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Name: Tyr [Pronounced: TEER]

Member of The Lowlands


October, 2006 -Tyr's Beginnings-

Upon reading a flier posted at a local college campus (Seminole Community College/Lake Mary, FL), Tyr called the number listed and was quickly enticed to attend practice where he was free to bludgeon people with weapons. Tyr knew love when he felt it... more specifically, when he felt his weapon collide with SOMEONE ELSE'S BODY. Oh the joy!

Tyr had been having a rough time and was wondering what to do with it. Something fun. Something aggressive. Something totally unlike anything he had ever done before. Funny thing is, it was not long before Tyr saw a flier for Belegarth, specifically a local group named Gorewood(which would later develop to the realm of the Lowlands). Thinking to himself "this could be damned cool!" Tyr quickly jotted down the number of what turned out to be a very neat fellow named Tj, or more commonly known in the sport as Teedge. Well, a phone call was made, directions were given, and Tyr had found himself at Derby Park in Sanford Florida.

Love at first sight, or should it be said, love at first kill. It was a thing of beauty; ditch battles of 20-30 people, the chaos, the excitement... Oh yes, Tyr was home.

Things quickly brightened for Tyr. At the time he was known on the field as Wolf, Tyr quickly discarded that name, though sometimes is still referred to it in his home realm. Tyr needed a name, a name of power and awesomeness. Tyr found himself. All soon became right with the world.

He continued fighting the rest of the year, learning as much as he could, botching some weapon creation attempts and mostly just tried to not be terrible at everything.

The awkwardness passed with the beginning of the new year.

Early 2007 -Tyr is Happy- Tyr participated in an official role in the founding of the realm as Constable and Treasurer to the Lowlands.

The first mini-event of the realm was deemed Animosity, where some Dagorhir players came out to play. And it was good.

The next event-like-abomination-from-hell was Bleeding Hollow I, where several very interesting things happened:

+First was Teedge's Folly- a misguided hike the wrong way into Ocala National Forest to camp, including finding a campsite in the dark while raining and trying to make a fire. Fire was accomplished thanks to Olwyn.

+Second was Teedge's F-up- Tyr forgets what this is but does not let Teedge live it down. Sucks to be popular.

+Next was meeting the awesome people from Deh HoRdE who came down and participated in the event. MUCH THANKS TO YEW! Y'all are great company, even though some of yew are green. (Green is an impolite color).

+Next was FIGHTING said people. Gawd, fighting Koom was a pain in the A. We hadn't fought but each other and getting whooped in so many ways was a real eye opener. In the end, much fun was had, much drink consumed, and we all tore down the big 'ole entrance Tyr spend 3 hours making to make everything look like we weren't there. Nobody noticed all the freshly dug campsites, we hope.

Though very broke as a college student, Tyr did make it to Winter War '07 with IKE of WOLFPACK where many new and equally spec-freaking-tacular people were met and the most freaking awesome fort battles were fought. Friends were made and the concept of fighting units became clear. Tyr liked deh Fianna. Not so much Deh Lemurs. Damned fast Lemurs! Again much fighting occured and MUCH MORE drink was consumed. Tyr felt awkward waking up in other people's clothing and not knowing whose it was. All in all, a good and interesting experience.

Late 2007 -Tyr is not-so Happy-

Tyr removed himself from fighting due to his family's ill health. He attended practice occasionally and became somewhat of a ghost and recluse. Did not make much of an appearance until next year. Traveled to Winter War '08, just to drive all the way back. Not so much fun.

2008 - The Somewhat Return to Belegarth just to leave for Air Force BMT, and then return to Belegarth-

Met some more awesome people, most notably FOAL, or Warshaw(top knot), an Amtgard fighter who quickly realized the true value of Belegarth. Tyr quickly learned to appreciate the Irish. They are in fact, his people.

Returned to the Lowlands more consistently in late '08 and will continue to attend as regularly as possible.

Pretty self-explanatory. Next year Tyr will be trying to attend several events.

Real Life: Matt Christian Age: 21 Favorite Styles: Axe/Sword & Board, Double-edged red axe, somewhat archery.

Prefers long walks on the beach at night, is an avid reader of the fantasy genre, and games on Warhammer Online.


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