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There are numerous forms of zombie battles, which share certain similarities. Zombies cannot run, and may even be restricted to shuffling on their knees. They also usually must chant braaaiiiinnns constantly to make it clear that they are zombies. Depending on the particular battle, new zombies may be created by specific fighters (necromancers), by being killed by a zombie, or by dying in any manner. Most zombie battles end with all fighters being zombies.


Necromancer Battle

Fighters: Any reasonable number. A good ratio would be one necromancer to every 6-15 zombies.
Field: Not too large. All fighters should start relatively close together.
Regen: A necromancer may touch a single dead fighter at a time and call out "3, 2, 1, [necromancer's name]", at which point the fighter arises as a Zombie and chants the name of their Necromancer. Zombies may not be killed until they are standing or raised until they are lying on the ground.
Teams: As many as there are necromancers, see above.
Rules: All fighters, save the necromancers, start out lying on the ground and spread out in a roughly even fashion (corpse osmosis). The Necromancers start at opposite ends of the field. When the herald calls "Lay on", the necromancers can run into the field and begin raising their zombie hordes. Fallen zombies can be raised again, and a Necromancer can raise another Necromancer. When all the zombies belong to the same Necromancer they turn on him and, after killing him, the battle is over and new Necromancers may be chosen.
Tactics: Zombies have no real tactics, they're zombies. Necromancers have found it advantageous to ignore the corpses nearest to them at first and start by raising zombies in the middle of the field. This allows you to establish a front line, to be able to more safely raise the corpses in the backfield. Necromancers will also find their unique ability to run to be highly useful.

Village vs. Necromancer

Regen: The one necromancer may touch a corpse for 3 seconds to raise them as a Zombie. Zombies may be raised multiple times. Villagers are not replenished (though they can return as Zombies).
Teams: At the beginning, perhaps 2/3rds or 3/4rs of the fighters are Villagers and the remainder are Zombies. The Zombies collectively and secrectly choose one of the Villagers to be the Necromancer. All of the Villagers must then close their eyes and spread out, and the Necromancer is secretly informed of their status.
Rules: The Villagers want to kill the Zombies and the Necromancer, the Zombies want to kill the Villagers and protect the Necromancer. As long as the Necromancer is alive, they can continue to raise new Zombies, so the Villagers must detect and kill the Necromancer as well as all of the Zombies, while the Zombies just have to kill all of the Villagers. Zombies, of course, can't run. Villagers and the Necromancer can (and should).

Zombie River Battle

Field: A field with a wide section marked out across the whole middle. There does not need to be much space on the "banks" of the "river".
Regen: Anyone who dies is raised as a zombie for the next crossing. Lost limbs and damaged bows, armor, and shields are not regenerated until the poor soul is killed and returns as a zombie. Zombies fully regenerate between crossings.
Teams: None, exactly. Zombies versus the living. One or more people starts out as a zombie, a sufficient number that they can at least somewhat cover the width of the "river" without everyone easily escaping.
Rules: All the living start out on one bank of the river. When the herald calls "Lay on" or "Cross", they all try to get to the other side. The Zombies want to kill the people crossing. Any people killed by the zombies become zombies themselves, wounded and killed zombies are restored to full health, and the herald calls for another crossing. The last person not a zombie wins. Zombies can't run.

Zombie Cutthroat

Regen: All killed fighters can go to a designated spot and resurrect as zombies. Zombies don't regen.
Rules: Starts as a regular Cutthroat, but dead fighters can regen as Zombies, shuffling along and calling for sweet, sweet brains. Since Zombies don't regen, it is possible for the living to win, but it's always still a cutthroat. Usually once the living start to be horribly out numbered they may form alliances, but this merely delays their inevitable doom.

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