptable, failing to fight to the end with courage is not.
*I will encourage the peers of Norcalia to adhere to these same standards of conduct.
*I am a Norcalian, fighting for the forces of Norcalia, as such I will not take up arms against the Army of Norcalia in any realm battle.
- Current Projects:
*Tweak my chainmaille for comfort
====Ceremony of the Oath====
*Read another dozen or two books in order to get a really thorough grasp on what a knight has been in history and what they are today
*Greaves and Bracers that look great and fit
*Maintain the Dunedain's Gray Company
*Support all the realms of Norcalia as they need it
*To the degree that I am able, get the current Gray Company Rangers to the point where they are able to start taking petitioners.
- Jobs performed- Lead Medic (and Misc.) at Oktoberfest 2012, 2013 and 2014.   
"The Order of Norcalia is designed with the intention of having a high and uniformly upheld standard for peerage within its ranks; focusing on supporting and building the Belegarth and Dagorhir community in northern California. It is easy to make mistakes as a person and doubly so as a peer.  Where a lone peer may go astray or be mistaken an order may more readily maintain a steady course and stay true to itself through the efforts of the whole of its membership. The Order is purposed to build the best peers we can through the teaching and training of both ourselves and our students, as well as to support the realms and fighters IN or OF Norcalia by maintaining the high personal standards of conduct listed in the CodeIts members have seen the quality that we seek to nourish in ourselves in you.  If you would join our ranks name those who have come before you and Swear the Oath of Service."
- Booze of choice: Lindeman's lambic - any of the fruity ones.
Dunedain Oath:
*Oath- I swear to support and build the realms, people and Peers of Norcalia, Maintain the Code of the Order and to strive to keep pushing myself, my peers, and the students of peerage to be the best examples that we can be.
                        '''-The oath We Keep-'''
                          Learn What We Can
                          Teach What We Know
                          To Give Our Best
                    To Bring Out The Best in Others
              and To Grow Our Sport as Responsible Stewards

Latest revision as of 23:20, 22 October 2019

Bogun and the Gray Company

Persona name: Sir Bogun Thavron

Realm: Norcalia

Unit: Dunedain, rank: Captain

Peerage Order Order of Norcalia

Fighting Styles: anything NOT a flail or Rock

Started Fighting: round age 15 (1992)

Jobs performed: Lead Medic (and Misc.) at Oktoberfest 2012, 2013 and 2014.

Booze of choice: Lindeman's lambic - any of the fruity ones.


[edit] Current Projects

  • Increase the size/skills of the Norcalian archers
  • Help found a New Order of Peerage in Norcalia, that has hard and clear standards for its members
  • Keep Squire Marrow and Squire Morder moving forward in a healthy direction.
  • Grow the Dunedain's Gray Company
  • Support all the realms of Norcalia as they need it and as I am able
  • See the Gray Company's petitioners succeed

[edit] Dunedain Oath

-The Oath We Keep-
Learn What We Can
Teach What We Know
To Give Our Best
To Bring Out The Best in Others
and To Grow Our Sport as Responsible Stewards

Dunedain Banner

[edit] Bogun’s List of Squire Tasks

These are added to for each individual in some ways, but this is the core of it. Simply completing the list isn't enough, but it should be a pretty good step in the right direction.

[edit] Recommended Reading

In the order of reading that I like best, obviously take and re-arrange as you feel appropriate.

  • Day Zero- pass the presidential marshals’ exam. If they can’t do this, they are probably not an exemplar of our sport and need to make some more progress at self-education before putting on the white. It is 23 pages, memorize it, and know how it plays out and how to enforce things without being a jerk. If you haven’t done that, don’t put on a white tabbard.

[edit] Starting Out (Leadership/Adulting)

Getting ready to be a leader worth following. This isn’t about being a stick jock, it’s about being a member of the community and a leader within it.

