User talk:Knightofnox

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Revision as of 01:26, 20 October 2009 by Brooder (Talk | contribs)

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Seriously, why don't you just wait until all your realmmates pick decent fighting names instead of having to move and update pages every other day? It'd make things a lot easier. ~Galya


They keep they on changing their names and/or they don't have one.

P.S. This is several people (Anicetus, Guildoon, and Kaldra.)

Ah, my mistake, I was under the impression I was just talking to Anicetus. Either way, it's certainly not required to have a Wiki page. If they don't have a name, wait until they settle on one, then you can make a page for them. Personally I think that's better than making pages entitled "Thomas the Ninja", "Jason the Butcher" and "Zac Attack". No offense, but those are terrible fighting names. Some of them are good, like Xalar or Drec. Ask your realmmates to pick simple, 2-syllables-or-less names. And please stop with the titles. Adding "the whatever" after everyone's names just makes you sound arrogant and/or stupid, and very newbish. People who have those typically have earned them, and not just from knocking someone off a table at practice this one time, or whatever qualifies someone to be a ninja, assassin or an anti-ninja in your opinion.

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to bash you, promise. It just seems your group is very young and in desperate need of some advice on how Belegarth culture works. And since I check the Wiki every day, I've seen all the edits y'all have been doing in the past couple weeks. I just thought it was time I said something. Forgive me if I seemed insulting. ~Galya

Yes some of our people just come up with a cheesy name or they are bestowed with it by five or six major group memebers such as Raverbenny, Toaster God, Echoir, Lord William, and Monkey King. As is Thor, or at least our Thor, is called this because he has a massive hammer and shield. Additionally some have earned their names like Sir Mikar.

Don't worry about it Galya I agree with you. Although the name Toaster God did make me giggle a bit inside. The only thing I am a bit confused on is the two people that are Sir and Squire within your realm. I have never heard of anyone being knighted after only two years in the sport. I don't know if it's different in the west as I have yet to attend a western event but I can assure you a self given knighthood isn't a good idea. - Brooder.

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