Shake Weight

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Revision as of 07:22, 24 May 2015 by Galya (Talk | contribs)

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About: During the second day of Melcaorme Q, Champion of Eriador Mekoot Darvax fought well and placed high in all the tournament listings; notably placing first in the single blue tournament. On the third and final night Darvax was rewarded for his skill and was gifted a brand new shake weight, straight out of the box, with accompanying instructional DVD. Darvax will no doubt utilize such a lofty award to maintain the strength and dexterity of his arm, the ol’ fashion way.

Darvax would have his status as Champion of Eriador renewed later that same evening. Yet how can such a honorable title measure in comparison to the gentle, graceful, curvaceous beauty of the shake weight? *snicker*

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