  • 21 irrefutable laws of leadership- John C. Maxwell- no good leader today should have NOT read this. I have found again and again, if I break one of these laws I pay a price. Leaders I have worked with who break them frequently are always poor leaders. I’ve seen a few people try at leading others so hard, but their lack of understanding just wrecked their attempts. – The workbook is gold.
  • Rational emotive behavior therapy- Albert Ellis- The author is one of the founders of modern therapy. The book is only 160 pages and it’s largely based on the philosophy of Epictetus. It will help you find your way through a lot of emotional garbage; both your own and that of others. The hours spent reading will guide decisions where others are concerned. Recognizing irrational behavior is step one, this book explains how to start taking it apart to fix it. Many moments of stupid can be avoided with this knowledge.
  • Epictetus- If you haven’t read this go out and get it, right now. No, now, stop reading this list, go get this book. He was a stoic philosopher, not a screwy neo-stoic that we all think of as these emotionless Neanderthals. It’s a short read, but you will gain great perspectives on human nature- from a guy that has been dead over 1000 years.
  • The Ethical Slut- Dossie Easton and Janet Hardy- This is a practical guide to polyamory. While at first glance it seems like a "what the hell Dave?" item, consider how often sex/dating/relationship issues screw up the positives of our fighting culture. A peer should not just be able to navigate that well, but have an understanding of how to guide others in a way that does service to the group, and displays few or no prejudices.
  • The Total Money Makeover- Dave Ramsey- A great deal of leadership of a group is convincing the group that if they trust you with their resources you will apply them in a manner that helps the group more effectively than if each person did their own thing. This book talks about money handling and how to get it done. It espouses an attitude of focusing on a thing and make progress happen. Being financially healthy has huge benefits for a peer/leader, learning how to focus and achieve goals obviously does as well. Watching a leader do dumb things with money, hurts their reputation and kills the trust of the group.
  • The Prince- Niccolo Machiavelli - This book requires a foreknowledge of what you’re reading or it will mess you up, badly. First you have to understand why it was written. Machiavelli was kicked out of power and "retired" to a country home where he would no longer mess with the guy who took over. Killing him would have been bad for family/political reasons. Niccolo was not happy with that, so he wrote a guide on how to rule. He had done so very successfully for a very long time in a shadowy sort of way and was known to be very skilled at politics and government. The thing is, it's a book that espouses doing things in a way that would get you killed in Italy, at the time of its writing. It's written so as to seem like it's all very plausible and effective, but its real goal was to get the guy that "retired" Niccolo to get himself killed so Niccolo could come back to the capital. It's a good read as it requires the reader to look for the traps in the system. 70-80% of it is actually very good advice, it’s the other 20-30% that will get you killed. As a leader, you should be able to sort through it and know what ideas are bad (and why), so it’s an excellent training tool.
  • The Complete Idiots Guide to Lawsuits- Victoria Green- We are always at a risk of being sued due to injury. Having a lawyer helps, but if we do stupid things then all the lawyer can do is guide us through the repercussions of our mistakes. Understanding the basics of how our laws (especially lawsuits) work is something that anybody running a realm should know. Waivers aren't a get out of jail free card, but they can help make one of the important arguments a lot easier for the lawyer.
  • Sports Injury Handbook: Professional Advice for Amateur Athletes- Allan M Levy, MD- Team Physician for the New York Giants- Covers every injury more serious that an abrasion. Should have a copy close by and should have read it through once cover to cover. Contains great exorcises and advice for injury prevention and recovery.

[edit] Understanding Knighthood

  • The Knight in History- Frances Gies- it’s exactly what it sounds like. If you are going to use a title, you should know what it means, where it came from and how it got to where it is today.
  • Le’Morte D’Arthur- Sir Thomas Mallory- This is the classic story or romanticized knighthood that is mostly crap, but still forms most of the basis for western perception of knighthood. This is the culmination of the bardic-itinerant knight stories. We should read the thing before being knighted. Bertrand Du Guesclin was a much bigger badass than any of the knights in the Arthur stories though. (make sure it’s not in French before ordering it)
  • By the Sword- Richard Cohen- This is to the sword what "the knight in history" is to the knight. It’s long and well written. It spans over 3000 years of human history, starting in the time of Ramses III and ending in 2010. This book covers pieces of our history that describe what happens when dueling is taken to extremes and why super safe fencing is super boring to watch.
  • Opera Nova- Antonio Manciolino (1531)— Tom Leoni did a great translation under the title "The Complete Renaissance Swordsman"- you will need a little Italian or access to some translation so that parts make more sense, but very worth the time as it will force you to think in new ways with a sword (and dagger and poleaxe). Note- this is very dense material, you will not likely get it all on the first or second time through. The point is to start seeding ideas, not achieve mastery of the book/topic in a week.

[edit] The Female Mentality in Fighting

That's right, they are out there and they don't always think or fight like the boys do. If you're going to be a peer, be ready to help them along the way, not just the guys.

