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Revision as of 18:21, 28 September 2009 by Gambit (Talk | contribs)

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Gilead is a Realm in Peoria, Illinois. The realm features a growing number of fighters from all over the area with wide ranges in age and skill. We often have visitors from Wolfpack in Bloomington. The group is very laid back and welcomes everyone to fight, learn, and have a great time. We no longer have a large number of loaner weapons, but some of our fighters offer their extra weapons to newer players. Training for fighters both new and old is always available from our veterans, and we do our best to offer tips to each other to build fighting prowess and confidence.

We have no strict rules on garb, but we certainly encourage every new fighter to acquire their own gear and put together an outfit as soon as possible. This is mostly for future demonstrations and public relations events we will be participating in as a realm. There are several of us that can help new fighters get their hands on everything they need.

Meetings: Mondays at 5:00-9:00, First Christian Church on University Street right next to the post office and across the street from the Richwoods High School tennis courts.

We meet in the church's gym during the colder months. Don't use the main entrance under the awning, but use the door farther down near the dumpster. A walkway leads straight up to the gym. NO missile weapons are allowed in the church, including rocks. If you smoke, do it outside and please pick up your butts. We want to keep our excellent reputation with this church that has so graciously let us stay free of charge for almost two years now.

Average Number of Fighters: 15-20

News: It's starting to get colder now so expect us to fight inside more and more often. It's not a bad thing, though, since inside fighting encourages a slight different game for us for the other half of the year. Close quarters does wonders for your line fighting skills. In other news, we have lost our greatest warrior, Physic, who has moved down south to Atlanta. Not only did he take his generous collection of loaner gear with him, but his skill and invaluable presence on our battlefield. Recruitment is about average these days, but I'm aiming to change that this fall. I would like to begin running some demonstrations and post flyers around local colleges to boost our numbers.

Have Questions? Call Gambit at (309)635-3445.

This wiki was last updated on September 28, 2009.

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