  • The Armored Rose- Tobi Beck- The physiology is mostly worthless, but the psychology is invaluable. The drills at the back are also very good. And it’s a mental rest/break after the Opera Nova.
  • My Fight/Your Fight- Ronda Rousey- There is no better example of a pure combat competitor who happens to be female that I'm aware of. This book is her letting us into her head and how she gets her game going, what it takes to be ready for major fights and should be used to help us prep female fighter for the field.

[edit] The Mindset of a Warrior

  • On Killing- Lt Col. Dave Grossman- This talks about the psychology and history killing in time of war. The different types on limits that people have, how our military has learned to get past them, and what the price is. When we fight, we change our world perspective. Sometime we change it a lot. Understanding that and why some people will never be interested in fighting is as important as knowing how to teach single blue. This gives a peek into that and a peek into how some of those who are on the fence can be reached.
  • Facing Violence- Rory Miller- If you are going to train people how to be fighters, you will want to read this book. There’s just so much covered in such a direct, honest and eloquent way that you have to read it to understand it. Rory is NOT a gentle man. One of my favorite quotes from his book is, "I’m sorry, but you need to know: even heroes die screaming for their mothers. This will affect you if things get bad enough. You can drink the Kool-Aid of denial and wrap yourself in scrolls and belts and trophies, but those are just talismans to keep the boogey man away. Even heroes die screaming for their mothers."
  • The Swordsman's Companion- Guy Windsor- This is a great manual for its philosophy and thought where sword training and fighting are concerned. The way he breaks down the types of students and types of fighters is excellent and very useful when assessing fighters on the field. Its also spring board book. Its author is still very much alive and fighting. He teaches medieval weapons combat (mostly long sword) and has a series of Youtube videos that are useful. His other books go into a variety of places, but one that should be focused on is “The Swordsman’s Quick guide-How to teach a basic class”. I put this author at the end of the reading list because from here they should start reading some other things that they have found and want to add to their list. Windsor mentions a few others here and there which should be helpful.

[edit] External Videos and

  • Roland Warzecha is an oddball, but he has fun and his videos provide insights into techniques that I have not seen elsewhere. Fighting in true times and Viking shield drill are two very good ones for us. Most of his focus is for live steel training.

[edit] Other Expectations

  • Garb- it should look worthy of a knight. Period. If no knight that you respect would wear it, don't put it on your body.
  • Honor- if no knight you respect would do it- don’t do it. Take light, deliver hard.
  • Event Service- at least a little bit every day, every event. By the time you are ready to be made a peer, you should be able to explain how to do every head/lead position. Resources for these are many and varied. Find the people who are doing them at 200+ person events and ask them how to do the things that they do well. Help them do them until you understand why they are doing them that way.
[edit] Field Behavior
  • Losing will happen, but don’t be a whiner, it is unbecoming. Complaints go up the chain, which means to a herald, knight or EC; not to the field at large. Every loss is a lesson, focus on the learning. And don’t play an "I’m afraid of X or y or Z" game. If it makes you afraid- use the Albert Ellis stuff, break that fear down and go kick that fears ass by facing it. It’s a safety issue on the field, don’t let it stand; find a herald or flip that tabard and herald it yourself.
  • If you have a problem with a fighter, take a breath and go talk to them. Do not let that stuff simmer and get worse. Find ways to bridge gaps.
  • Challenges- big showing challenges are a public and pompous announcement that you think you’re a bad ass. This is sometimes completely valid.
  • Personal ones tend to create more connections and between the fighters and make greater lasting impressions. I've been a part of multiple big showy knighting challenges, I don’t remember any of their names except the ones who I was already close with. The time you spend sparring one on one will improve you more, and get you better known than that big flashy thing that we all forget about in two years. – Except Headhunters, that shit is epic.
  • By the time you are done squiring you should have at least one person you are invested with and know who is ready to squire under you. If you haven’t been building up others as you build yourself- you have missed the point of knighthood.
  • Knighthood is a tool to be used for the sport, that squire tabard is too.
  • The English language has one word for servant and another for punk. Don’t confuse the two. Be polite, but don’t tolerate bullying of yourself or others. If you do find that you need to tell a knight/warmaster /dragoon/Headhunter/Peer to go fXXk themselves- let me know about that. Those are usually learning moments.
  • "I'm not ready"- no you're not. And neither was I, and neither were the men who stormed Normandy. Suck it up and get it done anyway. Do the best you know how and never let fear of failure stop you. Once you are stopped by fear you have failed. – Don’t break yourself either; that isn’t helpful at all.
  • "I hate this guy"- great, now tell me why? How does their presence or actions threaten you, your loved ones, your goals or your beliefs about how the world should work? (Hint, you hate people who do one those things.)
  • Fighting standards- drop the big shield. 28 inch round or smaller, until you have earned that heater.
  • Learn every weapon. Don’t suck with any of them. Be good with at least 2 of them. Never be a non-threat on the field.
  • Practice is the time to struggle. It's an opportunity to push yourself and make yourself better.
  • Your Weapons at practice will be ½ oz per inch of length.
  • First hour at each practice will be single blue (no flails). 20 minutes on hand, 40 minutes off hand. This is to warm you up, improve weapon blocking, and footwork.

[edit] Off the Field
  • Every new guy should have a chance to spar with you one on one and learn from you. Take an interest in building a realm one person at a time.
  • Be a social pillar, bring people together to get their stuff done and build garb/gear with them. TEACH them.
  • Pick 30 fighters at squire skill level of fighting or higher. Challenge them to the 1st to 10 clean wins with their preferred/primary weapon style, then with their second best. Write down what critiques they have for you, fix the weaknesses. Find the best 30 you can, not the minimum skilled thirty. Only 5 may be from your home realm.
  • Challenge every peer in your home realm or Order. It’s a peers/knights challenge. It can be any one thing, they get one that matters. They can throw out others, but the others are not required.
  • Get and keep a job or be a full time student during your entire process. I don’t care if its Wendy’s, work for a living. If 3 months pass and you can’t find a job, squiring is no longer your main life concern.
  • Have a pell- use it to study new shots and combos, and new steps used in making them happen.
  • Build a full set of armor that is respectable enough to wear at your knighting.
  • Wear it at your knighting.

[edit] Knightly Order: Order of Norcalia

[edit] Pledge to the code of conduct

I pledge to be responsible for my words and actions while attending, teaching, officiating or participating in any medieval sports or events and shall conform my behavior to the following code of conduct:

  • I will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any player, participant, official or any other attendee and will encourage others to behave likewise.
  • I will not engage in any behavior which would endanger the health, safety or well-being of any attendee and will encourage others to behave likewise.
  • I will not officiate or participate in rugged sports activity while under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol and will encourage others to behave likewise.
  • I will treat attendees with courtesy regardless of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation or ability and will encourage others to do likewise.
  • I will not use Belegarth, Dagorhir or related activities to push any religious or governmental political agenda.
  • I will make a good faith effort to support the sport and related activities by remaining active and involved to the degree that life reasonably allows.
  • I will consistently honor my word, so that others will know that they may rely upon me to do so.
  • I will take my hits in an honorable fashion, regardless of the behavior or honor of others.
  • I will make a good faith effort to guide the students of the Order in their growth towards peerage.
  • While lessons may be difficult or even harsh, I will not be intentionally cruel for the sake of instructing others.
  • While acting as a weapons checker, herald or in any other official capacity *I will not allow the social connections or status of attendees or participants to affect the way in which I fulfill my duties.
  • I will never surrender of my own free will. Losing with courage is acceptable, failing to fight to the end with courage is not.
  • I will encourage the peers of Norcalia to adhere to these same standards of conduct.
  • I am a Norcalian, fighting for the forces of Norcalia, as such I will not take up arms against the Army of Norcalia in any realm battle.

[edit] Ceremony of the Oath

"The Order of Norcalia is designed with the intention of having a high and uniformly upheld standard for peerage within its ranks; focusing on supporting and building the Belegarth and Dagorhir community in northern California. It is easy to make mistakes as a person and doubly so as a peer. Where a lone peer may go astray or be mistaken an order may more readily maintain a steady course and stay true to itself through the efforts of the whole of its membership. The Order is purposed to build the best peers we can through the teaching and training of both ourselves and our students, as well as to support the realms and fighters IN or OF Norcalia by maintaining the high personal standards of conduct listed in the Code. Its members have seen the quality that we seek to nourish in ourselves in you. If you would join our ranks name those who have come before you and Swear the Oath of Service."

  • Oath- I swear to support and build the realms, people and Peers of Norcalia, Maintain the Code of the Order and to strive to keep pushing myself, my peers, and the students of peerage to be the best examples that we can be.
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